Marriage Evolved discussion Group Discussions Enforced Chastity Question (and replay) on long term chastity, Part2

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    • realsubcuckold
        Post count: 22

        how do you handle hair removal and cleaning?
        also this aspect undergoes variations as you get used to it, as far as I am concerned I have found that the usual shower is enough to keep the cleaning of the intimate parts to good levels, about every 10 days instead I do a more accurate cleaning with removal of the cage.
        for depilation, the same is true, I can usually shave well most of the intimate areas without removing the cage, and at the time of cleaning I also arrange to smooth the whole area. (the deep cleaning and shaving don’t take more than 1.5 minute)

        currently how often are you allowed to ejaculate? has your way of cumming changed over time?
        I have the opportunity to ejaculate once every three months. Perhaps I have already explained that I have reached this interval gradually, increasing the time between one release and another. My way of cumming has changed a lot over time, in terms of methods and sensations. The modalities obviously have been gradually changed by my wife, today I only have 2 minutes to come and I do it by wank myself in front of her (in the past I could rub my cock on her feet); as I lost my erection capacity I noticed that the way of cumming has changed: less sperm, and pushed out less and less violently. Actually I wank myself with my dick limp and more than a splash I have a drip.
        from the point of view of sensations, today when I cum I don’t feel the adrenaline and the pleasure of the past (maybe because I don’t have a real spray), but the satisfaction grows then in the following minutes

        how do you do for physical activity
        obviously you need to avoid sports where close-fitting clothing is needed; on the beach I wear boxers, I do a bit of jogging, if I go to the gym I use baggy pants. In short, we must adapt, but it is not as limiting as it may seem.

      • RandK
          Post count: 3

          Have you noticed (or did you notice) a size decrease over time and did it recover?

        • realsubcuckold
            Post count: 22

            yes i noticed a reduction, but as far i can understad is due the constant limpness; a cock becam big when became hard, so if it stay always limp it will stay small….
            that my opinion

          • Anonymous
              Post count: 5

              Thank you for the original post, very interesting, especially the change that hes ocurred over time.

            • realsubcuckold
                Post count: 22

                Gabe, thanks to you for reading 🙂

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