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  • Author
    • curious again
        Post count: 8

        Just a thread to show our wives.  🙂


        wifes bod

      • Luvr
          Post count: 288

          Grats for being the first to post in the new forums!

        • curious again
            Post count: 8

            how do u make a pic work in these forums?

          • Luvr
              Post count: 288

              Adding images to posts (upload): 

              1. Click the edit/insert button
              2. Click the Browse button to the right of the URL field (for linking to an image)
              3. Click Browse to find files on your computer (mutliple images can be added at one time)
              4. Click Upload
              5. After uploading is complete, browse your uploaded images in the Browse tab
              6. Click on an image to see the insert image box with options

            • caylus
                Post count: 11

                Hello, my name is Claudia and the name of my “cuckolded husband” is Luc. Laugh

                To Luvr.
                I can not upload photos. Cry

                The point
                3 .- Click Browse to find files on your computer (Can Be added mutliple images at one time)
                does not appear.

                If I'm doing something wrong, please tell me.



                Kiss Kiss


              • caylus
                  Post count: 11

                  I have also problems when trying to edit the post,

                  This error

                  404 – Not Found!

                  I use firefox on “Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat”



                  Kiss Kiss


                • caylus
                    Post count: 11

                    Happy Holidays!!!!




                    Kiss Kiss


                  • Luvr
                      Post count: 288

                      Happy Holidays!

                    • curious again
                        Post count: 8

                        still can't find the browse button Cry

                      • caylus
                          Post count: 11

                          Happy New Year !!!!!!!!!


                          Claudia and her cuckold Laugh


                        • Luvr
                            Post count: 288

                            I fixed the bug with editing posts – so that should work now.

                            As to uploading images, I'm not sure how to help you. I don't have that operating system to test, but have tested that browser in Mac and Windows and it works fine there.

                            Uploading an image starts with clicking the Insert / edit image button in the toolbar above.

                            After that, click the  button to browse your files.


                            That's about as detailed as I can get!

                          • curious again
                              Post count: 8

                              the browse button never appears here.

                            • Luvr
                                Post count: 288

                                Ah ha!

                                It was a permissions issue which should be fixed…please let me know if the browse buttons shows up for you now!

                              • caylus
                                  Post count: 11



                                  It runs on Linux and Windows, with all browsers.
                                  Thanks Luvr. Now I can upload my photos.Laugh

                                  A warm kissKiss


                                • curious again
                                    Post count: 8

                                    stac nude   Hey it works!  🙂

                                  • caylus
                                      Post count: 11


                                      This is me. I hope that you will all like. Mi cuckold husband to select the photo.

                                      A warm kiss to all.Kiss



                                    • curious again
                                        Post count: 8

                                        Great picture Claudia! 

                                      • smallman
                                          Post count: 4

                                          Hey people, my wife is not keen on cuckolding. Is anyone into asian wife? I am looking for a bull who can work with me discreetly into getting my wife interested in this lifestyle.

                                        • Luvr
                                            Post count: 288

                                            Simply gorgeous! Sexy mouth, pretty breasts and very nice nipples which are quite perfect for such a decoration.

                                            I'm looking forward to hearing / seeing more of you and your cuckold.

                                            caylus said:


                                            This is me. I hope that you will all like. Mi cuckold husband to select the photo.

                                            A warm kiss to all.Kiss



                                          • Luvr
                                              Post count: 288

                                              smallman said:

                                              Hey people, my wife is not keen on cuckolding. Is anyone into asian wife? I am looking for a bull who can work with me discreetly into getting my wife interested in this lifestyle.

                                              I adore asian women, actually.

                                              Define 'not keen'.

                                              • Does she have specific reservations?
                                              • Does she perhaps have reluctance from a  self-image perspective?

                                              I can only help you help yourself…you will have to do the leg work and communicate with her about this (at least until you can get her to come chat directly with me).

                                            • caylus
                                                Post count: 11



                                                Thanks for your compliments, Luvr.Kiss

                                                I send you a picture of my face, but for safety, with my eyes covered.

                                                I am happy because my cuckold has chosen well.Laugh

                                                A warm kiss.KissKissKiss

                                                Claudia. Laugh


                                              • Luvr
                                                  Post count: 288

                                                  Very pretty, Claudia – please tell me more about your relationship with your boyfriend. I'd also suggest you share a picture of your cuckold in his chastity!

                                                • smallman
                                                    Post count: 4

                                                    Not keen because she feels that this may not be discreet enough to protect her privacy, and also concerns about hurting the marriage and also there is some emotions she cannot explain. i have spoken to her about this before and thats how i got to know thesse issues.


                                                    How should i proceed again?

                                                  • caylus
                                                      Post count: 11

                                                      Cuckold Luc chastity belt

                                                      To “Luvr”

                                                      This is Luc, my “cuckold husband. ” I hope you like it.

                                                      From my black boyfriend, I can not send photos until he authorized me. I hope you understand.

                                                      A warm kiss.KissKissKiss



                                                      To “Smallman”.

                                                      It is true that privacy is required. So I have I always blindfolded.

                                                      It is also true that unless there is a very strong bond of love, marriage can be broken. Both must think about it.

                                                      Is yours love strong? . Things are not always what they appear.

                                                      Are they sincere?. The lack of sincerity is the main cause of problems in marriage, in this lifestyle and in any other.

                                                      Nobody can help you, we can only advise. Yourselves have to think and decide.

                                                      We all hope to hear from ye soon.

                                                      A warm kiss



                                                    • Luvr
                                                        Post count: 288

                                                        Now that is well done, Claudia and luc. I will add that to the interracial cuckolding page as soon as I have a chance!

                                                        I hope your boyfriend, Ben, enjoys seeing his pets on my site and decides to encourage more of your participation. The three of you can be a good example to other submissive couples.

                                                      • smallman
                                                          Post count: 4

                                                          For my wife, she is a very reserved lady who thinks that its not loyal to make love to another man. For myself, i know my penis is no longer than just 7 inches when erected. I feel that she could have better ones. Dun u think so? :>


                                                          I think given her reservation, the first step is for her to get to know u guys at a friendship level. At least thats how she does things in her daily life.

                                                        • caylus
                                                            Post count: 11

                                                            Ben the boyfriend of ClaudiaClaudia collared

                                                            To Luvr


                                                            Ben, Luke and myself are very happy, for you courtesy. Ben appreciates the opportunity to show us both, but especially to me.

                                                            Naturally, we would like other submissive couples be encouraged to participate. Also in this lifestyle there are problems and we can all help solve them. Being able to speak freely is a good start to improving our relationship.

                                                            I am sending you a photo of Ben that I like. Laugh I think you will understand why I am his slave. Also a picture of me, as you can see I wear collar. It is based on one of the famous images from the film “Histoire d'O” “Story of O”, although I prefer the novel. I think it's the best novel ever written of BDSM. We hope that you like.

                                                            A warm kiss. KissKissKiss




                                                            To Smallman

                                                            I think you should be honest with yourself, you really want is to see her with another man. Penile length is relative. Naturally, I enjoy when I'm with a man with big cock. But I enjoy it because I'm sure to my husband would want. The first time I had sex with another man, I was scared, but when my husband masturbated while he watched. I realized that he liked and excited, so I enjoyed that first time.

                                                            Therefore, if you want her to be with other men, you must be honest and tell her what your wishes. And you must make her understand that you also enjoy with your pleasure. You should not justify yourself to with your penis, it is useless.

                                                            I hope it serves you something my help

                                                            A warm kiss


                                                          • curious again
                                                              Post count: 8

                                                              Very hot claudia and great advice!!  You all should have a page dedicated.  🙂

                                                            • Luvr
                                                                Post count: 288

                                                                curious again said:

                                                                Very hot claudia and great advice!!  You all should have a page dedicated.  🙂

                                                                Indeed. I'm talking to them about that already.

                                                              • curious again
                                                                  Post count: 8

                                                                  Looking forward to that!

                                                                • caylus
                                                                    Post count: 11

                                                                    Thanks “Luvr” and “curious again” I'm just trying to help.

                                                                    It really is very hard to start in this lifestyle and it is hard to maintain it. I know from experience. We all need help sometime.

                                                                    Brave is not who overcomes his enemies. Brave is he who overcomes his fears.

                                                                    Smallman and his wife are prisoners of their fears. The more Smallman insists that she enjoys wiht bigger penis, she is more afraid. She believes that he feels inferior and therefore it will never accept to have sex with another man. She does not care about penis size, she cares about her husband and she does not want to lose him.

                                                                    But that is a consequence of the lack of sincerity. If he had been honest and he had told the truth, that he gets excited thinking that she has sex with another man. It is very possible that she had accepted. But now she will always think that Smallman feels inferior and is very difficult for her to accept to be with another man, without feeling remorse.

                                                                    As you see the problem is the lack of sincerity. Smallman and his wife should sit down and talk about it, without haste and with absolute sincerity.

                                                                    A warm kiss to all.KissKissKiss


                                                                  • smallman
                                                                      Post count: 4

                                                                      Yeah i am working on my marriage to eventually go towards cuckolding. But it will be a slow and grinding journey. Nonetheless, i will do my best.


                                                                      Anyway this site seems quite inactive and dormant.


                                                                      Been checking out every few days but little update. Looks like cuckolding is still a very minority business.

                                                                    • Luvr
                                                                        Post count: 288

                                                                        smallman said:

                                                                        Yeah i am working on my marriage to eventually go towards cuckolding. But it will be a slow and grinding journey. Nonetheless, i will do my best.


                                                                        Anyway this site seems quite inactive and dormant.


                                                                        Been checking out every few days but little update. Looks like cuckolding is still a very minority business.

                                                                        We have to start from somewhere, right? Just as you are…

                                                                      • tyler durden
                                                                          Post count: 6

                                                                          heres a shy one, we're getting there. this was only one i could post for now.

                                                                        • tyler durden
                                                                            Post count: 6
                                                                          • Luvr
                                                                              Post count: 288

                                                                              Thanks for sharing. As ‘shy’ as that shot might be, it’s still very obvious that she has a body befitting a much smaller bikini! Were it up to me, I’d want to see her in bikini bottoms with bit of a brazillian cut; somewhat between a thong and a full coverage bottom. That ass deserves to be better displayed.

                                                                            • tyler durden
                                                                                Post count: 6

                                                                                we are getting there. shes slowly gaining confidence. i think if she's sees more comments like

                                                                                that it will inspire her to expose her bare assentialsWink

                                                                              • Luvr
                                                                                  Post count: 288

                                                                                  That body not only deserves to be on display, but should guarantee her the right to have her choice of sexual partner(s).

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