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    • #36376

        By reading many postings here I realized that mostly the male partner initiated the “cuckold ship”. I’m a cuckold (2 years ago I even did not know what cuckold means) but not a voluntary one. My wife was cheating on me and I only realized it after a friend told me that my wife is cheating. I directly asked my wife whether it’s true and she was obviously shocked and she ran in her room and locked her in. After a while she came out and told me that it’s true. I love her very much and don’t wanted to loose her and I said, let’s forget all what was but don’t do it further on. But she said she won’t stop it as she would need it. What to do? leaving her? Divorce? No, I wanted to keep her. And so, I became a cuckold but I don’t want to be a cuckold…. And so it’s going already quite a while. Anyone with similar experience?

      • #36377

          Were you happy with your marriage before you learned you wife was having need with someone else? If so, then continue to enjoy being married to her. Appreciate all your wife gives you. If you were not happily married then what can you do to improve your marriage?
          Be kind, appreciative, open to learn new things. Identify your feelings like “coffee” has.

        • #36378

            Does she return home happier, less stressed from her dates? Don’t you benefit from that, too? What other benefits have you overlooked?

          • #36379

              Yes, I was very happy before I learned that my wife is cheating and very proud of having her as she is a real beauty. Does she returns happier from her dates? Good question. I don’t know. Benefit for me? Didn’t see any till now. I try to suppress my jealousy, but not really successfully. Of course I often reflect how to arrange myself with the situation and find some pleasure as many here describe it and when I image I could observe her being taken by another man I feel some prickling. But then I sink in self-doubts and I have now also some erection problems. It’s quite difficult for me and it’s interesting reading here that many men enjoy similar situation. I still try to find the right way to handle that all.

            • #36381

                First off Let me say I am sorry for your situation and how this has affected you. I know you must be hurting. I want to be clear here, cuckolding is a mutual shared experience and anything other is cheating. obviously, this hurts you and her continuing to fuck other men while she is aware of your hurt is well nothing short of cruel. It would be a lot different if you had been aware and encouraged and even participated in, but the fact she did this behind your back and long enough and bold enough that your friends told you. You told her you wanted a divorce and I hate to tell you but she frankly didn’t care. she continued and still continues to willingly hurt you. This is not healthy, nor should be tolerated. It doesn’t sound like you could EVER trust her. Having cuckold desires for your wife to have sex with other men are a part of you or not. Sure, it possibly could be learned and successfully adopted, but for most of us on here it is native to us, something that you know you have and would relish. I think your wife and you should see a professional counselor. Ideally, you should at very least consult an attorney. NOW! Do not be a doormat. yes i know you love her but this is toxic and it will destroy you piece by piece and in the end she will take everything until there is nothing left of you and when that happens she will leave. Don’t let that happen. respect yourself and good luck.

                • #36382

                    Thanks for your open words. I came to this page because I want to understand how to accept and tolerate and even promote being a “cuckold” , which I obviously are. I try to find out how to find pleasure and lust in this situation. There are so many reports on this page and all are very positive and most men here seem to be happy with their cuckold position. I will look further around and try to get more information before I take other steps. I know, the world changed a lot and women are more and more dominating. Maybe men need to find into the new role. Perhaps cuckolding and FLR is a way. Thanks again and have good day.

                • #36383

                    well sweetie, if this truly what you want then I sincerely wish you nothing but the best and i hope you are a very happy cuckold for years and years to cum!

                  • #36385

                      I agree with the first advice of HisLovelyWife. We encourage and support our wife’s to have a sex partner. You seem to be trying to accept that she has a lover she won’t leave. You stated you do not want to be a cuckold.
                      I told my wife she is free to be with whomever she wants whenever she wants. It sounds like you may be trying to save your marriage. There is a difference.
                      Like he said: don’t be a doormat. she will lose respect for you and leave you

                      Have you met her bf? Would you be ok with meeting him?

                      Do you have kids? Can you imagine telling your wife that you will watch the kids this Saturday night so she can go have fun?

                      Can you imagine someday introducing your wife and her boyfriend to someone else? “This is my wife and her boyfriend”.

                      And if some day she decides she no longer wants your penis in her as she loves his big cock?

                      It’s not for everyone and it hasn’t been until the last several years that I have moved in this direction and would welcome this

                      One day at a time, right?

                      • #36386

                          quote: Like “he” said: don’t be a doormat. she will lose respect for you and leave you

                          sweetheart the only he here is getting ready for work while firmly, safely, locked in his tiny cage going on 57 days this go around. After he leaves i’m going to soak my naked body in the tub then slip into some very sexy panties and wait for my stud lover to fuck me hard all day long. Hope my husband is hungry when he arrives home, because I have his dinner all planned out. I’m such a wonderful wife.. ah! hubby will as always be given a few updates throughout the day just because i love hearing him complaining about the discomfort due to his cute little cage..

                      • #36387

                          Whoops! Apologies.
                          Do enjoy your stud.

                        • #36389

                            She’s not a cuckoldress, she is a cheat. Cuckolding is something that couples do together, with constant communication to ensure that both parties are happy and content.

                            What would she say if you said you wanted a girlfriend?

                            • #36391

                                Good question: what would she say if I tell her that I want to have a girlfriend? Honestly, I don’t know. I don’t have a girlfriend but I have sometimes paid sex with professionals. Is that also cheating what I’m doing?

                            • #36393

                                Why aska question when you already know the answer?

                                What goes round comes around, eh?

                                • #36417

                                    But the thing with the sex workers was only after i got to know that she has various lovers.

                                • #36532

                                    Are you interested in having her cuckold you? (think we agreed that she had previously cheated) Have you made that desire known to her? Have you offered to support her? Have you asked how she would like you to support her? Do you think you could meet her lover? Could you cordially invite him into your home?

                                    Is she still interested in having sex with you? If not, are you ok with getting a release on your own without a sex worker’s involvement? Have you discussed these details?

                                    maybe others here see it differently, but cuckolds shouldn’t be getting sex outside their marriage unless their spouse explicitly permits.

                                    • #36543

                                        wow, wow, wow…. So many difficult questions. Do I want to be her cuckold? Let’s say, I’m coming closer to accept this role. During a dinner I said: so, I’m now your cuckold, right? And she just answered: yes. Nothing more. Do I know her lovers? No. I don’t know whether it’s one or more than one. And she never brought him or one of them to our house. Is she interested having sex with me? Let’s say from time to time she accepts but she does not hide that she wants that I’m cuming fast and finish. Do I have sex outside? yes, but only with prostitutes.

                                        • #36546

                                            Have you confided to her that you are willing to be her cuckold? But ask that she be patient as it’s a new role for each of you?
                                            This sounds promising as she is obviously able to make difficult decisions on her own. Trust her leadership in this journey.
                                            Perhaps educate yourself on FLR/M Female Led Relationship or Marriage, too. Google it

                                      • #36545

                                          Maybe let her know that you realize you do not fill all of her needs and you are ok with her getting her those unmet needs met elsewhere.
                                          How long have you two been married?
                                          How old are each of you?
                                          Do you have kids?
                                          Are there one or two nights a week where she would like to openly spend elsewhere?
                                          You could ask if she is seeing one other person or more than one.
                                          Do you two communicate well or is it a struggle? If she does share something you need to accept it without judgement of she will likely not share again.
                                          I’ve heard cuckolding can make some good marriages more exciting, but it’s not a fix for a bad marriage.
                                          thanks for sharing. hope to hear from you soon.

                                        • #36553

                                            As I wrote already, I’m a special case as I became a cuckold which is something I never wanted to be. But after having red a lot of articles I can now imagine to enjoy my new role. My wife is much younger than me . She is 38 and I’m 59. Yes, you will now say “Aha”, right? We have no kids and we are married since 2 years. It’s my second marriage. I don’t know how I would react if I would see another man penetrating her.
                                            You see, I’m still working on this “project”….

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