As a single, older man, I am highly attracted to women’s armpits. I feel that seeing a woman’s underarm is somewhat like seeing other private or more intimate parts of her body, something a little more racy than her toes; perhaps seeing her cleavage or the globe of a breast, or even the flash of her panties as she crosses or uncrosses her legs. Sometimes it’s purposeful, sometimes accidental, either way she’s sharing with me an intimate part of her body.
If we form an intimate relationship and we become lovers I will encourage her not to use deodorant unless she has to. I’m thinking about work situations or where other people would judge her natural fragrance to be distracting or even offensive. I find smelling woman’s underarms (shaved or unshaven) to be quite pleasant and stimulating to my libido.
Speaking of my libido I will add here that smell, for me, is a big factor in sex appeal. I not only thrive on the right smelling vagina but I’m keenly aware of women’s underarm smell. Not only do I find the smell of some women’s armpits arousing I love to lick those pits (whether shaven or non-shaven) as well. I do, however, need them to be organic, that is, without deodorant. I’ve found that after being introduced to this lingual caress (having her pits licked) my lovers have responded in the most positive manner and come to enjoy it immensely. Another interesting thing is that after saliva is mixed with a woman’s natural scent is even more erotic.