Marriage Evolved discussion Group Discussions Enforced Chastity The benefits of permanent male chastity

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    • realsubcuckold
        Post count: 22

        often couples are afraid to undertake the path of permanent male chastity, it is an understandable fear of something unknown and in someways extreme; obviously it is right that every couple follows their path and their fantasies; we want give our contribution as a couple with a lot of experience in male chastity, follow the main points in favor of male chastity; it is obvious that these benefits are not immediate, but they need more or less time to manifest themselves.

        from the cuckold’s point of view:
        – total sense of belonging to his wife, this creates a very close relationship
        – the relationship becomes less physical and very mental, there is a very close connection; When you are hugging your wife and you make innocent cuddles you will be in heaven, a feeling of well-being, without the desire and need to have sex you will fully enjoy it as never happened to you
        – loss of that aggression typical of males, one lives better, quieter and less stressed; this applies to all aspects of life: work, friends, etc.
        – you are very happy to feel the small attentions that the wife gives you, just a light kiss on the cheek to make you happy for days
        – a strong desire to please your wife in all ways, you can not wait to be useful for her
        – when you see her enjoying with another man, or coming home satisfied by others, you feel a joy that is difficult to explain, you can not wait to cuddle her and give her all the love you have

        from the wife’s point of view:
        – a totally loyal husband
        – the end of his requests for sex, you can enjoy your sexuality without having to satisfy his sexual requests; when he massage your feet or kiss you gently or caressing your body you can enjoy the moment without the fear of being pressured into sex
        – the relatioship will be much more serene, free of tension and friction due to his sexual frustration.
        – when he does something for you he does it because he loves you, not because he hopes for a sexual return
        – his cuddles and his devotion are sincere, profound and emotional, they are no longer guided by hormones and therefore do not fade as soon as he is satisfied;
        – you can rbe sure that he will never look at another one as you! he will have no eyes for you- a lover or more than one will give you what you need sexually, for the emotional part your husband will be perfect, because for him will be essential give you what you want

        Question and comments are very welcome!!

      • Anonymous
          Post count: 10

          What sort of device are you using to keep your cuck chaste? I am in a cb6000 but find it very difficult if not impossible to keep clean.


        • realsubcuckold
            Post count: 22

            Hello, I use aCB6000S, for sure is not the best one for clenaing, but i wear it also in the shower or bath and i achive goor clean results, more or less one a week is necessary a fast remotion and clean up
            I guess metal one shuold be better for manteneince, but i need palstic to airort metal detector

          • bfunk
              Post count: 5

              I’ve been wearing a happy go super small for at least 6 months, cheap and comfortable. Use a holytrainer nano when traveling

            • realsubcuckold
                Post count: 22

                bfunk: thanks for your exeperince, very useful!

              • David Henderson
                  Post count: 2

                  I wear a cb6ks. My wife is not very strict about being locked up, but she IS very strict about my (lack) of orgasms.

                  I agree, male chastity is an excellent tool to keep a husband in the proper mindset.

                • Anonymous
                    Post count: 2

                    Are any member of the group into prostate kilking as a complemente of permanent chastity?
                    If yes; could htey bring us they experience?

                  • realsubcuckold
                      Post count: 22

                      I’m not in prostate stimulation

                    • Anonymous
                        Post count: 10

                        Have now changed to a Holy Trainer v3. Its very comfortable for 24/7 wear but still needs cleaing every few days


                      • Anonymous
                          Post count: 27

                          The v3 Holytrainer keeps me on track and focused.Comfortable and easy to clean.

                        • realsubcuckold
                            Post count: 22

                            i pass to a stell cage about 3 month ago, it fit better and less room remain. At beginning a bit heavy, but now totally happy

                          • Jelena – HappyCuckoldress
                              Post count: 2

                              Totally agree, we experinced same situation and feeling

                            • suebuf
                                Post count: 2

                                Steel is much more comfortable and easy to keep clean, David is now wearing his 6th device each smaller than the last. I already have his next cage which is very small and tight. In a couple more months he should be able to wear it. Today it’s a little too tight. It’s metal too.


                              • realsubcuckold
                                  Post count: 22

                                  Thanks Sue for your contribution!
                                  metal is a bit more heavy, but easy to clean!
                                  reduce cage size over time is the right thing to do 🙂

                                • MNCuck4Queen
                                    Post count: 3

                                    Credit every night that I I’m blessed and privileged enough to earn the highest honor of being retired to permanent chastity, surrendered completely to my Queen of Spades loving and powerful commitment of our marriage to Black Only til death do us part!❤️♠️🙏👑. My limp little white clit forever deserves to feel only the strict confines of chastity imprisonment! Pleakley crave for the honor of suffering being kept useless 2 support with my focused undivided attention my Queens pleasure and empower her complete freedom 2 sure in all of that pleasure with her Superior black bulls❤️❤️❤️. Every black man my queen takes to enjoy for herself adds priceless value to the relationship and the cucks pride in submission! Not to mention intensely respected and awe-inspiring that only powerful and potent black bull cum Phil’s and floods her Divine pussy end that alone is a sacred factor in the cuckolds fulfillment and submissive humiliation. I for one know without a shadow of a doubt that I would be delighted to have beautiful mocha babies if my queen wants to Bear children within our marriage ♠️❤️👑🙏. I don’t believe a single drop of my worthless seed belongs inside a woman and I would embrace the intense overwhelming reality if pregnancy did occur that any child born would be 100% certain to be black ❤️👶🏾. Lifelong evidence of my cuckolded status under my wife and I would be forced to embrace being forever outed is he totally committed devoted and faithful cuckold to raise my wife’s children with a heart full of pride and love! I would raise them no how highly respected and Superior the black father is and how proud they should be of their Black Only Queen mother❤️🙏♠️. Our children would never even be presented with the mere idea ever having to wear chastity, yet I will live out my entire life limp and caged❤️. I want to spend my whole life supporting and advancing the interracial cuckolding lifestyle and I hope to see in the very near future that a majority of young white women choose to commit to the black only Queen of Spades life 👑🙏❤️♠️

                                  • Lancelot
                                      Post count: 19

                                      Thanks for sharing your story with the rest of the users of this site. It sounds like you are ‘living the dream’. The only caveat I would offer is that even someone in long-term ‘permanent’ chastity should occasionally be allowed to remove it (or have it removed by the keyholder). Men who have orgasmic release are known to have lesser occurence of prostate cancer. With that said, I hope this lifestyle continues to reward you and your wife.

                                    • realsubcuckold
                                        Post count: 22

                                        I Lancelot, thanks for advice, i have regularly release for empty the balls.

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