Marriage Evolved discussion Guide Discussions The Biology of Cuckolding

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    • nigelcuck
        Post count: 47

        Could we please move away from this nonsense. Evolutionary biology is a huge subject not fully understood in terms of humans. In fact due to probabley religous beliefs the idea that humans are anything but special is not fully accepted. Therefore over the years there has not been a huge amount of research into this.I do not sympathise with the view that humans are special and not part of the  animal kingdom but many do and this has hindered research or funding for research.

        Lets deal with what we know.

        Some people have special monogomous relationships which last a lifetime and some do not. Those who have close friendly and special monogomous relationships are unlikely to countenance cuckolding. Why would they?

        Cuckolding is a fix when things go wrong, lets face it. Either the woman is not committed to the man and strays or the man has a cuckolding fetish.

        But please do not misunderstand me things go wrong an awful lot. The wrong people are often matched with the wrong people, simple as that. Some men should probabley never marry as they enjoy pornography to much. If the readers wish to look at a subject which has been studied please look at cognitive and behavioural psychology where you will read about learned behaviours and how easy they form and how hard they are to break.A man with a pornography fixation will find it difficult to form relationships of an intimate type. It just makes sense.

        Some women marry men they are not committed to for reasons of security and so on.

        All put together an unhappy marriage can be created.

        When the woman realises she can try again with his approval that is try to find Mr Right of course she is delighted. When Mr Wrong can fantasise about his wife as if she were a porn star he is happy for a while.

        It is a fix and not a bad one which both can enjoy in the words of the Stones ” you can’t always get what you want but if you try sometime, you just might find, you get what you need”


        But lets drop the idea of big cocks and semen being pulled out of vaginas and so on with not only cock size but shape now being an issue. It is nonsense gorillas have one and half inch cocks and they do ok in fact they form harems with their small cocks. But we are not gorillas or apes or wolves or lions or cuckolding birds. We are a hugely advanced creature with mental abilities way beyond our nearest cousins.

        So let us see this for what it is a sexual desire partly fetish and often a fix for unusual or even unhappy realationships.

        However for those like me who suffer unhappy relationships let us enjoy the fun but drop the biology, please

      • Luvr
          Post count: 288

          I think your oversimplification does yourself and others a disservice and while you’re welcome to your opinion, I’ll wager you won’t find it very welcome here.

          Cuckolding is not a ‘fix’ for things going wrong – that path will likely dissolve a marriage.

          I’ll not drop the exploration of the mental, social and emotional perspectives of cuckolding and if such content offends you, well, don’t read it.

        • StokieUKCpl
            Post count: 32

            Humans are indeed strange creatures. We are animals yes…but are animals affected by emotions? Because for me it is the incredible power of emotions I feel that make Cuckolding the ultimate sexual enjoyment for me. The fact that I love my wife so much is why Cuckolding works for me…and likely everyone else. 


            The jealousy…the pain..the anger..the betrayal…the angst and immense anxiety I feel when she is cuckolding me all add up to the incredible feelings inside me…that I can physically feel…what I call the Cuckold knot inside my chest…where my chest goes tight and my breathing shallow, pulse racing, head spinning. (and no Its not a heart attack) Nothing compares to to that..nothing. And we are swingers too…so we have experienced NSA sex many times…with many people…sometimes all at the same time.


            Cuckolding is different as it is the intimacy between my wife and her Bull that triggers the emotional explosion within me. The first time she spent an evening with her lover, they sent me pictures of what they were doing and then called me as they made love..I could hear them on the phone. I could hear my wife crying out as her lover fucked her…I burst into tears !!  I wasnt crying because I was sad… I was just in turmoil at all the emotions spinning around inside me…but the sexual thrill I got was the most powerful feeling I have ever had…Unlike some Cucks I am not a sissy, nor am I unable to satisfy my wife..and my penis is not tiny..never had any complaints :-)   I just love seeing her with other guys or knowing she is with other guys.


            My wife wins both ways…I shower her with affection..I pay more attention to her…and I am like a raging horny peacock all the time…we have never had so much sex…my god I am waking her twice in the night to have sex with her!!! She enjoys this lifestyle too…she gets to have sex with nice men…I like it when she does…and it has enriched our lives and definitely brought us closer together. Its not just a fetish in my opinion. It is a lifestyle and everyone has different views and takes on it. Tell me why this is wrong? I have definitely married the right woman…she gives me everything I could possibly want…Cuckolding only works if you LOVE a woman who is doing it for you. Because without the love there is no emotion…and without emotion…its just NSA sex.

          • nigelcuck
              Post count: 47

              Exploring the mental social and emotional perspectives of cuckolding is good and welcome as we are mental emotional and social creatures of nature. What we are not are wolves, birds, or even our closest cousins the great apes. Oversimplifying evoloutionary biology will get us all nowhere. The main reason being the lack of studies into the private sexual behaviour of human beings, which I am sure all will agree apart from cuckolds and swingers most people keep these issues very private.Many folk also have well established religous beliefs as to how people should behave sexually, and they are quite entitled to these. Apes and wolves can be studied in the wild. Humans rarely operate in the wild state. In fact the state we operate in mainly is one of subdued observance of societical rules and regulations. We are rule governed creatures. Therefore the study and interest in cuckolding as a phenomena must be carried out against the background of where we are mostly.Marriage is a rule based institution created for the benefit of society. There is nothing wrong with this. Long may it last. However just carrying out ones duty is not always the way to happiness. And, yes, face it there are a lot of sexually unhappy marriages, and yes there are a lot of really happy marriages where both the duty and the sex and the affection can all be found in the one area. I stand by what I say in that I believe when the marriage or partnership is compatible in all areas sexually and social cuckolding is unlikely to insue. However when a socially satisfying but sexually unsataisfying marriage occurs affairs may happen. In this case cuckolding may be a good fix. This site is good by investigating the various shades of this and perhaps helping the idea take root to help marriages. However not all marriages are suitable for cuckolding and while there may be some evolutionary case for it that case may have been lost half a million years ago.It would be exciting to think there is some underlying wildness just lurking under the surface of the suburban housewife. Given the site of a well cut cock she will become feral instantly rejecting her husband as she drops to the floor in awe at this magnificant creature in front of her. This alpha greyback to fill her with his wondeful seed.The small cocked wonderman who has actually supported her for years and has been very successful in survival in the urban technological jungle need not fear as it is not his fault his cock is small, the door has been opened to the wild outside and he is no longer of use he must just fulfil his natural subservience to the great one. Everyone knows that is nonsense the situation when it does happen is pure fantasy and is a bi product of that great thing human imagination. Psychologists have studied our capacity to be imaginative and artistic which lies in our ability to create alternative futures. This is a proper biological consequence of having a big brain in fact so big it causes problems at childbirth as the infant has to turn to get out. Now that is biology at work.


              So lets have fun, this is poetry in action, this is performance art , the woman becoming the whore slut displaying herself for the slave master or whatever other fantasy we may have. When we do this we trick our brain into thinking all the other biological evolutionary stuff is true. We tell ourselves it is true in order that the beain release pleasure chemicals which relieve stress and so on.


              But what is not true is that there is any evolutionary basis surrounding the size of a mans cock and his ability to produce children. I have a smallish cock and produced four wonderful children two lawyers another who obtained first in philosophy and a doctor of physics. My wife selected me before she saw my cock as did many other women before her and some after.She also deselected me for another man before she saw his cock. So whatever it is cock has nothing to do with it.


              I am sure the ladies reading this will concur that there are other physical qualities of a man which are attractive to women such as gait ass shape height hair or no hair chin or maybe just wearing a suit.


              However some women will risk all just for a bit of attention and some men are good at giving it even those who can give outside their own home. The man who had my wife was married and didnt get on with his own wife yet my wife loved him in some ways. Cuckolding may help the woman gain that attention outside the home and be less hurtful for the husband in some ways. Also fun.


              So I conclude as long as we stay off the biological nonsense unproved and untested and may never be, and stick to the social emotional and artistic areas of cuckolding all should be well.

            • Libertarian
                Post count: 1

                ‘cuckolding is a fix when things go wrong’


                Is it? If someone has these feelings and perhaps on and off all their life is that in someway wrong?


                I’m perplexed by your assumption that they are ‘wrong’. As far as I can tell these feelings are perfectly natural.

              • 40HSquirter
                  Post count: 28

                  There some truth in everything. We have been married 46 years. My wife married me in part for security and to escape her family. She was quite attractive with an awesome figure and huge tits. During the second of our marriage, she cuckolded me with my best friend. He was extremely well hung for a white guy. In fact, for any man. I knew she was cheating, but I did not find out who for years.

                  She felt cheated because she was so sexually skilled and  well endowed.  I was not blessed with anything but a small pencil dick. She had numerous affairs with very well endowed men. She would admit  how much she enjoyed their sexual abilities and how small I was in comparison.

                  I could not bring myself to leave her in part due to my love for her and primarily fear of losing my children. The anguish of waiting for her long after her day of teaching was over was tearing me up. Perhaps, as a defense mechanism, I read stories of women cheating with well endowed men. I would masturbate while fantasizing about her exploits. I came to accept my fate as a cuckold.

                  Since then, we have attended cuckold parties where couples invite bulls to service the wives. I have seen the instant look of lust when she has seen a supersized cock for the first time. Some were so large other women would be afraid to try. Nothing slowed her down until she had all of that super cock in her. So instant lust at the sight of a huge cock does exist.

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