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    • Aaron
        Post count: 16

        Below is the outline that I came up with for the talk I’m going to have with my wife. My plan is to go through it so she can clearly hear my thoughts and feelings on my desire to be a cuckold, and then to let her sit on it for awhile. I think that the forcing someone to say yes or no probably has a more negative effect than just planting a seed. As a reminder, my wife is already very aware of my desire to be cucked by her. So far she’s mostly ignored it, but at times she’s been resistant. Her resistance comes by her either calling me crazy, or her stressing that she only wants my penis, and that she’s very happy with me, my penis, and our sex etc. It appears that my obstacle isn’t in overcoming any moral or religious objections (at least that I can tell) of hers, but that I’m working against someone who claims to be very content.  

        I’ve just never wanted something so badly in all my life. I find my wife so beautiful that it bugs me that other men aren’t able to enjoy your like I do. I feel like I need other men to know what she has going on, that it isn’t right for just me to have know and have her. Not sure if anyone else feels that way. Anyway, feedback is appreciated.


        Our Foundation

        1) Commitment.

        I married you to be with you. I see that that as a long-term commitment. A commitment for life.

        2) Faithfulness.

        I’m faithful to you, and that is regardless of whether or not you do this or not.

        3) Stability.

        You have a husband with a job, you have a home, and you have a family. You are in a very stable environment that I work very hard to provide. I want you to now be comfortable enough in your life to fully enjoy yourself.


        The Benefits to Us

        1) You will receive additional orgasms from another male (physical benefit). The excitement of the newness of sex wears off. By having a bull in your life you can keep that excitement that you get with new or taboo sex.

        2) You get to enjoy being naughty (mental benefit). The sneaking around that you did with the separated man was arousing for you. You can have that again as you strive to keep this a secret from others.

        3) More dates (physical and mental benefit). You will go on dates with your bull and enjoy being out, having money spent on you. Additionally, it will motivate me to take you out more as I strive to compete with the other man.

        4) We will have hotter sex (physical and emotional benefit). You’re well aware of the sperm-competition. You’ve already seen that its real with the way my dick gets a lot harder than other times.

        5) You will have a more of my energies. As I become jealous and seek to compete, my desire is going to be towards pleasing you. That will range from house cleaning, to helping with the baby, to anything else as I vie for your affection.


        The Conditions

        1) Privacy. This lifestyle will only be shared with those that you choose. Keeping you from embarrassment will be a priority so that you can enjoy things without worry.

        2) Exclusion. Only select men will be able to be candidates for you. To be clear, I do not want you sleeping with all kinds of men. You will not need to go to bars to find strange men to bring home, and you will not need to consistently change men. Having a relationship with a bull allows you to have familiarity with him, and that leads to increased sexual chemistry. A relationship with a bull also brings safety from STDs.


        Some Clarification

        My desire to share you is not a lack of my desire for you, or my interest in you. This is something I feel that after 20 years of wanting, will bring you a great deal of pleasure, and will draw us closer together.

        This is not a tool for me to use later. I will not use this as an excuse to later divorce you, nor will I use this as a means for you to reciprocate by allowing me to be with others. Again, my penis is yours and will only be in you as you desire. But for me, allowing other men inside you increases my desire for you, and will draw us closer.


        My Parting Thoughts

        I want you to be comfortable being the woman you were before, and when we met (sexually active and adventurous). Women view marriage differently than they view being single. When single, sex is fun, and being with alpha males is an enjoyable option. However in marriage, most women settle for a beta male. The alpha male is stronger, bigger, has more stamina, and is more physically attractive however, he has his pick of women and so relationships with them don’t work. That’s why women settle for the beta male, because as they settle down to make babies, they know they need someone who is stable and who will stick around. Unfortunately, the desire and attraction to alpha males never goes away. That of course is why women have affairs.

      • CompletelyHers
          Post count: 14

          Hello again Aaron,

                 I am avidly following your posts now because I want to see where this is going to end up.  In my opinion at least your wife now has the potential to be a “hotwife” if her past is any indicator, but I still feel that the deciding factor will be her security.  I like your outline very much and it is well thought out, but are you addressing her feelings from her perspective? I asked my wife to sit in on this with me and help me form this from a woman’s PoV.  For instance, in your foundation, you are stating the obvious( at least to us) so what I suggest is that you look at it from the point of view of a woman’s insecurity. Yes, you see your marriage as a life time commitment..let her know this will not EVER change just because the dynamics in the relationship do. Faithfulness >> Let her know this is for HER benefit, and that not only do you never need or want to be with another woman, but that this is about Honesty…you will always tell the truth to eachother so there is no infidelity…nothing will ever be hidden so she cannot lose you. Stability >> Let her know that it is BECAUSE you have this stability and work hard to maintain it for HER that she can be free to pursue her desires (wherever they lead) and that nothing she can do will ever threaten her having you as a loving and supporting spouse.

          In your “the Benefit to Us” section, which I liked very much by the way, a point struck me that you may wish to change or exclude. Item number 5 said that as you “become jealous and seek to compete” and I wanted to tell you it’s beast not to mention that this will make you jealous.  Not ALL women respond well to that (you know your wife better than I do obviously). In some cases, the mere fact that you would be jealous in and of itself is enough to make her not want to enter into this lifestyle.  It’s a give and take first, you see the woman convinces herself she is doing this for your benefit. It’s only later that they discover that they like it very much (regardless of how you feel).  I think they need that reassurance early on that you benefit from it and feel no negative effect (Trust me in this regard because you may cut your own foot off before the race begins if you tell her how you will want to compete with her lovers and that it makes you jealous).  

          As for conditions, I would suggest leaving that out for the moment.  This isn’t a contract so much as an idea you are selling her on.  If she wants conditions, let her come up with those on her own. After all, this is for HER benefit, right? See how she takes the idea first and bring up any concerns you have only if she accepts the idea and doesn’t think of them on her own.

          Your section entitled Some Clarification >> Perfect and well spoken..include this in every detail.

          As for your Parting Thoughts section >> My wife said to leave this out please…She mentioned that while it may be true, it turns all your previous thoughts about what you want and desire for her into just a “scientific thesis” and it doesn’t sound sexy OR about her pleasure.  I tend to agree on the theory, but it’s not a selling point as to why she should feel secure with you to do try this lifestyle.


          Lastly, a word of caution for you my friend…not that you haven’t thought long and hard (forgive the pun) about this, but I must say…be careful what you wish for.  This lifestyle is a beast that doesn’t like to be caged after it’s released.  In our fantasies we get what we want, but in reality sometimes we are subject to what SHE wants, and it may be more than you can handle.  Ever stop to consider what it is like to see a man fuck your wife in ways that you couldn’t dream of?  I don’t have a jealous bone in my body, and even then it is a truly humbling experience… Wink

        • Aaron
            Post count: 16

            Thank you CompletelyHers. In the past my impatience wouldn’t have even allowed me to wait for anyone’s advice let alone even ask for it. I really appreciate your inputs, and especially those of your wife. Please give her my thanks. I’ll keep you posted.

          • CompletelyHers
              Post count: 14

              Hello again Aaron,


              I hope all turns out for the best and let me know how that talk goes.  I can honestly say that my wife and I wouldn’t change this lifestyle for anything. Both of us are very happy and have been ever since we took that last step to get here..

            • Aaron
                Post count: 16

                She said maybe, but not right now or in the near future. She said later when she starts feeling bored. I guess this is a good sign, but does it mean I give up for a few years, or do I keep trying?

              • Aaron
                  Post count: 16

                  I guess that all I can do at this point is now actively keep her interested. I can share daily cuck pics with her, or cuckold/hotwife stories from the internet until she feels she’s ready. Anyone else ever been in this situation before–holding pattern?

                • CompletelyHers
                    Post count: 14

                    I Can’t say I have ever been in your position for very long my friend, but on the one hand it does seem that you have her interest at least.  What I would go for now that she said “when I get bored” is to ask her, if she is willing, then why the wait?  What is she thinking about? How did your talk go with her and what did you bring to the table?

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