Marriage Evolved discussion Group Discussions FLR The potential danger of FLR

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    • Alex
        Post count: 9

        For some couples, the idea of a FLR is exciting and feels right. Some entertain the idea and want to go in that direction without considering the impact it can have on the sustainability of the marriage.

        I will be speaking in generalization, and there are exceptions to every rule.

        Typically, women are attracted to masculine men who lead. Of course, they need to be competent or the woman will walk faster than Fats Domino.

        When a man asks a woman out on a date, and the woman says yes, the worst thing a man can do is ask her where she wants to go. The woman wants the man to have a plan in place. If he does not, it is a warning sign that the man doesn’t have any plan, he is insecure, he will put her up on a pedestal (when she is insecure herself), and the man cannot lead. This will make her doubt the security he can provide. If she does not think highly of herself, and he puts her higher than himself, then she thinks he is below her. This is not good due to hypergamy.

        I know it is a simple thing, but it has a lot of weight.

        If your wife is one who has the desire to lead and be in charge, and you, the husband, are submissive, then the idea of a FLR is fine. On the other hand, if she is the typical woman she will see this as a red flag. She could lose respect for you and when the respect is gone, so is her love and her presence.

        Too many cuckolds don’t see this and wonder why their wife leaves them after a while in the lifestyle. You have to maintain the respect you have for each other at all costs. It is the thing that will make you or break you.

        I would say that give it a shot to see how it goes, but be willing to pull the plug at the first sign of trouble. Do it on a test basis. There needs to be a fail-safe for all things that are out of the ordinary and out of someone’s comfort zone.

        I know of some couples that have done well with the “pretending to have an FLR” and it is a role play that seems to work for them. The wife feels secure knowing that nothing has really changed, but she gets to call the shots. She also does not lose respect for her husband. In fact, it is a kind gesture to let her take the wheel.

        You cannot beat evolutionary psychology and inherent mating practices. It is best to recognize them and work with them.

        This is not to say that a woman cannot lead, it is saying that most women do not want to lead.

        This post is mainly for men who want to convince their wives to rule over them and the household. It may seem like an idea that she would love, but it may be something she will cringe at.

        What turns you on may be a turn-off for someone else. Find the middle ground.

        Hopefully, this did not offend anyone too badly, that was not the intent.

        be well

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