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    • bmollaie
        Post count: 11

        I have always been interested in comparing my size with other men. So while at the stand-up urinals in public male bathrooms, if given a chance, I will try and take a sneaky peak of other men’s tools. I know it sounds gay but it is a matter of comparing, me with other men. On the internet or in blue movies, everyone has a big cock. But I wanted to know the truth in reality. Hence, the sneaky research.

        I once thought that I was average sized, but over the years of peaking, I know that I am quite small.

        Thinking back to the days when my wife and I were still sexually active, I find myself becoming embarrassed. Here I was thinking that I was the man of our new house, great job and having regular sex with my newly wedded beautiful bride, not realising that in the back of my wife’s mind, she had pity for me and my small pecker. She had married me because of my personality, not so much for what I provided in bed. If I could go back in time, I would have put my pecker back in my underwear.

        I must admit that when the realisation started to set in, I initiated sex with my wife far less. I was too embarressed. The anxiety made sure I couldn't get my pecker up. I think that she became tired of pretending to climax as well, having sex for a couple of minutes then being left with a soggy vagina to clean up. Especially for her, it was pointless. Needless to say, our marriage finally became sexless and she has been somewhat happier since then.

        However, this posed another problem. How would we keep the marriage sexually active? As her husband, I promised to provide the marriage with the fulfillment of sex.

        This obviously opened up a vacancy within our relationship. With my support, she has come to depend upon other men to fulfil the sexual role of our marriage.

        For a woman in her early thirties, regular sex is important, so we have made Tuesday and Thursday nights into her date nights. At least, she would have the opportunity to be sexually active twice per week, which I am told, is normal for a couple in their thirties.

        On these date nights, she is free to date other men and if need be, have sex with them. This allows her to have guiltless sexual variety without threatening the security of our marriage. Most of the men she dates know that she is married, but the wedding ring on her finger doesn't stop males when given the opportunity to be with a beautiful flirtatious woman.

        As for me, I have become dependant on my fleshlight for relief, which she often helps me with. We keep it in the bathroom where we usually use it. She is more willing to help me with the Fleshlight than in the days when I used to initiate sex.

        In all this, I think that we have put in place the secret jigsaw puzzel piece to complete our happy and successful marriage.

        Nowadays, when at the public urinal, I don’t feel as embarrassed or guilty as I peak on what my wife would have been missing out on. I don't feel so bad when i see other men having trouble tucking their cocks back into their jocks before exiting the bathroom. I may have even stood by men that have been with my wife.  If I had, I would have like to thank them for helping us. As the saying goes, “happy wife, happy life”.

      • Luvr
          Post count: 288

          Looks like you're finding a lot of material to help you with your therapy, bmollaie. It's never easy to find out for sure that your wife has been not only enjoying someone else's cock, but made some emotional commitment to him as well.

          From the events of late, I'm feeling more comfortable that your wife still enjoys an emotional commitment to you as well and that sharing in this experience of her sexual joy with her boyfriend could return intimacy and communication to your marriage. Her current boyfriend may not be the only man you share her with, but he will always be a significant one due to his role in helping you two establish a cuckolding marriage.

        • bmollaie
            Post count: 11

            Hi Lurv.


            You are so correct in all of your post.


            I have never posted my thoughts about cuckoldry anywhere else. As mentioned, I think that cuckoldry is beautiful and I enjoy your website. You have a beautiful way of posing your ideas and words about cuckoldry.


            To get to this point in my life, there has been a long mental journey. There has been so many thoughts and senarios that I have placed myself within.  Thus, my thoughts on NRE, vows of monogamy, etc.. they are not so much about the physical but the emotional and this is where cuckoldry turns beautiful if you are that way inclined.


            Without this preparation, I would not be able to embrace my wife and marriage in our current situation.


            With the current developments, I am, for the first time, putting my thoughts into words.

          • kissherass
              Post count: 11

              Public urinals have always had a dfferent effect on me. i find the cold hard surfaces are very stimulating and i want to take my clothes off. The smells of clean ones are very erotic and make me feel very submissive. i've never done anything in one and i don't go to public restrooms for sex and but i'd like to play in one someday.

            • MikeInAB
                Post count: 2

                To the OP: instead of sneaking a peak at the urinals, there is a website devoted to size comparisons. On this website, there is a downloadabe scale (PDF file) that you use in a picture of your bits, send it in, and get verified. Just google The Visualizer, and you should be able to find it.

              • seattlesubcuck
                  Post count: 1

                  Never mind the anecdotal bathroom peeking, there is real science data on this. The average adult male is 5.5 to 6 inches when erect.

                • mentaldish
                    Post count: 3

                    Still I agree it is exciting to sneak a peak and see how much bigger the guy next to me is.

                  • Anonymous
                      Post count: 2

                      I never look as I'm too nervous about them noticing my size

                    • smallproblem2000
                        Post count: 1

                        @MikeInAB said:

                        To the OP: instead of sneaking a peak at the urinals, there is a website devoted to size comparisons. On this website, there is a downloadabe scale (PDF file) that you use in a picture of your bits, send it in, and get verified. Just google The Visualizer, and you should be able to find it.

                        Not that I had any doubt about my lack of size, but the Visualiser is an excelllent site for comparisons.

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