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    • OttawaBull
        Post count: 4

        I’m a Bull to a submissive couple. And I would like to incorporate the use of wedding rings during our next session.
        I was thinking about putting them on a chain around my neck for the length of our next session.
        If you have ideas about incorporating a couples wedding rings into a cuckolding session please share.
        Thanks, OB

      • Jack
          Post count: 1

          I like your idea of chaining the couple’s sign of their wedding vows around your neck. Very erotic. As a panties husband, i would see that as a symbol of you taking control as the dominant male. Having your virile sperm covering the wedding bands would be a another symbol of your entry into their marriage.


        • carolinacuckandwife
            Post count: 15

            Put the rings on a loose chain around the base of your cock so they slap my ass as we fuck. Then after they’re covered with your cum you can give hubby’s back to him to wear 😉

          • Anonymous
              Post count: 6

              I’m thinking it would be fun if you took the rings from both and kept them for your necklace. Have the cuckold get replacements. Maybe a pink ring for him, not sure for her.

            • Snuffy
                Post count: 12

                What I did was replaced his ring with my own… she only wears my ring for over 10 years now. he knows it. and thats just how it is.

                we dont involve him very often in our sex any more… he used to watch us fuck a lot, but now it seems we are established and settled in our way. he has already symbolically given her to me, and literally abandoned her pussy to me, he has reduced himself to the groomer of her pussy he shaves her and then licks her . no more sexual relations with her, that is mine. and she provides him no sexual relief. she wears my ring. that works for me.

                as for your idea, a necklace would work or a special box to place them in while you are in control. making it ceremonial would truly emphasize their full submission to your sexual domination over him by possessing his wife, sexually and any other way, they want to submit to you.

                good luck on your Journey.

              • Islander
                  Post count: 11

                  I like the idea of keeping them on me. My necklace or maybe something else more provocative.
                  Good idea.

                • DirtyMinded
                    Post count: 9

                    I fantasize one day I’ll have a Dom man who will disrespect my marriage and get me naked n horny but then if I want the dick I need to give him my wedding ring for him to sell n keep the money or makes me take it off and swallow it! 😅😅😅 I have a wild imagination if u can’t tell. But it turns me on alot.

                  • Bull
                      Post count: 11

                      Plain bands look very sexy incorporated into a fitted body necklace where each ring goes over a nipple. You have to sometimes have a liner to slip over the ring but it works and looks very sexy.

                    • funcouple
                        Post count: 10

                        I like to take my husbands ring and let my lovers wear it during play. I enjoy kissing my lovers with the ring in my mouth to give it to them and make hubby watch it happen.

                      • onthesidekines
                          Post count: 24

                          Ok so I know I am late to this party. Real late.

                          Might I suggest you get a short length of bath tub plug chain.
                          Long enough to figure 8 around you cock and balls loosely but not fall off.
                          Now place his ring in the loop preferably at the point where it is behind your balls.
                          That way he can watch it bounce with every stroke.

                        • Cathy & Jerry
                            Post count: 206

                            Take cucky’s wedding band and attach it to a long chain or string that won’t come apart. Make sure cucky is watching as you push it inside her bum with the chain/string hanging out then fuck her very well and be sure to inseminate her heavily. As your sperm is leaking out of her pussy and running down her bum hole, pull the ring out, be sure it’s covered with your sperm and hand it back to him. Been there, done that and it’s erotic as hell, and sure makes cucky understand who the Alpha male is!

                          • TransStar
                              Post count: 140

                              this doesn’t involve wedding rings, but after the cuck fluffs you have the cuck lay on the bed naked in full view of his wife. jack off on his caged penis and balls. the way a dominate lion would leave his musk as a warning to others. cuck boi can shower it off in the morning. send him out for beer or chips smelling of your semen while you then penetrate his wife.

                            • Erin
                                Post count: 26

                                That seems like a great idea if the Dominant desires that.

                              • Anonymous
                                  Post count: 3

                                  Cumming on the wedding ring and having wifey lick it clean can be fun. As well as the wedding rings it can be fun to include other things such as wedding albums, dress, marriage certificate etc.

                                • Cathy & Jerry
                                    Post count: 206

                                    The lover placing his sperm on the wedding rings is such a perfect way to symbolize how he’s taken the husband’s place as her “mate!”

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