Marriage Evolved discussion Lifestyle Discussions Getting Started When Cuckolding Becomes Polyamory

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    • 4DecadeCuck
        Post count: 28

        Polyamory is having the ability to romantically love more than one person at a time. When a wife sees one man for an extended period of time, feelings are bound to surface. When a wife is in love with her husband, but also feels that she is in love with her lover, then it is no longer a cuckold relationship. It is a polyamorous relationship. There is no real difference between a cuckold and his wife having a steady lover and a married couple where the wife is in love with her husband and her lover.

        Primary partners in polyamorous relationships often feel angst when their partner is with another. They even experience jealousy. And there are some who are compersive, getting their happiness from the happiness of others.

        When a wife wants to be with her lover, even though she is very happy with the relationship she has with her husband, this is polyamory. What’s the difference between this and cuckolding? In cuckolding the cuckold wants his wife to be happy. And if the wife is happy, and she wants to also be with her lover, then how is this not polyamory?

        Those who are polyamorous may say that polyamory is not sexual, but in reality, people in polyamorous relationships are sexual with their lovers. Otherwise they are just friends with other people.

        Saying that you are in a polyamorous relationship doesn’t say that your wife prefers sex with other men, but that’s what happens in many open relationships.


      • sc good cuck
          Post count: 1

          Our two cents…the clear line between cuckolding and Poly to us is genuine romantic feelings for the “bull.” When the wife develops love for the other man, feelings well beyond the desire for sex, that’s when the relationship changes. Many cuckoldress’ have feelings of fondness in addition to physical attraction, some even require a level of personal attachment before they can have sex. However, the “amore” for the other man in addition to the husband is a different, deeper, longer-lasting set of feelings.

          • Anonymous
              Post count: 11

              Why not?
              For me love feelings a wife has for her lover are the most natural and beautiful things and makes the sex and the relationship more satisfying for her.
              And to see he is the right man let me feel happy for her.

          • Committed_Cpl
              Post count: 7

              With the desire of my wife for an “extra husband’ the road to a poly-relationship has been opened.

              In my opinion poly and cuckolding can go together really well. In a traditional poly relationship there is equality between the wife and her two or sometimes even more men.For me till now it has been or lust or sometimes even love for my wife with another man. But it wasn’t really poly but merely a kind of love crush.

              Since recently my wife has told me she would like to have an “extra husband” as she would like to call it. One whom combines lust and love next to my devotion and love. She says I will always be her nr 1 as I am her first husband, our mental connection is so strong and she love my devotion. Her “extra husband” will need to have other strenghts and she will love him for that. She told me that when she has found her ‘extra man’ my current already long term period of no-penetration and no-orgasm will be made indefinite. I accepted this by kissing and caressing her and of course licking her to a few wonderful orgasms.

              I do love to support her in her search!

            • Coffee
                Post count: 28

                So interesting to see others takes on this topic. I suppose when feelings are embraced to the point of the person becoming more than an extra sexual organ, that thinking of it in terms of polyamory is possible.

                I’m rusty, but I think the technical way poly relationships work, is that people have primary and secondary partners, all with different roles.

                Where as cuckolding is one, faithful husband, allowing his wife to explore to her hearts content (in many cases anyhow).

                I think where the husband’s relationships lie is really where the terminology changes. If he is either involved with the wife and bull, then maybe a poly term would be more appropriate (unless he is cut off from sex). If the husband sees other women, then It certainly is entirely poly.


                I’m newish, my terminology and knowledge may not be 100% fact, but it is what I am pretty sure the defining traits of these relationships are considered. I’m welcome to bring corrected .

              • Luvr
                  Post count: 288

                  I think it’s important to point out that polyamory is rather different than cuckolding because cuckolding is wife centric whereas polyamory is more akin to an ‘open marriage’ where both are free/expected to have secondary and even tertiary relationships.

                  The difference between polyamory and swinging is like the difference between a hotwife marriage and a cuckold marriage: the depth of the experience. A swing couple dips their toes in and treats it only as a sexual experience while a poly couple will indulge in the relationship aspects.

                  One other distinction is that poly typically operates as a peer relationship but cuckolding infers and typically needs someone to be in charge and this is more in line with our wiring.

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