Marriage Evolved discussion Lifestyle Discussions Getting Started Why do (prospective and actual) Cucks get so aroused…

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    • Cucky JB
        Post count: 1

        … by (the thought of) another man fucking their wives?

        A question a Bull recently asked me and where he even turned to @Luvr for an answer. My wife is even more recent to this LS than me and she wanted to know the same thing. As my answer didn’t fully satisfy either of them, it really made me think about this. In the same way someone will only ever give fleeting consideration as to why they’ve got a specific fetish for example, I never thought about this much and quite simply accepted it as fact. But now I am curious…

        First things first, I expect it is a case of different strokes for different folks so I can only attempt to answer this question from my own perspective. And even then, it might just not be possible for a Bull, the exact equal and opposite of a Cuck, to get it. Still, here goes nothing where my initial short answer touched on three elements:

        The Immature. It is a size and stamina thing in it’s most basic form. Boys look and compare themselves to other boys and they grow up to be men that look and compare themselves to other men. Yes, I’m enthralled by a big dicked man with stamina in the same way that I enthralled by professional athletes. Add to that the intimacy of my very own wife being the subject of his ministrations and I am on 11 on the 10-scale arousal rating scale.

        The Surrogation. Yes, I am fully aware of my inadequacies and I feel horrid about it – try as I might, I just can’t give the one person I love more than any other in the world the satisfaction she wants (néé, needs & deserves). And God knows us Cucks try. I’ve got plans aplenty to try and make sex better, but varying position, focusing on all erogenous zones, varying the type of activity and focusing on other things are no substitute for actual ability. My wife actually asked if it is the case that some men just cannot get women to achieve an orgasm and that they desire it to such an extent that it turns them on when another man can do it (and for them). There is certainly some merit in this. Instead of dreading sex – or more accurately dreading yet another
        inadequate performance – I get to live vicariously and in a way, almost become part of the amazing sex she has. This in itself skyrockets my arousal, but it’s a double whammy of thought and actual aftercare experience for me.

        The Danger. This LS if fraught with danger and risk. The perception of a managed risk is a huge turn on in and of itself and that is before the full range of emotions are considered. Cucks in general have vivid imaginations which goes well beyond a visual; they can put themselves in a situation and let the anticipated emotions wash all over them. The same endorphins and adrenaline and the same behaviour of all neuro-chemical transmitters that cause arousal are present in angst, denial and risks.* Quite simply its impact becomes more exaggerated the closer you live to societal norms. It is very welcome relief from normative restrictions and a rush like no other. Once you have relieve or (even imagined) release, the blood flow quite simply takes me to another level of arousal. It is such an alien thought, taboo almost, and high risk, that just the mere thought – but actually thinking through it in its full wondrous complexity – gets me aroused beyond the comprehension of most people.

        I fully accept that there is an element of over-thinking this. This phenomenon if you want, is often enough reported and described in detail to simply accept it as fact and yet, it is thinking and talking about things of this nature, that we get to know and understand ourselves and that we – and others – get closer to make all elements of this LS more acceptable.

        All this might be much simpler for others. They get turned on by finding themselves in the natural beta order of things, their DNA perhaps even drive this most primal response to seeing or thinking about their significant other having sex with a Bull / Third, but as this doesn’t hold true for me, I have left it unexplored.

        I would welcome views on this “simpler” take and my thoughts and posted this here in an attempt (a) to generate some engagement as I miss the likes of @StokieUKCpl and others like him / them that made this site tick and (b) also as a way to thank @Fuzz who has been an absolute fucking legend in helping me on this journey.

        In particular, I would love to hear from a Stag… In the same way a Bull might be struggling to understand this, as a Cuck I don’t get why it would arouse a Stag to see his significant other being fucked by a Third when he is perfectly capable of satisfying her. Could that be as simple as (and I am being deliberately provocative in saying this) it being so traditionally wrong and just plain nasty and that their situation is closer to traditional Swinging?

        Similarly, I would love to get a view from any any Cuckoldresses and while at it, I highly recommend reading the following (which in a roundabout way, touch on this subject as well):

        * I very briefly posed this hypothesis to a Neuro-Scientist in another Parish earlier today… She asked me to mention that while this is not completely within her area of expertise and that she only very briefly considered it, that “the science should be checking out”.

      • motley
          Post count: 79

          Wonderful post, thanks!

        • Dave
            Post count: 4

            Hi Jb,

            Thanks for the perspective, I too often wonder about this. I took a long time to be at ease with all this. I came here and did a fair bit of reading and got even more confused at first. I didn’t think I could be a cuck as I’m not in anyway what you’d call a beta male. In fact I have been in the past and continue to be a bull for others. But when I have a woman in my life whom I form an emotional attachment to. I fantasize about her cuckolding me. I’ve personally come to the conclusion that it probably is the contrast in my case between my “real” life and my fantasy life. Allow me to explain..

            So for a start I have quite a big penis so I’m told. I never thought it as it’s only 6-7″ depending on my weight. But I’ve come to realize it’s the girth and shape that makes them think it’s big. Also I’m not in anyway submissive to other men. I have been involved in criminal things in my past and had to be a “hard man” for a number of years and did so very effectively. So I think this is why I want to submit to my significant other. I love the idea of all the things I come across in the ‘cuckold dictionary’ if you will. As long as they are coming from my gf rather than the other guy. We went on fabswingers etc looking for a guy initially. But many of them after reading our profile sent ridiculous messages trying to be all dominant toward me. Which in truth made us both laugh. I’ve posted on here before and had it said, “if you like the idea of your wife with another guy…your a cuckold, it’s a simple as that” So I accepted there and then that’s what I am. But for me the idea of never having sex with my own gf is unthinkable. If anything this whole thing is an unbelievable arousal for me. So once I’m that way I want to tear her clothes off and reclaim her I guess. But I do also love the idea of her making me do things, making me let her lovers do things to me. But it has to be from her not them. For me it’s very much an extreme sexual kink, that nothing else can even come close to comparing too. For example, if she mentions anything about it. My heart will seem to slow, yet beat with immense power. I feel it all through my body every pulse. My pupils probably dilate, my skin tingles and my gut’s feel very strange in a good way. It’s arousal but on a 3 x level than anything previously felt.

            I couldn’t imagine wanting my wife to have another mans baby, I couldn’t imagine another man telling me I can’t fuck her because shes now his etc. But if she told me I couldn’t fuck her until she said so etc that would drive me wild. The idea of being laid on a bed tied and blind folded while she has fun next door. Then comes in after to tell me about it and make me clean her up is the kind of thing I worry will one day trigger a heart attack lmao. It beats so strong and full of lust when I think of this sort of thing.

            The only way I’ve ever been inadequate if you will, is stamina. I can’t fuck hard and fast for very long without cumming prematurely. So I’ve often loved the idea of her having this from another. Sometimes I can last, but very rarely. I tend to make up for it with my hands and mouth.

            Anyway I too would very much love to understand what made this switch flip in me. That I could become so depraved as to love nothing better than cleaning another mans load from her warm used fanny. As she teases my cock and tells me all about whats in her head. If there is anyone who has any specific psychological explanation I’d love to hear it.


            • Erin
                Post count: 26


            • Frankt
                Post count: 2

                It is most difficult to find or do anything on this app. Are there any plans to upgrade it or maybe get an app? Thank you

              • Mistress C
                  Post count: 92

                  If you ever did swinging, its along those lines, except the male also has a fantasy of being relegated powerless while another man enjoys his wife, its a common fantasy. My husband was a bull for others when we met, but being a Domme I could no longer allow that and he had to become a cuck to make me happy and show he was giving me full control. Its a complicated lifestyle

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