Marriage Evolved discussion Lifestyle Discussions True Experiences wife first time maybe last

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    • brad and jj
        Post count: 1

        my wife said she would not sleep with another man for me but last summer a childhood friend came to visit she recently was on new medication that must have made her inhibitions leave breifly we were making love i was having a hard time getting hard i whispered we should invite your friend much to my shock and suprise she said yes he went down on her then tried to enter her no luck then he asked her to ride him but he was having a hard time getting hard but he had been drinking so we decided to try again in the morning and again same thing i had talked to him before and he said he had no problems with me watching but i wondered maybe just nervous so she just gave him a hj i had to leave for 4 hrs band rehearsal i said you can have sex while im gone just leave something for me when i get back she said no way would she do that while im not there i texted here twice from rehearsal no awncer i found that odd? she always awncers when i got home he pulled me aside and said while i was gone they fucked twice the second time was her idea he said she came many times and seemed to really enjoy it when i asked her about it she said no way would she ever do that so when i got back i wanted yo watch it was over really fast i felt kind of disappointed and the best fucking was when i was gone so i wondered why she would lie about it even though she had permission was she bothered with me watching?does she enjoy the cheating idea ? i know that really turned me on the cheating part wish that i had a video i know for sure they did it as he told me everything and i recorded them talking about it when i was out.he stayed for a week they were alone and she never fucked him again and she said she does not want to do this again she said she feels like she is cheating even with my permission so i am not pressuring her but maybe he was the wrong guy i hope she will one day want to do this again but i finnaly got to have my fantasy i watched him fuck her and i also have the cheating wife fantasy so guess i am lucky to get my fantasy is there anyone out there that can shed some light on why she would lie about fucking him/ thats still a mystery to me

      • Snuffy
          Post count: 12

          I am not an expert but, i have a lot of experience.

          my lover is married and we are together for 14 years now and it started because my best friend wanted me to have sex with her, many many times he orchestrated our hookups, and eventually we just made our own schedule and times and he knows we do but we never tell him any more… he doesnt have sex with her any more for nearly 8 years now.
          what i observed with her is that even though he gave her permission, she is rooted in conservative tradition, and as in the beginning she couldnt believe he wanted her to have sex with another guy… she still harbors fear that he will change his mind or that she will hurt him.
          Judging by your comment that she hasnt done it since, leads me to think perhaps she is somewhat the same except the extramarital sex doesnt burn her flame as brite. and her denial of doing it in spite of what he said, would seem to be a natural reaction in order to avoid conflict or hurting you and your marriage.
          My lover could never get her mind around him wanting it, but it really had me studying this whole Cuckold issue, and understand it as best I can. i am not a cuck, but i am the other man, the lover, and I am very careful to the needs of him and her… i feel Blessed to have this lovely filipina that is my full blown lover for so long…

          good luck man, and peace to you and her.

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