Home discussion Role Discussions Submissive Husbands Wife has added a chastity device to our relationship

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    • #9288

        My wife is now keeping me locked when she isn't around. It has effectly ended my control of my own orgasms. This is a new step in our relationship. I will update as things change and evolve.


      • #10018

          It's a good sign when the wife becomes comfortable taking control of her husband's penis in this manner. This indicates not just a willingness, but an intent to further investigate the Dominant/submissive dynamics of your relationship.

          Has there already been talk from her on needing to augment her sexlife with other men to not deny herself pleasure while extending better control over your penis?

        • #10019

            This is a step that arouses me but I'm also very afraid of. Please keep us updated!!

          • #10020

              Hi Greenhat, it is just a step to give up control.

              Except when i am at work, i am allways in chastity.

              Sometimes my wife feels guilty, but most of the times she enjoys it.

              It is a strange sensual feeling, walking in the mall, looking at the women, so lovely, so unreachable.

              They don't know, i know.

              It is so unreal, while at a party these old friends , i can kiss them, but that is all there is.

              They flirt, i flirt, but my wife knows.

              Tomorrow we are going to a festival where my wife meets her Bull in public.

              I will be in chastity, (the light cb3000) they maybe hug and kiss, and we will drink something at a pub.

              He might touch her, and i have to watch.

              There will be a day when you feel incomplete when not locked.

              There maybe will be a day when you can only love her while in chastity.


            • #10021
              Beth Stuart

                Where the husband is a compulsive masturbator, I think male chastity is a gift that a wife can give to her husband. It means he no longer has to struggle with his urges and can focus his energy on serving her needs irrespective of whether she cuckolds him or not.


              • #10024

                  Very hot. It's the total focus and dedication that I find so arousing. I feel like I'm betraying myself by wanting this. I hate myself for liking this but I love it. 

                • #10027

                    Beth, well said. I think chastity can often be a gateway to other play as well as the wife learns to enjoy and extend her control of her husband through the control of his penis.

                    Beth Stuart said:

                    Where the husband is a compulsive masturbator, I think male chastity is a gift that a wife can give to her husband. It means he no longer has to struggle with his urges and can focus his energy on serving her needs irrespective of whether she cuckolds him or not.



                  • #10032

                      That was my issue I was a compulsive masterbator. Jacked-off almost everyday and sometimes 2 or 3 times, hours on the computer looking at porn. That has gone way down. Look at too much and it is frustrating and gets a little uncomfortable since when I get excited the cage I am in pinches my balls.

                    • #10033

                        Cuckold masturbation can also become a significantly larger issue when a wife is dating, for obvious reasons. As the Dom, I want the cuckold to be aroused to this point, but in terms of the relationship dynamics, it's important to ensure the cuckold doesn't feel he has the ability to choose for himself when he gets release. Having the cuckold aroused for us greatly enhances his and therefore our experience. As most of you know, attitudes and attention spans can change radically once the cuckold is allowed to spurt. To prevent this, physical chastity is sometimes the best idea when the cuckold can't be 'supervised'.

                      • #10114

                          I have dreamed of my wife introducing chastity to our relationship. I bought a CB-2000 — she doesn't know — and use it while I'm home and she's at work or shopping. I guess I am a habitual masturbator — and the idea of losing control of my penis is scary, yet incredibly arousing …

                        • #10120

                            I agree bikerbill — there is an amazing allure to chastity.  It is so excruciating to fantasize and yearn without control, precisely because of how deeply you desire what you are denied.  But it is so wonderfully arousing to be denied for the very same reason — because you truly do appreciate your wife's marital talents!  A delicious conundrum!! 

                          • #10219

                              I wanted to go watch the monday night game at the local bar. She OK but with conditions. I was spanked. put in chastity and had to wear panties. She said go ahead to the bar you little sissy, pretend your a real man.

                            • #10326

                                wore device for first time while meeting with bull…wow what an intense experience !

                              • #10462

                                  @Luvr said:
                                  Cuckold masturbation can also become a significantly larger issue when a wife is dating, for obvious reasons. As the Dom, I want the cuckold to be aroused to this point, but in terms of the relationship dynamics, it’s important to ensure the cuckold doesn’t feel he has the ability to choose for himself when he gets release. Having the cuckold aroused for us greatly enhances his and therefore our experience. As most of you know, attitudes and attention spans can change radically once the cuckold is allowed to spurt. To prevent this, physical chastity is sometimes the best idea when the cuckold can’t be ‘supervised’.

                                  That’s a good point, Luvr.   the cuckold should not be allowed to choose much if anything.   And, his attention span will be much greater to pleasuring you both and providing the attention you both deserve.

                                • #17303

                                    Wow! I too was a habitual masturbator until i brought submissive fantasies to wife. She took control and forbid me to masturbate. I went years without masturbating but now i’m starting to loose control again. I’ve admitted problem to wife and suggested a cage – she doesn’t want one. Not sure what to do now.

                                  • #17309

                                      cage isn’t for everybody but can add a significant extra facet where the cuck is ok wearing one. not always 24/7 but it can prevent playing with self and give wife full control of his penis . dynamics of bull wife etc play a big part in use of and whom has control of key etc . for those that enjoy this then it can be rewarding all round. some ducks have stated that once they are used to device full time it feel wrong to not wear one and anxiety is felt.sort of a security blanket?

                                    • #17313

                                        a cuckold has to keep his edge. if self-control is an issue then chastity is the answer.

                                        when my wife dates, she and her date usually return to our house for the “late night” activities. my problem of course was that her going on the date excited me to the point that i had already masturbated and came – sometimes several times – before she and her bull returned home. to say the least, it lessened the experience for all when i was already totally spent before they even got started.

                                        a chastity device was recommended, and remains the perfect solution.

                                      • #17315

                                          My wife put me in chastity a couple of years ago, as she have been instructed by our Bull, after I spurt my semen accidentally to his face. They were playing so erotic and I was unable to control my orgasm.
                                          After my cum drops landed on his face, I was instructed to leave the bedroom. Later, that night, he complained to my wife and said that this accident emberraced him so much.
                                          My wife told me from the beginning that I should be in chastity only during their couplings, otherwise, her lover will not come to our home,and I will not be able to watch.
                                          I agreed to wear chastity device immediately.
                                          We researced for a good device, and after couple of days, my wife put me in CB-6000 in front of her lover as he insisted.
                                          I was complely unaware that time of the keyholder role.
                                          The Bull grabbed set of keys from my chastity device. First key, he hide somewhere in our house in case of emergency, and took anoher key with him.
                                          I did not realise that until he left.
                                          I felt discomfort in my cage after my penis become swallen. The base ring was not comfortabl at all.
                                          A few years passed.
                                          My wife is my keyholder now. I’m in chastity 24×7 with few exceptions. Once a week,she unlocks me for device cleanup and to have full my body clean with my wife’s presence in the bathroom (once, I have been caught masturbating in the shower).
                                          Honestly, I felt insecure now, when I’m without my chastity device.
                                          I become more attentive t my wife,and our relationship is stronger than ever.

                                        • #17317

                                            An open metal custom crafted device can be worn permanently without discomfort and simplifies the relationship between wife, Bull/Dom and husband. i know that i am not going to get release until a time of her choosing and i am always ready or what is required of me. Of course it comes off for doctor appts, air travel, etc but once i got used to it, i do miss it when the cage if off for awhile and really can’t feel comfortable until it’s back on.

                                          • #17882

                                              For us it all started with chastity. He broached the subject first about me keeping him locked up. I have to admit I thought it weird at first but after I’d read some sensible info about male chastity I agreed to give it a go.
                                              What I didn’t expect was the power trip it gave me when I’d snapped the lock shut and put the key on a chain around my neck. It felt so hot knowing that I controlled his dick. And he couldn’t keep his hands (or tongue) off me.

                                            • #17977

                                                I got my first chastity device about two years ago but my wife only makes me wear it when she’s with a bull or if she feels I need to be punished for something.

                                              • #18111

                                                  As a bull who specializes in impregnation I don’t particularly care whether or not a cuckold wears a chastity device, my only concern is that he be denied sexual access to his wife during and around her fertile window. If a cuckold wants to spurt his useless seed while watching pixels on a computer screen then so be it, that doesn’t concern me.

                                                  I understand that some (perhaps most) cuckolds enjoy the humiliation and emasculation that comes from wearing a chastity device, some like the loss of control as well I guess. Personally I think it’s rather pointless, watching me penetrate and inseminate your wife must surely be the most humiliating and emasculating experience possible, wearing a chastity device is akin to throwing a match into an already raging bonfire.

                                                • #33226

                                                    We discovered chastity devices about 20 or so years ago and I think I have loved them more than her if that is possible. I have been locked up 24/7 for years. It started gradually only when her boyfriends were coming over so they could see or if she wanted to show one of her sisters or girl friends. But every year I spent more and more time locked up. Now it feels unnatural and uncomfortable to be out. I hope to be buried in one. I wear a really small size so they are not really visible under clothing.

                                                  • #40796

                                                      My advice…enjoy!

                                                    • #40797


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