Marriage Evolved discussion Role Discussions Submissive Husbands Wife Having Lover’s Child

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    • cuhlman
        Post count: 25

        Some of you who chatted with me on this site may know that I am a cuckold, and I have been so for almost nine years; I suspected that my wife Carol had lovers very soon after we married (and before that if I am honest) but for the last three years or so she has had one special lover with whom she is now deeply in love.  As a cuckold I have learned to accept that I am not worthy of her and to be totally submissive to her in every way, my commitment to her is total and the humiliation of knowing she is this powerful man’s Mistress is something that I had to resign myself to and now have learned to enjoy.

        A few weeks ago Carol told me that her lover now wants to give her a child, and the recent increased noises and activity in the bedroom led me to think that was exactly what they were doing.  One day I saw them together and the look on her face as they kissed led me to think that they had received some news, and that I would have to face the fact that she was expecting. I was wrong however, she was just happy to see him that day, but the emotion I had felt in those weeks was a mixture of humiliation, confusion and distress. But I experienced other emotions too, I felt total love for her, pride and care and I think that those other feelings came to me because of what I am, a Beta Male.

        Carol came to me yesterday and explained that she had not thrown her pills away just yet but had been waiting while she judged my emotional state; Carol does care for me and is a lovely wife but she only thought it right that she talk to me first; the last thing she wants is for me to be totally devastated and leave her (not that I ever would but I haven’t told her that).

        I should say now that it would be very difficult for Carol and I to pass her lover’s child off as being fathered by me, the reason is because we are a white couple from Kent – UK and her lover is a professional footballer from Nigeria. So as you can see, the whole world would know that I am a cuckold and my wife has had another man’s child. Let me say now that I am not a racist and it does not matter to me if Carol’s lover is white or black, which is her choice as long as she is happy. But would I be O.K. with that extreme level of humiliation? – I just don’t know. 

        I have not agreed to this yet as I would welcome advice from any members of this site who have experienced the same situation, or have a different view on what I should do.

      • matmagic99
          Post count: 142

          This is one topic where I part ways with the usual cuckold crowd.  I’ve seen enough irresponsible pregnancies and mothers overburdened with children from absentee daddies that I have very little patience with this scenario, in general (of course, exceptions exist).  It is very easy for the bull to say how much he wants to give her a child.  Is he going to do anything to support the child?  Will he see the child?  Do you want him to?  It’s nice to have conflicted “cuckold angst”, but it does not need to be imposed on an innocent child, in my view.  But whatever the bunch of you decide to do, good luck.

        • cuhlman
            Post count: 25



            Thanks for the comments but I can assure you that, if I decide to say yes, the child will not want for a ‘daddy’, because that would be me, and if I know anything at all I know that Carol would be a wonderful mother. If her lover decided to stay around the little one would have a Dad, Mum and Uncle to relate to and would grow up in a loving household. Please understand that I am Carol’s husband and as such I am going to be with her for the rest of my life and the fact that her lover and her want to have a child will never alter that. These are her words and not mine.

            I made a commitment to her to be her support and to serve her three years ago. I accepted that she wanted another man as a lover and when I did so it was without condition. There is no ‘Cuckold Angst’, just my quandary over whether I could live with such a level of humiliation and rightly, she has left the decision to me thus allowing me a degree of inclusion in the joy of making a child with her lover. But the decision is mine.

          • bazram
              Post count: 19

              Can’t advise on your particular situation but my wife and her lover did decide to have a child together. From my point of view this has been wonderful. I loved being a dad from the moment she told me she was pregnant and I love the fact that she has given herself so completely to her lover and denied me (we have no sexual contact at their request). It wasn’t what I’d planned but it seems a very natural culmination of cuckold lifestyle that I enjoy so much. for her it was a very natural development of the loving relationship she enjoys with her alpha male. Race isn’t an issue for us (she’s part asian and we are both white) but I don’t pretend to be the biological father and don’t look alike.

              I struggle a bit with your last sentence. to my mind the decision must be theirs. Your part is in dealing with what they decide. Best wishes with whatever happens next.

            • matmagic99
                Post count: 142

                You guys have apparently thought this through. Can’t quite relate, but i think I understand and I wish you both luck and good fortune.

              • cuhlman
                  Post count: 25

                  @bazram said:
                  Can’t advise on your particular situation but my wife and her lover did decide to have a child together. From my point of view this has been wonderful. I loved being a dad from the moment she told me she was pregnant and I love the fact that she has given herself so completely to her lover and denied me (we have no sexual contact at their request). It wasn’t what I’d planned but it seems a very natural culmination of cuckold lifestyle that I enjoy so much. for her it was a very natural development of the loving relationship she enjoys with her alpha male. Race isn’t an issue for us (she’s part asian and we are both white) but I don’t pretend to be the biological father and don’t look alike.

                  I struggle a bit with your last sentence. to my mind the decision must be theirs. Your part is in dealing with what they decide. Best wishes with whatever happens next.



                  thank you for telling me your story and it is nice to know that i am not the only one who has to accept this in his life. you are absolutely correct, as a submissive cuckold i should just be told that she is going to have his child and my opinion should not have been sought, but that is something she has decided to do herself.

                  she has given me until the finish of her next period to express my opinion and i think that she already knows what the answer will be from me, otherwise she would not have asked it.  but we are where we are and i need to get my head around what it will be like if i say yes, which i probably will now.  i still need to think though, and any further advice from others on this site will be welcome.


                • Dan
                    Post count: 5

                    Congratulations on wanting to be the ultimate cuckold. How old is your wife? Has she been impregnated yet? Good luck and I hope it works out well for you all.

                  • cuhlman
                      Post count: 25

                      @Dan said:
                      Congratulations on wanting to be the ultimate cuckold. How old is your wife? Has she been impregnated yet? Good luck and I hope it works out well for you all.



                      thanks for your interest and kind wishes, but i have to say that it was not my idea, it was Carol’s who, as you have asked, is in her early thirties. she has told me that she would not have asked me if it hadn’t been for the difference in color between me and her Lover, consequently she wanted to be sure that i would not leave her when the child is born.

                      you are the first to know that i gave her the answer she wanted to hear last night and my reasoning is that over three years ago i accepted that i must becaome her submissive cuckold so i could live with the fact that she had a Lover.  my commitment to her has not changed at all since that day we agreed to live this lifestyle (not that i knew we were in a ‘lifestyle’) and that will not change in the future.

                      her lover is in Nigeria at the moment but is due back in training at his football club by the end of the week, so we are both expecting him to walk in at any time now; she has already texted him the news of my compliance to their wishes so i guess he won’t waste any time getting her in the sack. Carol has said that she wants their first time at trying to impregnate her to be special and that she wants me to be part of it by me preparing her for him, so tomorrow we are going out to buy some beautiful white, virgin like, sexy underwear for her to wear for his first visit. i often prepare her for his visits or when she goes out to meet him on dates so this will be just the same as usual, but with that extra humiliation of knowing that another man is giving my wife a child.

                      i shall let you know how it all works out, and how i feel at the time.

                      Best wishes


                    • bazram
                        Post count: 19

                        Once my wife and her lover had decided she did all the preparation, taking dietary supplements, abstaining from alcohol , and she also did hormone test that confirmed exactly when she was ovulating. That day we knew she was going to him with an egg in her womb ready for his sperm and when she came home next morning we were pretty sure she was pregnant and a test confirmed it a few days later. I thought it was lovely knowing exactly when she conceived.

                      • cuhlman
                          Post count: 25

                          all cuckolds, be they willing, unwilling, happy, or unhappy know one thing, that another man will ejaculate into his wife. he has to accept that she will willingly open her legs and invite her Lover inside her and that they share, in one intimate moment together, the joy and pleasure of his seed erupting into her womb. some cuckolds hate the thought and others find a sense of thrilling humiliation in the knowledge that another man’s emission is now inside the woman he loves.  either way, it has happened before and will likely happen again.


                          some cuckolds like to watch their wives with her Lover when they are in the throes of their passion, whereas others (like me) prefer to listen; whatever our lifestyle, we have all felt that special emotion when another man’s manhood erupts into our wives. in most cases due to contraception, we know that she will not conceive no matter how many times her Lover has her and we know (mostly) that all will be back to normal when she arrives home from a night in his bed.


                          i can say now that the emotion a cuckold feels when he knows that his wife’s Lover is intent on giving her a child, is a whole lot different to when he is not. the sounds she makes are more demanding and emotional; her orgasms are stronger, her screams are louder and the triumphant noise he makes when he cums is louder and manlier.  each night for last two weeks i have listened to Onye, with his big dark cock, thrusting harder and harder into her, to ejaculate again and again. and each night i have sat in my bedroom next to theirs, with my head near to where her bed head is (the other side of the thin wall) and shook with emotion at each time i heard that now familiar sound of him releasing his seed deep into my wife.


                          for the first time in my life i have felt less than a man and the reality of my submissiveness has now come home to me. i feel humiliated beyond words, but i also feel absolute love for Carol and total commitment to her and her happiness, and if that means that the world knows and sees me for a cuckolded husband, then it is something i shall bear with pride.


                          in the next week or so i shall write just how we conducted a little ceremony between the three of us and how i prepared Carol for her Lover and their first night of planting his seed in her.


                          maybe other cuckolds have witnessed the impregnation of their wives. if you have, i would like to hear of your experiences, and how you felt (or feel).

                        • steve69
                            Post count: 10



                            I wanted to add to the forum some of what we chatted about this morning.  You have given your wife permission to grant her lover ultimate access to her womb.  It’s awe-inspiring and strangely arousing.  If a pregnancy results, you will have the joy of seeing your wife blossoming into motherhood — without the usual distraction of pride in it being your child.  It is an awesome gift of love.  Your devotion to your wife is touching.  Any child of hers will be revered and well cared for by you, I know.

                            Please continue to update the forum.  I would like to hear about the ceremony between you, your wife, and her lover to prepare for their first night of planting his seed in her.

                          • cuhlman
                              Post count: 25

                              It has been almost two weeks now that my wife and her lover have started down the road of making a child together, and it is only now that I can bring myself to describe the night that we committed ourselves to this journey.  Carol had texted Onye while he was in Nigeria telling him of the decision and that we were going to have a little ceremony to mark the occasion, his reply was that he was extremely happy about the decision and that he would bring her a lovely present to mark the occasion.

                              At heart, my wife is a soft romantic and as I have said before, she knows me very well. “I want you to be there for the first time when he has me in this new arrangement,” she said to me one evening while we were discussing what she would wear, “And I want you to give me to him, and stay to watch us make a baby.”

                              My heart almost stopped as she said the words and all I could do was sit open mouthed at the suggestion.

                              “Oh yes! Onye is all for it as well. He says it is only right that a husband should know who is fathering his wife’s children,” she continued.

                              She knew instinctively that it was what I wanted above all, to play the role of the humiliated cuckold and watch as another man plants his own seed in his wife. My body trembled and my voice quavered as I replied that it was more than I could wish for. “I shall give him a present too. On the night of the ceremony.” I said to Carol who smiled warmly and tenderly at me.

                              “And I shall have one for you my Love.” She replied with a mischievous smile on her face.

                              Carol and I thought long and hard about how she would present herself to her lover on the night. Should she be just naked for him, or dressed like an African Bride, or black basque and stockings, or white virginal? I knew she would look stunning in whatever she wore. We settled for white virgin and spent a wonderful afternoon (and a small fortune) buying the beautiful things she would wear for Onye’s pleasure.

                              The afternoon before his arrival, Carol had her hair done; she shaved her pussy and then showered. As I towelled her dry I could smell the expensive body wash she had used; it was mine and Onye’s favourite. Like a good cuckold should, I helped Carol into the white silk stockings that encased her leg to mid way up her thigh and then fastened the catches from the shiny suspender belt to the stocking top. Kneeling before her I checked to see that everything was perfect and with my face just inches away from her pink pussy, I couldn’t help it but I leaned forward and kissed her there. Her reaction was to lean forward and kiss the top of my head. “You are the perfect hubby my love,” she whispered, “but I always knew you would be.”

                              Stepping away, she held out the beautiful see-through white dress for me to carefully lift over her shoulders. She looked beautiful, like a virgin going to her first lover, which is a minor triumph given the number of men she has had over the years.

                              Ten minutes later the bell rang, and it was Onye standing at the door with a big smile on his face.

                              “Carol would like you to go to the bedroom and undress please,” I told him “and then we can begin.”

                              In the bedroom, Onye stood naked in front of me; his large manhood already showing signs of excitement at the thought of what was to follow.

                              “I have two questions to ask you Onye, and please answer honestly.” He nodded – intrigued.

                              “My wife is in love with you and wants to have your child. Is this your wish too?”

                              “Yes. It is!” he replied

                              “And will you continue to be her Lover, still make love to her and not abandon her when her body is stretched and full with your child?”

                              “Of course I will. It is what a man wants; to plant his seed in his woman and see it grow. I want her to have many of my sons and daughters. She was born to be the mother of my children!” he said in a strong manly way.

                              I nearly fainted at this revelation that he wanted to give her many children, but I was committed and so was Carol. I wondered if she knew of Onye’s intentions; silly question really – of course she did.

                              I led Carol in to the bedroom and I heard Onye gasp at her beauty and the sight of her near naked body though the thin material of the dress.

                              “I have two presents for you Onye. The first is this key.” I handed him the key to our front door which he took with a look of gratitude, the meaning of the present was as clear to him as it was to Carol. ‘My House is your House and My Wife is Your Wife’.

                              “And the other present is my wife, who I now give to you”. As I spoke, I stepped behind her and gently undid the white ribbon at the back and let the dress fall to the floor. Carol immediately stepped out of the dress and pressed her body against his and kissed him deeply on the lips.

                              “Please kneel,” Onye said quietly to her “I have something for you as well.”

                              Reaching behind him he pulled a large thick gold chain from a velvet bag.  As she bent her head he placed it around her neck and fastened it at the back and I understood the meaning of it immediately. She now belonged to him, and she knew it and her smile, as she turned to me, told me so.

                              “Your present is on the table behind you on the table. It’s my gift of love to you,” she said as she turned back towards Onye’s large cock.

                              As I unwrapped the small present I watched as her lips and tongue worked on his manhood and the reaction was immediate as it grew and raised its shiny head to above his navel. The present was heavy and I gasped in surprise when the device fell out into my hand; it was a cuckold’s penis restraint just like the one that I normally wear, but in pure gold.  I had worn a plastic one when I was first cuckolded, a small (very small) cage type and the bright shiny one that I wore then, but I had always wanted a gold cage.  The key to my restraint, that Carol normally kept, was included in the package so I slipped out of the room and quickly changed into the new one and brought the new key with me.

                              When I returned Onye and Carol were on the bed and kissing passionately; quietly I knelt beside them and placed the golden key on the cabinet by the bed. And there I stayed, holding my pretty wife’s hand as her Lover entered her, whispering words of love and encouragement as he started moving in and out of her, slowly at first as a good lover should.

                              Within a short space of time, their passion started to take over and she withdrew her had from mine and wrapped her arms around him, then her silky white legs moved up and hooked together across his back.  My wife and her Lover were as one. Connected emotionally and physically they were a wonderful, beautiful sight and I was so proud of her at that moment.

                              The pleasure and love they felt was clear to me as she spoke gentle words of love to him, encouraging him to go faster and harder.

                              Eventually, even the best of lovers must erupt and the moment when it came was noisy, spectacular and very emotional for us all. Knowing him, just as a real woman should know her man, she could feel his need rising and reacted by pushing him on until he arched his back and roared as he ejaculated into her. Her screams of passion and fulfilment and his loud bellowing continued for a minute or so and then silence as their lust was slated.

                              Had I just witnessed the conception of our (Carol, Onye’s and mine) new son or daughter?  Maybe or maybe not, but the moment was symbolic and precious to us all three.

                              I knew it was then time for me to depart and to leave Carol and Onye to their intimate moment together. As I looked back at them, Carol looked at me and smiled. Glancing across at the little gold key she smiled again, and we both knew that everything would be O.K. from now on.

                              As I have written before, my preference is to listen to my wife with her lover so that is now what I do even under these circumstances.  I have described my feelings above (a little out of sequence perhaps) when I hear them both together now that they are trying for a baby, but I promise I shall relay just how I feel when (if) we find out that my wife is pregnant from her Lover.

                            • cuhlman
                                Post count: 25

                                Disappointment stalks our three cosy lives.  Carol had a period a couple of weeks ago and her distress was palpable; she was terribly upset and needed consoling from both myself and Onye.  I guess it was unreasonable to expect her lover to ‘hit the spot’ first time but our expectations had been high and, heaven knows, they had enough practice at getting her pregnant.  Night after night, and even into the morning sometimes I have listened through the bedroom wall to them both making love, knowing that at any time his erupting seed could be the start of a new life in her and total humiliation for me.

                                 I said to her, while I was consoling her one evening that she should try to relax. “Its different now Carol, you are making a child and the spontaneity may have gone out of your loving with Onye. You seem to be on a mission and have forgotten to have fun.”

                                 “You’re right,” she replied, “even Onye almost said as much last night, but he’s too much of a gentleman.  But I know what would relax me.”

                                 I felt a small sense of concern as she looked directly at me. “What?” I asked, my voice sounded far away and nervous because I had an idea of what was coming.

                                 “Not what.  Who!” she replied, smiling at me.  “I want you there, near me when Onye and I make love.  I need you there to smile at me, and say nice gentle things to me when he is inside me. I love seeing your kind face.  Its not as if you have never seen me with my lover before and each time you have watched us over the years I have always felt a surge of love and affection for you when you are nearby.”

                                 “I can’t do that Carol, please don’t make me,” I cried, but it was to no avail.

                                 “Bring your bed in here this afternoon when you get back from work, and you will lay there tonight and keep me relaxed and happy while Onye and I try to make a baby.  Oh and one more thing; you will be naked in your little bed, and do you know why?”

                                 I shook my head because I knew I had to obey as any submissive Cuckold like myself will testify.

                                 “Because I want to see that beautiful little golden cage on your pretty pink penis, that’s why.  Its so sweet on you, especially when you have shaved yourself down there. And when I see it I know that you love and obey me. And that relaxes me like nothing else in this world.”

                                 That afternoon I dismantled my bed and rebuilt it near to Onye and Carol’s bed and, although I didn’t want to do it, the thought of being so close to her was very arousing for me. She told me later that Onye had consented to my presence if it could ease the way to her impregnation, and that I didn’t interfere, which is ironic really since he had been bedding my wife for the last three and a half years without my intervention.

                                 So that has been my life for the last few weeks, and some more to come I should think.  Lying naked on my bed, watching as they kiss and explore each other as if it were the first time together, holding my breath and keeping quiet as she takes his manhood expertly into her mouth and listening to her squeaks of anticipation as he lays her on the bed. She always smiles up at him as he manoeuvres himself between her open legs, but now she reaches for me every time and I hold her hand gently against my cheek.  I whisper words of encouragement and even I can now tell that my wife is more calm than before and she is taking every loving moment between Onye and herself as precious.

                                 As for me? I am a cuckold and I know that my place will always be to serve my beautiful wife. Whether it is the more mundane things in life, or whether it is to support her and be devoted to her whilst her lover beds her and impregnates her right there in front of me. I have always accepted what I am, my total devotion to my wife and the emotional feelings (sometimes hurtful, sometimes delightful but always wonderfully humiliating) I find from being cuckolded.

                                 In the days to come, I shall write further about this journey we have embarked upon but not until we have some news.  Until then please think of me every night on my bed, loving my wife in my way and watching her making a child with Onye.

                              • cuhlman
                                  Post count: 25

                                  Carol is pregnant! When she told me her pregnancy tester had turned blue one morning I felt a complete rush of many different emotions; humiliation, elation, humble, proud and most of all a strong surge of love for Carol. Mistakenly, she mistook my tears for hurt and immediately tried to comfort me by holding me close to her breasts.

                                  “Don’t cry Baby,” she cooed like mother to her child, “you always knew that this would happen.  You have always been so understanding about my affair with Onye, please don’t spoil it.  Not now!”

                                  I lifted my head up to meet her gaze. “I am so proud of you,” I replied, “it was such a shock to actually hear that you are now pregnant. I am not unhappy, its just that my emotions got the better of me………when did you find out?”

                                  Carol replied that she had discovered she was pregnant the day before but had only told Onye that morning before he left to go training with his football team. “I thought it only right that he should be the first to know,” she said looking at me to judge my reaction to her words, “I do belong to him now, after all.”

                                  I looked at her and realised that all this time I had still not understood the depth of her feeling for him.

                                  “I am having his child Sweety,” she said, “and if I can, in time I shall give him all the babies he wants. I will always be his woman even though you and I are still man and wife. But I still love you just as much as I ever have.”

                                  A visit to the doctor that day (Friday) confirmed what we already knew and that evening Onye whisked her off to his apartment in London for the weekend. Carol had wanted to conceive in our house with me nearby but now she is pregnant she can join Onye once again in his bed, and for a short while at least go out on dates again with him.

                                  “Don’t worry dear,” she said “I won’t be drinking or dancing. I intend to spend a lot of time in a horizontal position.” And with that she went off in her Lover’s car leaving me to move my bed back into the spare bedroom.

                                  Over the next weeks I shall watch as my lovely wife’s body expands with Onye’s child and hopefully I shall be able to convey my feelings and emotions to you through this forum.  I have also made myself a promise; that I shall kneel before her and kiss her belly when she gets up in the morning until the baby is born; I don’t know why but it just seems the right thing to do. I am sure that I saw tears in her eyes when I kissed her there today. And at least I can get some bloody sleep now.

                                  Finally, I hope readers will forgive me for practicing my narrative skills, however I thought that this was the best way to get across the story of how we are progressing, the decisions that have been made and the emotions I have felt.  Perhaps I should stick just to factual accounts of my cuckolding but to me that would read like a shopping list; when all is said and done, to be cuckolded and to know that the wife you love is now carrying another man’s child brings forth very strong feelings. And I want to share those emotions with you; so I shall keep on with the narrative in the following posts.

                                • steve69
                                    Post count: 10

                                    Thank you, cuhlman.  Your love is so tender, it enriches us to hear about it.

                                  • Luvr
                                      Post count: 288

                                      Congratulations – you’re now among the most elite ranks of cuckolds; those who experience the most basic meaning of the term by being their wife’s husband, but not her mate.

                                      I would encourage you to document her physical progress here, too. A photo of her, in profile perhaps, on the same day, each month through her term carrying his baby.

                                    • cuhlman
                                        Post count: 25

                                        Thank you for your kind words Steve and Luvr.

                                        As for putting photos of Carol on this website (or any website), that is probably the quickest way I know to lose my balls.  But I promise I shall keep this forum updated with our progress.

                                        I haven’t heard her suffering from morning sickness, perhaps its early days yet; I guess I should start getting some information on this pregnancy thing.

                                      • cuhlman
                                          Post count: 25

                                          just to report that Carol is starting to be sick in the mornings now and is feeling a little tired.  i guess this is normal for four to six weeks pregnancy.  her breasts haven’t changed much but feel a little tender to the touch, which is bad news for Onye’s ambitions in that area of pleasure; nevertheless he is beginning to realise just what a journey he has started.  there is no discernible change in her lovely slender body shape either.

                                          i have to say that her Lover is pretty useless at the nurturing side of things; when she was ill this morning (it can come on at any time in the day by the way) he did not have a clue what to do, he thought she was just unwell.  it was me that held her hand, as i have done so many times in the last month, as she vomited and then took her back to bed and tucked her in.  Onye didn’t have a clue what to do so he just went downstairs and made us all a pot of tea, which is the first time he has ever done such a thing, for me especially.

                                          as i listened to them making love last night, it has become clear now that my wife and her lover are now taking things a lot slower and are spending time just enjoying their closeness and the feel of their naked bodies.  the thrusting, frantic coupling that they have enjoyed these last few years has now gone and a more sensuous love making has become the more usual sound through the walls.

                                          as for me, my journey as a complete cuckold is fully under way.  the humiliation i feel when i look at my wife and know that she has another man’s child inside her grows by the day; i suspect that it will grow in direct relation to the size of her belly.  but this is the submissive life i have chosen and i have no regrets.Smile

                                        • atul
                                            Post count: 4

                                   u shud tell ur wife’s lover to start thinking of the child’s name.

                                          • cuhlman
                                              Post count: 25

                                              @atul said:
                                     u shud tell ur wife’s lover to start thinking of the child’s name.


                                              thanks for your congratulations atul. Carol has told me that the baby will probably be named after Onye’s Father or Mother.

                                              as a submissive cuckold i cannot express an opinion in this matter and it is my Wife and her Lover’s right to name the child. i shall let you know the name when they decide.

                                            • southwestcple
                                                Post count: 18

                                                Im with Luvr on this. Some pics would be nice.

                                              • kirankats
                                                  Post count: 1

                                                  i wish u good luck in ur life of cuckold life.

                                                • subhubbie
                                                    Post count: 5

                                                    @cuhlman said:
                                                    the last thing she wants is for me to be totally devastated and leave her (not that I ever would but I haven’t told her that).

                                                    Great story, cuhlman. Thanks for sharing.

                                                    I was a little disturbed by your comment above.  As your wife’s submissive husband you should of course always tell her you love her and will stay with and serve her forever.  You are privileged to be with her, and need to recognise that – not the other way round.  She could easily find another guy if she wanted to – it is you that must work to keep her, and be glad to do so!

                                                    Of course you can stand teh humiliation of her coloured child. You are just a submissive cuckold. So long as she is happy, you can stand by her side with the baby and take in any humiliation.  People are unlikely to question you, but if they do, you should have discussed this with your wife, and give an answer to the situation that she is happy with.

                                                    Good luck in your journey!

                                                  • cuhlman
                                                      Post count: 25

                                                      @subhubbie said:

                                                      @cuhlman said:
                                                      the last thing she wants is for me to be totally devastated and leave her (not that I ever would but I haven’t told her that).

                                                      Great story, cuhlman. Thanks for sharing.

                                                      I was a little disturbed by your comment above.  As your wife’s submissive husband you should of course always tell her you love her and will stay with and serve her forever.  You are privileged to be with her, and need to recognise that – not the other way round.  She could easily find another guy if she wanted to – it is you that must work to keep her, and be glad to do so!

                                                      Of course you can stand teh humiliation of her coloured child. You are just a submissive cuckold. So long as she is happy, you can stand by her side with the baby and take in any humiliation.  People are unlikely to question you, but if they do, you should have discussed this with your wife, and give an answer to the situation that she is happy with.



                                                      I wouldn’t read too much into the statement, it was my last attempt at showing the upper hand; there have been so few over the years of our marriage. Nevertheless Carol knew that I would say yes because i am too far down the road of submission to have refused.

                                                      You are also very correct to say that I am privileged to be with her and I do tell her that i love her as often as i can. I also tell her in my submissive actions like helping her get ready for dates with her Lover (i always advise her on what to wear), wearing my restraint (it’s a part of me now) and kissing the spot on her tummy where the baby is starting to grow inside her. Even before she became Onye’s Mistress i was always very affectionate towards her, and this has not changed one bit over the last few years.

                                                      As for the humiliation of my wife bearing a child of different colour to us both; i am at peace with this now. The most important thing is that the child is loved, and he or she will be, by all three of us. Its 2012 for heaven sake so why should i worry what ‘people’ might say. I told Carol this the other night and she burst into tears as she had been worried about this aspect of my commitment to her.

                                                      All is happy in our household now and all four of us (five maybe – who knows) are loving the life we are leading, none more so that me; the submissive cuckold – servant to my lovely pregnant wife.

                                                      Good luck in your journey!

                                                    • cuhlman
                                                        Post count: 25

                                                        @kirankats said:
                                                        i wish u good luck in ur life of cuckold life.


                                                        SmileThank you for your kind words kirankats



                                                      • cuhlman
                                                          Post count: 25

                                                          @southwestcple said:
                                                          Im with Luvr on this. Some pics would be nice.



                                                          I would be with Luvr too, if my wife was as well. She knows that I am telling our story on this site and she is O.K. with it except that she would make my life a complete misery if she saw one photo of her on here. I have no choice in the matter!

                                                        • southwestcple
                                                            Post count: 18

                                                            Let me get this straight. Your wife is having a baby by her black lover but she won’t have a pic on here.

                                                          • cuhlman
                                                              Post count: 25

                                                              @southwestcple said:
                                                              Let me get this straight. Your wife is having a baby by her black lover but she won’t have a pic on here.




                                                              i am confused why you would think that my wife should have her pic on here because she is pregnant by a black man. she is a woman who has fallen in love with a Nigerian and now wants to bear him a child; something she seems to be doing quite successfully. are you hinting that women who mate interracially should put their pictures on the internet? if that were the case, there would be thousands of them to look at; their husbands may get a bit of a shock as well.

                                                              Carol has said no, and no it is i’m afraid – sorry Southwestcple!

                                                              • Alex_Newone
                                                                  Post count: 3

                                                                  At least is almost 8 maybe 9 years of this, could you please share with me how was the moment after birth-day, what happened, How is your life with Carol, with the Son/Daughter.

                                                              • southwestcple
                                                                  Post count: 18

                                                                  So many bullshitters living the dream the only way they can – in fantasy land via internet forums. And it’s also nice to put real pictures with a real story. Would you buy a newspaper if it had no pictures?

                                                                  If you’re genuine you’ll know how irritating fakers are not least because they crowd out genuine couples. Further, you get all engaged in their story and when it’s gone as far as it can go, they get bored and just disappear in a puff of smoke. Usually to start again from scratch. either somewhere else or on the same forum under a different name. Fortunately Luvr seems quite adept at weeding out fakers.

                                                                  I’m not saying you’re fake but it had crossed my mind. Lots of women don’t like pictures because of privacy issues, but you’re not going to have any of those soon, are you?

                                                                • femboy0
                                                                    Post count: 1

                                                                    This thread was by far the most educational and significant series of posts on the website. I applaud the author for his courage in sharing his story and I encourage him to be bold in sharing the news of his new family with the website as it is truly a revolutionary development unique in its openness and candour. I wish him and his new family every blessing and success and the most fulfilling of journeys growing forward.

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