Marriage Evolved discussion Lifestyle Discussions Getting Started Wife Initiated Cuckolding

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    • Harry
        Post count: 4

        I'm not sure how unusual our experience is but I seldom read similar reports online. In our case, it was my wife who introduced me to cuckold. I think she was led into it by a desire to cheat on me, but there is not doubt that she was totally and completely the initiator. I was not for it and I still have many mixed emotions about it (but arousal is one of those). She also claims to have read every word of this website which I believe since I saw where she had printed out most of the pages and stapled them together. I am just wondering if other husbands have had their wives blaze the trail.

      • Luvr
          Post count: 288


          I’m glad you posted as there are surely other husbands who came to this lifestyle not of their own choosing, at least initially.
          My question for you is whether your wife first cheated to enjoy e experience of another man inside her or if she expressed these needs to you first?

          As for having read m entire site: bravo! I like her already!

        • Harry
            Post count: 4

            She did not tell me first. I found out about it. She had gotten a ride home from work and she came in with a smear of cum on her lapel. Obviously she didn't know it was there. She had blown the guy in the car. Eventually, we came to an agreement but at first it almost broke us up.

          • Luvr
              Post count: 288

              I'm glad to hear you two worked through it. I've spoken to a substantial number of former husbands who overreacted to their wife's cheating and lived to deeply regret it.

              Since it's come into the open, how have things progressed; where are you now, in terms of the lifestyle..? It's a positive sign she has enjoyed my site, though.

            • Harry
                Post count: 4

                Well, to put it in the nutshell the “working through” was a long process of me figuring out that it was going to be her way or the highway. Although I was a virgin when we got married, I had been intimate with a few girls along the way and they all made direct and repeated references to my cock being small. I guess I was kidding myself–probably in the glow of our engagement and marriage–that I would be able to meet her needs. I have since learned that a large income and an endlessly compliant nature is not going to be enough for her.


                Where we are right now is that my wife had a boyfriend for almost two years. He lived near us but he was a reservist and got called up. After that they drifted apart. We always had a femdom aspect to our marriage but this was never part of her interaction with her boyfriend. She was like a different person and none of the desire to dominate/manipulate that are so deeply ingrained in her personality were even present when she was with him. If anything, SHE became the submisssive one. She does not like one nighters (though it has happened occasionally). Her whole focus is finding a long term situation. That said, we live on a barrier island on the coast of Florida and there isn't a huge population to draw from. Many huge changes came about in our lives during the 2 years that she was with Josh and that fact concerns me some since she seems to have her radar up looking for another situation like that. When Josh left, I redoubled my efforts to be all the man she ever needs but I am starting to have doubts about the success of that plan. We have a high profile lifestyle in a relatively small community and so we have to be careful.


                I guess I am the living embodiment of cuckold angst. Somehow though, that seems to engerize her all the more. I know from our femdom activities that she has a sadistic streak (god help me if that gets tapped into). Maybe that thread is the source of her sexual relish of the more humiliating aspects of the cuckold thing. It hasn't been totally out in the open but I can read her and I know she's getting off on it.

              • Luvr
                  Post count: 288

                  In cuckolding, it's the mental interplay that truly defines the lifestyle for most. Yes, the better sex is a factor, but the reason the sex is often so good is simply because of the mental/emotional aspects of the experience. It's simply that in cuckolding, 2+1>3.

                  It's been much more common in my experience than not to see wives who are slightly or even overtly dominant with their husband become increasingly submissive for their boyfriend. When she chooses him as a partner, it is the act of promoting him to alpha within your 'pack' and even though she might be the alpha female, the alpha female still defers to the alpha male. This is only at the primal level, being human, we have a conscious mind that can layer on atop that.

                  It seems to me that you have both the perspective and relationship necessary to not only experience this together, but flourish within in it. You know her desire to enjoy another male in her life and in her bed isn't an effort to replace you or diminish your role in her life, but rather to supplement what you both experience in an instinctively sexual manner.

                  We are mammals, after all, and though we may pair for life, genetics have proven that seldom do we mate (monogamously) for life.

                  I know it's easy for me to say, but you might give thought to your concerns about your community and what those around you might think if they 'suspected' something. Newsflash: small communities always suspect something whether real or not, for one thing and secondly, who cares what they think. When you're 98 and look back, are you going to think to yourself, “phew, sure glad I made all those people happy by living up to their expectation of us…”.  I think not. In the end, the only people you need to be concerned with is yourselves (and children). Living your lives to please others only leaves you bound to disappoint both them and yourselves. Even if they were to see your wife on a date with a boyfriend, the most they could do is assume she's cheating and unless they were caught making out, there's lots of room for defense, if anyone even dared mention what was seen.

                  At this point, even if you were all the man she needed (you may be), you can't be all the man she wants, which is something else entirely.

                  I once dated a wife whose husband was the stud she wanted; he was hung as well as I was, had the stamina and tongue she enjoyed, but once she got a taste of making him watch her fuck someone else while he was denied, she was hooked – and so was he.

                  I don't think you'd have it any other way now either, now that you've tasted it.

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