Marriage Evolved discussion Lifestyle Discussions True Experiences Wife Invites Boyfriend for Christmas Cuckolding

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    • Katie&sean
        Post count: 10

        Tis the season for cuckolding! If you have been pondering when the’right time’is for inviting your bull/boyfriend/lover to sleep over with you, then ponder no longer! With the Christmas season so filled with parties, why not host your own party with a secret ‘invitation’ for your boyfriend to stay overnight after all the rest of your guests are gone? No, this is not a wild and crazy idea. It’s a very methodical transition from hotel one-night-stands to accepting and introducing your boyfriend as one of your family or friends network. To make the socializing at the party go smoothly, make sure he arrives extra early to help you and your husband do the decorating, prepare snacks, and get the holiday music song list in order.
        We’ve done this before and have found that our lover is quite eager to help out in this way because it makes him feel like he matters and is becoming closer to me as hubby is taking a proverbial ‘backseat.’ Make no mistake about it, your boyfriend can direct your husband as to what to do and how to do it in order to make the party atmosphere preparations set to perfection. A wife can always use an extra pair of hands to ‘help out.’ 😉 As the guests begin to arrive, you can greet them at the door, but eventually work them towards your lover so you can introduce your ‘new friend’ who is such a welcomed addition to you and your husband’s life! Perhaps you met him at the gym and he knows a lot about exercise, work-outs and special diets. This will be a great way for your guests to get free advice. Or, maybe he is a real-estate agent and can give your guests the best way for them to buy or sell a piece of real estate. You get the idea. Make him the guest who everyone has some use for, but you of course, get the most ‘out of him.’ (pun intended!) 🙂

      • 4DecadeCuck
          Post count: 28

          On Christmas day we had two of my wife’s boyfriends and nine other men share their Christmas with us. To me, that is what Christmas is all about, giving. My wife gave herself to all these men and they gave her what only a man can give a woman. And it was definitely a very white Christmas between my wife’s legs. She was full and overflowing. Each of the men had their turns three and four times over. It was a great Christmas that started early in the day and continued well into the evening.

          We are doing this again on New Years Eve. My wife is hoping for a better turn out then. I have to say that this Christmas was amazing. I didn’t get sex with my wife, but a lot of other men got a lot of sex with her. And that’s what’s important.

        • Anonymous
            Post count: 44

            Wow – 10 men and 3 or 4 shots each. I hope you were on duty cleaning up all that cream they provided Ypu would have enjoyed it on your Xmas pud.

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