Marriage Evolved › discussion › Role Discussions › Submissive Husbands › Wife is having Lover’s Child
April 12, 2013 at 6:38 amPost count: 25It was not meant to go wrong, but I tried to change the name of this subject from ‘Lover wants to give wife a child’ to ‘Wife having lover’s child’ in the ‘Submissive Husbands forum; the button was there on the screen to press but somewhere deep in the Forum software it decided to shut down the topic, so I shall try again. It s been some weeks since I last wrote anything; firstly because of the forum glitch, secondly because of the negative comments from another on the forum and lastly I was not feeling encouraged to do so because of the verification subject that has recently been raised on the CM site as a whole. Additionally we have been completing a major science project at work so my time has been very limited what with looking after my wife and concentrating on my job.
Those who read my original offerings may recall that I (or rather my wife) was unwilling to put a photograph of her on the site; so I was a little discouraged. It was strange that others thought that a woman who is having her lover’s child (especially as he is racially different to Carol and I) would want to splash her photo all over the Internet; I have thought long and hard about it but I still don’t understand.
Carol is about 24 weeks through her pregnancy and we know she is carrying a little girl in her endearing tummy bump. The fact that the baby is not mine still causes me some anxiety and, now that she has been to the doctors and maternity clinic with both Onye and me (not at the same time), and the fact that she has informed the doctor and the clinic staff that Onye is the Father and I am her Husband the word has got out. Luckily I work a long way from the little town we live in Kent (UK) so my work colleagues do not know that I am a willing (if that is the right word) Cuckold.
In truth, I don’t care that other people whisper behind my back or hide a smile behind their hands; the only thing that I care about is my deep and passive love for Carol. I chose this way of life for myself in order to keep her as my wife and that was the solemn agreement we made; that I should accept that she had a lover, to be subservient to her and that she would never leave me. So far, neither of us has gone back on that sacred pledge and I have never regretted a single minute.
It is very touching to see the way her lover treats her now that she is more than half way through her pregnancy; their love making is slower and he shows more tenderness towards her. No longer do I hear the noise of heavy and strenuous mating through the bedroom walls, it’s gentler and affectionate now. However Carol did confide to me the other day that, although she loves him even more now that she has seen his tender side, she is starting to miss the long nights of hard rampant sex that she used to enjoy so much.
I do try to let Carol know that I am OK with the way things are going, once a day I kiss her bump (not when Onye is around although I don’t think he would mind anyway) just to keep in contact. On her part she climbs into my bed when he is away (as a professional footballer he is away a lot) and we spoon together and go off to sleep. Up until recently she would crawl in behind me and snuggle up against me, but now ‘the bump’ is in the way she gets in the other side and I snuggle up against her; its then that I fully realize how much her body has changed, her breasts are swelling by the day and she is appreciably heavier than before.
And finally! The baby will have Onye’s Mother’s name. She will be called Abike (pronounced A-Be-Kay (or Kee).
If I do not get any more negative comments, I shall keep this updated more regularly, and apologies for not doing so before.
April 12, 2013 at 11:53 pmPost count: 18If you can’t deal with negativity you’re in for a rough ride my friend.
April 14, 2013 at 5:32 amPost count: 142You always seem so articulate, caring and sensitive, but that is a double edged sword. You are heading down a very unusual path and there are always a lot of ‘haters’ around to spew their venom. You’re going to have to steel yourself to the opposition to your lifestyle. Hopefully your plusses will outweigh your negatives. I am sympathetic to the cuckold lifestyle, but have no interest in doing what you are doing. But I’m rooting for you. Mat
April 14, 2013 at 10:32 amPost count: 5Congratulations. Don’t let others put you off. LOve to hear more of your experiences
April 19, 2013 at 5:49 amPost count: 25@matmagic99 said:
You always seem so articulate, caring and sensitive, but that is a double edged sword. You are heading down a very unusual path and there are always a lot of ‘haters’ around to spew their venom. You’re going to have to steel yourself to the opposition to your lifestyle. Hopefully your plusses will outweigh your negatives. I am sympathetic to the cuckold lifestyle, but have no interest in doing what you are doing. But I’m rooting for you. MatHi Mat,
Thanks for your kind comments and advice. I have been accessing this site now for almost a year and until then I thought I was just another husband with an unfaithful wife, I knew I was a cuckold but I didn’t realize that I was in a ‘lifestyle’. The truth is that Carol has cuckolded me for 10 years now (we were married in 2003) and it was only nearly 4 years ago that she started seeing one man regularly – Onye. Basically she fell in love with him and decided that it was time that I knew that she had a lover; even though I had often suspected that she was going with other men it came as a shock nevertheless.
I had to make a choice between leaving her or being a cuckold; the first was unthinkable so I decided to embrace the whole thing and keep myself ‘in the story’ so to speak. I cannot say that all has been wonderful but I am used to it now and I feel good knowing that she is fulfilled by her love for him and the child she now carries. So I guess I am in a ‘lifestyle’ after all.
It is an unusual path, but not so unusual as to be unheard of; there are plenty of men out there, knowing or unknowing, whose wives have had another man’s child and who have accepted the fact.
I am far from alone in this!
April 19, 2013 at 6:18 amPost count: 142I hope you can take solace,comfort and strength from that fact. Good luck to you and I hope you can feast on the erotic aspects of all of this enough to make it all worthwhile. Keep the faith, Mat.
May 24, 2013 at 3:27 amPost count: 25I felt the baby move today for the first time, although Caro l tells me that little ‘Abi’ (Abike) has been doing ballet dancing inside her for weeks now. It seems that when I am around, the baby tends to be a little calmer than normal and similarly when Onye slides his manhood gently inside Carol from behind (it is a little difficult for ‘missionary’ lovemaking now), this has the same calming effect as well. It will not be long now before Carol will have to refuse her lover’s penetration; secretly I am wondering just how he will take the withdrawal of ‘rights’. Actually he is a good guy so I don’t think it will be a problem; he’s certainly not a brute.
It was admittedly a couple of weeks ago, but it was nevertheless a beautiful moment when I felt my wife’s lover’s child move for the first time and it is dawning on me now that I shall soon be faced with the inevitability the baby not resembling me in any way; least of all the colour of her skin.
Carols is now almost one month away from the birth so we (all three of us) are making plans to welcome Abi into our lives. A cot (crib) has been bought and I have decorated a small bedroom for her, although for the first few weeks she will be in with Carol and Onye while she is so young.
I have to be much more attentive to Carol now as her belly and breasts have become so big that her posture is been affected. Her feet ache from carrying the extra weight and her back aches from the weight of her breasts, so as a routine I massage her feet, legs and back three times a day, which she tells me is just what she needs right now. Clearly this has kept me very busy so I apologize for not updating sooner.
I make sure every day that I show Carol my devotion to her by kissing her on her ‘bump’; I do this just to remind her of how I feel about her and that I am O.K. with the forthcoming change to our lives. But I have to say that I do think about how people will react. Will they be kind and understanding? Will they laugh at me? Will I lose friends? Will Carol lose friends? Will we care about that, which is more to the point?
As the time grows near for Abi’s appearance into our lives, I have started reflecting on what I have become and why I have embraced my life as a cuckold. From the moment I found Onye in between my Wife’s legs nearly four years ago now, and my subsequent acceptance of the situation; the diminution of my manliness by wearing the restraint Carol bade me to wear which now feels part of me and is a token of my subjugation by her. Years now of listening to, and sometimes seeing, her being had by her Lover on his visits to our home; watching her go off with him on holidays leaving me at home to decorate the house. And recently, her informing me that she and Onye were going to try for a baby, which was couched in such terms that it was just her telling me what was going to happen. Finally, being brought into the bedroom for a whole cycle to relax her as Onye made love to her in order to impregnate her.
All these things make me clear as to what I am; I am not a fool (my career is in science) and I am physically strong; neither am I a weak man who can be bullied. I guess that I have not bought into a lifestyle at all, this implies that I think what I am doing is fashionable. I am a willing cuckold because I choose to be and it fulfils that inner masochism in me that wants to be her servant or slave and that is not a ‘fashion item’, that is a way of life.
What does the future hold for me? I don’t know, but one thing I do know is that my love and dedication to my wife will not waver even though she has cuckolded me in the most extreme way, and that I shall be a good father to Abi.
I shall let you know when the baby has been born, but if you forgive me not on that day. I expect that my wife and I will be busy.
KeymasterMay 24, 2013 at 7:31 amPost count: 288That was a great update – you two will be very much applauded by many here for your commitment to the lifestyle.
July 2, 2013 at 7:16 amPost count: 25Abike (Abi) was born last week and weighed in at 3.5 Kg.
We both knew that Carol was near and had some minor contractions but, as her waters hadn’t broken, I decided to go to work. Onye is away at the moment playing in a football tournament so it has been left to me to do all the running around, worrying and getting sleepless nights because Carol was so uncomfortable. Because she couldn’t sleep she wanted me to stay with her.
I put the a small bed up by hers (the same bed I laid on when Onye and her were trying to conceive) and we stayed like that chatting for most of the nights.
Although I was tired I went to work only to receive a call last Wednesday morning that she had started. I rushed home and took her to the local hospital where she gave birth to Abi at 2 in the morning on Thursday.
There was some inevitable confusion about who ‘Dad’ and ‘Hubby’ were by the medical staff but they were very professional and took the obvious fact that I was not the natural father in their stride – very professionally if I may say so.
Abi is undoubtedly a beautiful little baby however I am not going to talk much more about her because this is not the right sort of forum for it, enough to say that she is very welcome into our lives.
Its early days, but I am not feeling any jealousy or sense of embarrassment or dishonor; neither do I sense any sort of disconnection, if that is the right word, because my wife has had her lover’s child. To her great credit, Carol is involving me in everything and she would be the first to say that she needs me as much as I need her. I shall have to see just how I feel when Onye returns and whether he can be a good father or not
For those men who are not cuckolds all of this must seem very strange or ‘far fetched’ as we say in the U.K. but it is nevertheless how my life is lived and I wouldn’t change it for the world just now.
Just because Abi is now with us, it doesn’t mean that this topic is finished because I shall keep it up to date as best as I can. -
July 17, 2013 at 6:32 amPost count: 25Before we left the hospital Carol insisted that I carry Abi to the car. “She’s our baby!” she told me, “Onye’s, mine and yours and don’t let anybody tell us any different. And you, as my much loved Husband, have every right to tell anybody that she is your daughter.”
It was clear to me what my wife was doing, which was pretty much as she has been doing since she took Onye as her lover; that was to keep me included; and to bring it all home to me that she loved me no matter what. The fierceness in the way she said it conveyed to me that she was feeling insecure about me, despite my assurances that I will remain a loving and faithful husband to her and a good father to Abi.
I stood shocked at first; because she had said it all in front of the nurses and other Mothers and you could have heard a pin drop in the ward; as we walked out there wasn’t a single person who didn’t watch us leave. There were glances between some mothers and nurses (some understanding and some cynical and condemning), but we didn’t care. I just picked Abi up in her shawl and carried my beautiful daughter out of the hospital.
As Carol walked behind me I turned to her and told her just what she wanted to hear. “I’m not going anywhere Carol,” I said, “and I am most certainly not leaving this little darling for anything. So put that silly thought right out of your head.”
“Thank you!” was her reply, but I could hear the tremendous relief behind the words.
After we brought her home, we settled into a routine that included Carol feeding Abi from her breasts and me doing almost all of the other chores, which is pretty much as it would be normally.
Carol was advised that she need not start taking the pill again until she starts another period which could be at any time after she cuts down on the supply from her breasts, which I know is important to her as she wishes to resume ‘relations’ with Onye as soon as possible. Additionally, I could tell that she was dying to show little Abi off to Onye.My suggestion that she might want to limit her activities elicited a wry but amused smile. “When I’m in there with Onye,” she said pointing to the bedroom door, “You’re in charge. Get it?”
I guess I know the way it’s going to be from now on.
Onye came back from the football tournament a week after bring the baby home. In my next post I shall tell you how that went.
July 17, 2013 at 10:37 amPost count: 10This is very moving… We are waiting with bated breath for your next report, cuhlman.
August 16, 2013 at 8:26 amPost count: 25It has been some weeks since Onye returned from the football and he has had a couple of weeks off before the start of the next season; these were the weeks that Carol and he used to go to Portugal on holiday together and leave me to catch up on DIY jobs and cleaning. To be honest I enjoyed the solitude but I always had in the back of my mind that she was totally his and that she could give her body to him without the thought that I was the other side of the bedroom wall listening to them both making love. It’s true that he has a small flat (apartment for our US friends) in West London and that she would often spend the night there with him but it was the holidays that seemed to bring them so much closer together being a couple.
This year, with the appearance of our darling Abi, the holiday has not been possible so he has stayed with us learning to be new father. I haven’t minded that so much as I have had a lot of time with her because Onye and Carol have been like two new young lovers again.
Carol had a text from him a day before he flew back to England giving her a time that he would be home. All the rest of that day she paced the floor waiting for his big car to come up the drive, pausing only to feed the baby from her breasts and then leaving me to change her and wind her; this is something I have become extremely good at and have learned to enjoy.
By looking at Carol I could see that behind the smile and excitement of his imminent arrival there was something else; she clearly wanted Onye to see the baby and hold her (bond with her), but it wasn’t until I thought it through that I realized that she had not had her lover inside her for weeks. Well not in any energetic way!
As he came through the door my lovely wife, without any thought for me, through herself into his arms and kissed him with a passion that I have not seen in a long time. “I’ve missed you my Love,” she sobbed as cried on his shoulder as her held her for what seemed like an hour. “Come and see Abi. She’s asleep at the moment but when she wakes you can hold her like a good Dad should.”
I stood at the Abi’s and my (I am staying in her room while she is so tiny) bedroom door behind them as they looked down at the sleeping baby. The look of deep joy and affection on Onye’s dark face moved me emotionally for a moment, but they let her sleep thank heavens. However, it was clear that they both had something else in mind when I notice Carol’s arm slip underneath his shirt and stroke the bare skin that had become exposed. In response his hand slipped down from her waist and gently stroked the cheeks of her little round arse, which was a signal for them both to turn round and without a glance in my direction, walk past me out of the room into the main bedroom.
Abi snuffled in her little cot so I went over to see if she was alright and stayed there for a little while to make sure she was fine. Pulling the door to as I left I looked towards the main bedroom door and saw it was half open. They were both naked and Carol was lying on the bed with her legs open ready for Onye. Quickly he climbed onto the bed and his coal black penis bounced in front of him as he shuffled up the bed to get between her thighs. His manhood shone wet in the dim light of the small table lamp so I knew that Carol had already attended to it with her soft mouth and wicked little tongue. I then watched as she did something I have never seen her do before.
Carol’s face was a picture of lust and desire for her big Lover but I did not realize to what depth of lust she had been containing until she raised her arse from the bed and with wide open thighs offer herself up to him in the manner of a lascivious whore. It was as big a statement of want and desire that I have ever witnessed and I shook physically as he penetrated her deeply and their two bodies melded together as if one. Both of them moaned loudly and in unison at the release of their frustration as they started their naked dance of passion right there in front of me on the bed. Their initial fervor did not last long and I moved away after they both came together, their lust for each other slated. Quietly I closed the door on something that I had watched but knew that I was not part of, only to hear my wife moan yet again through the door as Onye slid into her yet again. Repeatedly throughout the night I heard the joyful noises of Carol’s orgasms and his eruptions into her without let up or rest; alone in my bed I knew everything they did together – every position and how long they did it for. You get to know these things when you have been a Cuckold as long as I have.
Watching my wife with her Lover and the depth of her love and lust for him brought home to me that Carol and Onye are a couple and that they will never part. I had the cold feeling that somehow I am in the way and should make a move to allow them to be (I shuddered at the thought) ‘married’.
In my next post I shall tell you what went on the next morning and Carol’s reaction to my insecurity.
KeymasterAugust 18, 2013 at 7:38 amPost count: 288Knowing how to handle her husband (and the understandable insecurities) is what separates a couple who can consider her mating with another and couples who should never consider it.
September 26, 2013 at 8:19 amPost count: 25Throughout that night Onye and Carol made love noisily and greedily and but eventually I got to sleep by about 4 am. Our wonderful little Abi did not cry or disturb me at all and I slept like a log until I felt Carol’s hand shaking me awake. It was 10 am.
“Where is she?” I asked still more asleep than awake.
“Don’t worry ‘D’ (she calls me by the initial of my first name). I’ve fed her and changed her; and now Onye has her. She’s been as good as gold.”
I admit to feeling a twinge of jealousy at the thought of him holding the baby, which must have shown on my face because Carol looked at me; or through me would be a better way to describe it.
“What’s the matter; you’re not jealous are you?”“Christ,” I thought. “She can read my bloody mind now!”
“No of course not,” I lied, “it’s just that there is yet something else I have to get used to now. He has every right to hold her. I’m just being a bit silly.”
Her response was immediate and forceful. “Talk to me ‘D’. What’s the matter? Please don’t go all outraged husband on me now. We’ve talked many times about this and the way we live our life. I couldn’t bear it if you became difficult because I rely on you and need you far more than you could imagine.”
I was about to reply that she had nothing to worry about when the sound of Onye’s dark Nigerian voice came from the other bedroom. “Abike has been sick on my shoulder. What do I do now?”
Carol went to him as I called out to her that I would bring something to clean up with.“Why don’t you clean it up yourself?” I said under my breath as got out of bed and reached for the pack of baby wipes. Within seconds I was in the bedroom and there was Abi with a contented look on her face in Carol’s arms. Onye, on the other hand had a white sticky mess on his shoulder; I passed him a couple of wipes.
“Thanks ‘D’” he said as he accepted my offered wipes.
Carol looked up sharply from Abi and I stood by the side of the bed in shock. In all the years my wife and Onye had been lovers, he had never called me by name or initial. The room fell silent as we all looked at each other.
“What’s the matter with you two?” he asked as he wiped the baby sick from his dark shoulder, “Even I know the name of my Woman’s Husband. Besides, you’ve been looking after my lady and our little girl while I was away. For that I am grateful. So I think it only right that I shall call you ‘D’ from now on. If that’s alright with you?”
“Of course” I stuttered, and then got out of the room as quickly as I could without appearing rude or upset.
But it wasn’t alright and I was upset because I felt that a line had been crossed. I had always felt comfortable with my role in this three cornered relationship as that of Submissive Cuckold Husband who is subservient to the wife he adores and being of totally ignored and by her big handsome beast of a black lover. Now Onye appeared to want to build some kind of bridge with me and I admit that I did not like that at all.
Some things should just not be under certain circumstances. Some Cuckolds can happily wave their wives off into the night wishing her a good time with her boyfriend; you know the type – “Just bring her back in the morning old boy in time for breakfast.” But I am not like that; my Cuckoldry comes from a deep seated love for my wife and the profound knowledge that I am sexually inferior to most other men, and that is why Carol has had lovers in the past and now has settled into a long term relationship with Onye. I am just not cut out for being my Wife’s Lover’s best friend; it just isn’t right.
“He likes you, you know! He doesn’t understand you, but he does like you.”
Carol was in the Bathroom helping me to apply the finishing touches my weekly shave around my penis. I do this because the pretty gold restraint I wear does not look very nice when my hairs grow and they can start to itch too.
“I guess he must do,” I replied, “because if he didn’t he would not have allowed me to be that close to you over the last few years. But I have to say that it is just not in me to be chummy with the man to uses my wife for his pleasure and then knocks her up.”
“Don’t say that!” came her very sharp reply, “We love each other very much and we both waited to start a family when we were certain that it would not hurt and destroy you. You may not realise this, but it was Onye who said that we should wait until we knew that you were emotionally strong enough to take the humiliation. I wanted to start three years ago! Onye has watched and assessed you without you knowing, and it was only this time last year that he thought you would be O.K.”
Although she was a little annoyed, Carol took the razor from me and continued to shave my groin in the way that she has done many times in the last five or so years. Gently and thoroughly without touching my little penis she calmed me down and we settled into one of those wonderful silences that we have; just happy to be in each other’s company.
“Where’s your little Budgie Cage?” she asked eventually looking round for my restraint and the tiny gold padlock. Picking it up, she looked at it and then looked up at me with an enquiring look on her face. “Do you like wearing this?”
“Yes! Yes I do!” was my unhesitating answer.
“If you wanted to stop wearing it I wouldn’t mind. It’s not as if you wear it all the time, you have that little chain that you wear for work after all.”
“I don’t wear the Cage to work because it’s inconvenient and could be embarrassing if something happened. That’s why I wear the chain because it is discrete but it still reminds me of what I am.” She looked at me inquisitively as I continued speaking. “I wear the restraint at home because it defines what I am and what my status is in this house.”
“And what is that exactly ‘D’?” Her voice was low but I knew there was something behind it.
“I am your servant, or slave if you like. At least I thought I was until just a few days ago.” There I had said it. I was unsettled by the changes in our lives and the new approach to me by Onye.
“I knew there was something wrong with you!” she exclaimed loudly, her voice echoing in our big Bathroom.
She placed her gentle hands on either side of my face. “We need to have this out. Right now!” And we did long into the afternoon and evening.
I am still coming to terms with the talk Carol and I had, and I shall finish this post now so I can gather my thoughts for the next.
September 28, 2013 at 6:58 amPost count: 142You seem quite brittle in your response to things. Personally, I could never relate to having another man inseminate my wife. There is too much responsibility involved in bringing up kids and, as you are finding out, it is very complicated in your situation. You are an idealist, don’t you think? A baby changes everything. Your relationship to Onye will undoubtedly change, also. You’ll probably evolve into two loving fathers, or at least something like that. Certainly two involved adults. You might enjoy the change. It might be relaxing to become more friendly with him. You imply that your love for your wife comes from a deep level of purity and some other cuckold’s (one who lets his wife go off with her lover without him) love is somehow less. On the surface, it isn’t. Why not let things happen a little more instead of trying to lead from behind? It might be painful change at first, but significant and beneficial change in the end. To me, cuckolding should be about personal growth through submerging one’s ego. However, life can be tricky and we can fool ourselves into thinking we are egoless, when , in fact, we are completely self absorbed. You’re obviously a sensitive man with a lot of useful attributes. Your wife knows that. Why not let Onye see it , also. Will take confidence, though. Fake it till you make it. Good luck with your new life. Be a good daddy and try to do the right thing for everyone.
February 23, 2014 at 6:35 amPost count: 25It has been some months since I updated our story, what with the work that I do, Christmas and a car accident that that my arm had to be in plaster for weeks I have not been able to get on this site very much. And both sides of Christmas, I had to fly to Seattle on business, so please accept my apologies.
Good heavens Matt! Have you been talking to Carol? Because that is pretty much what she said to me when we had our long talk. She did say that she thought I was being a little over sensitive (brittle?) and should just let things evolve between all three of us. She wasn’t angry with me but she did point out that I can be a little intense about my love and devotion and that she thought I ought to just relax a bit and take things less seriously. I was also astounded by what she told me next.
“Love and devotion are wonderful qualities that you have ‘D’ but you do take things to extreme. For example, I never meant for you to wear that cage on your Willy for ever, or any of the other ones you have had; it was only ever meant as to be a bit of fun for a few days or when you help me get ready for dates with Onye. You know! To stop you getting all excited.”
I was surprised by what she told me. “I thought you wanted me to wear it. I thought you liked it!”
“I do,” she laughingly replied, “I also like coffee but I don’t drink it all day!”
I thought that was a rather peculiar analogy but the message was clear. She was lying too – she does drink coffee all day, but that’s another matter.
This seems to resonate with what you say about me being self absorbed which is something I never realized, but from my conversation with Carol it appears that this may be the case.
I will take you up on one comment in your otherwise very incisive and constructive advice. I didn’t mean to imply that other Cuckolds were less so than I, or that the giving of their wife to another man was somehow of lesser importance to them. If that is the impression I gave, I sincerely apologise, and because I know that men who love wives who also have relations with other men have to make enormous emotional sacrifices.
I have also taken your very good advice and become more relaxed around Onye and we seem to get along pretty well although I still feel that expecting to be best buddies with someone who is banging my wife is just a bit too much. There has been a change in him as well; he now seems to be more content and, dare I say it of a professional footballer, domesticated. What with my absences and my busted arm I have not been able to lend my usual assistance to Carol and attending to our lovely Abike so it is obvious that Onye has learnt a few skills, unsurprisingly those around her.
Carol has changed too. They make love as often as they have ever done, but she is now less demanding (rampaging is probably a better way of describing it) and I can see in her a higher level of tenderness towards him than before. It is as if she has made a decision about Onye, so asked her what was on her mind; her reply came as a total shock.“If I didn’t love you ‘D’, I would have married Onye a long time ago. I know that I am his Mistress but I want our love to be formally recognized, and I do love him – you know that don’t you?”
I stood and stared at her lovely face, “Are you divorcing me?” I managed to stutter out as a deepening gloom descended over me.“No!” She looked into my face, “Why on earth would you think that?”
“Just what you said, about formal recognition. I don’t understand why you are bringing this up, because you are married to me. Unless we divorce he cannot be your Husband, and I shall not divorce you. Is that understood?” I was starting to get angry from the hurt I just felt.
“Hold on Cowboy, who’s talking about divorce. We just want our love and commitment recognized, that is all.” I could tell that she was regretting bringing it up.
“You know ‘D’, if I could, I would like to have two Husbands.”
My reply was quick and to the point. “That’s illegal in every country in the world, so that’s not going to happen!”
She didn’t reply at first, but I could tell she was thinking of something.
“Do you recall giving me to Onye when we started on the journey of making Abi?”
How could I forget. The white underwear and thin dress were a wonderful memory for me. Saying those words that effectively confirmed me as a cuckold are still imprinted in my brain. I had given him the key to the house and then had spoken those fateful words – “…… the other present is my wife, who I now give to you.” And I have to admit he had made full use of his present over the past year, much to Carol’s delight.
“Of course, it was a wonderful night and I shall always remember you going to him in the way that you did.” I meant it too.
“Do you think that you could find another way of giving me away, formally and with a ceremony?”
I had to tell her the truth, “There is no organization that I know of that will do that, and for that type of marriage to be recognized. Sorry!”
Carol was insistent “You’re good at research, couldn’t you at least try?”
“I’ll see what I can do. But I promise nothing.”
She then smiled, kissed me gently on the lips. “We’re depending on you. Onye and me! Please try!”I smiled up at her as she ascended the stairs to join Onye in bed.
“What the ‘effing’ hell am I going to do about that?” I thought to myself. The truth is I don’t know where to start, so if there is anybody out there in ‘Cuckold Marriage Land’ that knows anything about this, please let me know. I know there are such things as Cuckold Weddings, but they are for enjoyment and loving affirmation between a couple, the cuckold and their friends. They are not recognized legally. What can I do?
July 11, 2015 at 3:30 amPost count: 10If your wife wants to marry her lover you simply have to accept that you will be breaking the law. But, who cares? They can go off to another country that has less stringent requirements, or perhaps officials that will take a bribe, and get married. The perfect place is Namibia. Arranging a wedding in Windhoek can be done in a couple of days and there are very loose requirements regarding what documents have to be presented.
As far as your situation is concerned, I admire your devotion to your wife and your acceptance of your new daughter. My wife is different. I don’t know how many times I have had to buy the morning after pill for her. Finally, I made an appointment at a clinic to have her fitted with an IUD. The truth is that her lovers really just want to use her for sex and, whether or not she became pregnant from fucking them, is of no concern to them. They would simply walk away. Heidi may have long-term lovers but they are not the type to form a deep relationship with her. They are all married and have other commitments.
June 21, 2016 at 11:12 amPost count: 4You have an amazing will and strength my friend and for this I commend you. I myself couldn’t care less.if my wife.had a racially different boyfriend and if my friends and family didn’t understand that also would be of no worry to me. To accept Their/ your child into your life is a very loving act and one full of courage and inner strength. Personally if it were myself in your situation I would see their marriage as a natural progression of the environment you all have created. I applaud you all if indeed the ceremony goes ahead and while others may decry your decisions I wholeheartedly support you and for.the most part would probably do much the same.
Cathy & Jerry
ParticipantMay 3, 2017 at 10:47 amPost count: 207I have been a cuckold for several years and I’m loving every moment of it, I’ve even found myself hoping my wife is impregnated by her latest lover. I’d be happy to take care of the child as my own and doubtful anyone would ever know because she only dates men of same colour. Even her current lover whom she’s been with for several years, has the same hair and eye color as me. I can see and understand the inner turmoil and angst you have gone through and are still going through, and I’m still hoping she will allow herself to become pregnant with his child.
I would love to know how things are going now, are you three still together? You haven’t posted since July of last year, so I hope that this doesn’t mean that something bad has happened. Please let us know
May 19, 2017 at 6:09 pmPost count: 4I love watching the wives of other men grow as they carry my children. Although I cease meeting after insemination I still like receiving progress pics.
As for the cuckold, deep down it must be an agonizing thing to watch, a constant reminder of his inferiority.
ParticipantAugust 12, 2020 at 7:20 amPost count: 92yes it may be agonising, but at the same time, its such a great feeling to know that our wives are being satisfied by someone far superior and it only makes sense that they should carry his child.
November 20, 2017 at 12:10 amPost count: 3This.. is beautiful.. I hope things are well..
My fiancé lover has been our best friend for 9 years. We have been together for 10.. and I have been a cuckold for just over a year.. I have a similar thought process .
I have only recently discovered they have unprotected sex.. I’m not mad.. but I do need to talk to both of them about it.. I asked her and she did not lie.. which I praise her for.. I thought a lot about pregnancy, and I wouldn’t leave her over it.. but we need to communicate .
Reading your story was nice.. and good to hear I’m not very different from some guys.
January 8, 2018 at 4:57 amPost count: 8Very proud of you and your acceptance and embrace of your wife’s baby with her lover. My mom did the same thing. She had a baby with dad’s boss who was her main bull and even had a social / religious / informal but not official marriage. The marriage was primarily meant to tell her and bull’s close friends that they are together.
ParticipantJuly 29, 2018 at 6:12 amPost count: 3i really love your story so much , my wife is pregnant now , and i think the baby is from her ex bf , i hope i could be like you and enjoy this lifestyle more and more without feeling guilty
M Dawe
ParticipantSeptember 15, 2019 at 3:04 pmPost count: 12Wonderful story. In the 90-ies we were a childless couple living in Berkshire. We are both German and had moved there because of work. We were lucky to have nice mature widower as our neighbour who became my wife’s lover and the father to our beautiful children. Thank you and we can confirm that provided all is being discussed and all involved voluntarily and willingly agree that is a really wonderful experience and can all work out.
June 14, 2022 at 9:13 amPost count: 1Thank you for sharing this intense and beautiful story. Abi must be a beautiful girl now and I know we would love an update.
July 12, 2022 at 6:18 pmPost count: 120cuhlman do what is comfortable and correct for you and your wife. It’s your life.
Cathy & Jerry
ParticipantJuly 26, 2022 at 10:17 amPost count: 207I feel that any cuckold who not only sees (or knows it’s happening) their sweet wife in the beautiful act of mating with another man/lover outside of the marriage, but also experiences the wonder of the outcome of their love making growing in their wife’s womb, is a very lucky cuckold indeed!
November 30, 2022 at 1:05 pmPost count: 19I love this story. I had been younger when I started my cuckold life with my hubby, I probably had wanted a baby with my Bull.
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