Marriage Evolved discussion Lifestyle Discussions True Experiences WIFE LEAVING WITH HIM FOR THE WEEKEND

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    • Brian2006
        Post count: 24

        He’s picking her up this Friday. I knew about this trip for a couple of weeks, but I kind of put it out of my mind until now, Together, along with two other couples they rented an Air B&B. She has been on the phone a lot lately. Ice chest are being dragged down and the girls are making grocery list. It will be the first time my wife meets some of these girls. They are looking forward to finally getting to meet the women that they have heard do much about. One of the girls is bringing this “raunchy” card game she found in Target. I know I shouldn’t be doing this, but I have the code to my wife’s phone. Some of the content I read gave me an instant boner.
        “Hey woman,” said Shannon. So, I guess you and Chris can take the master bedroom since he basically put everything together. Me and Vic will be off the Kitchen, But hey! Remember that the walls are thin, Hahahaha.

      • Hansito
          Post count: 18

          Personally I prefer my wife is being picked up on Friday evening and he drops her back on Sunday evening. Is it just not only about Sex with her lover.

          Is it about the whole package.

          Friday evening he picks my wife from home.

          Often my wife is not finished yet, so I have the opportunity to talk to her lover. Once he confessed to me that he had that fantasy fucking my wife in a department store’s dressing room. I knew that she is not going to do that, unless…so I gave him a hint how to get her out of her jeans and how he can manage to take off her bra.
          Sometimes much later my wife send me a message on a Saturday afternoon: Amor, I got finally a new bra, and you will not believe what I just did….
          But this is another story….

          After she is ready for him on a friday evening, they usually go to a Restaurant of her choice. Have dinner together, maybe a short visit to a pub, close by.

          Arriving at his home she prepares herself for him in his bathroom. Dressed up in something very revealing she returns into the candlelight living room to have a last cup of red wine on his couch.

          Finally, to live out the lust that arose there on this couch – in his bedroom.

          Next morning they are planning their day, doing things any couple would do. Walking hand in hand in town, have a snack somewhere …..Sightseeing…..or whatever….In this way she has 2 Nights with her Lover in which they can act freely and live out their fantasies.

          On Sunday evening he drops her home… she will hardly be able to suppress her smirk for the next 2 days.

          We established it in this way that my wife has 2 Weekends/month with her Lover and the other 2 Weekends at home. In the summer she / we invite her Lover to a barbeque and usually he sleeps over. I leave it up to m wife if she chooses to have MMF Sex at night or she chooses to have Sex with him only.

        • Cuckboye
            Post count: 11

            We have a similar arraignment, except that they are together at our house. They usually mate in the evening after I cook everyone dinner and put the kids to bed. I look forward to listening to their love making throughout the night. We have a roommate downstairs and he hears them too. Everyone looks forward to my wife’s boyfriend and his visit.

          • Brian2006
              Post count: 24

              So, she and Chirs came back yesterday. She rolled up as I was driving up. She was out front talking with my daughter who came out to say hey! And ask questions, I’m sure. Two minutes later I heard this Turbo Diesel roaring up the street. It was Chris.

              “Oh, hey what’s up” said my daughter giving Chirs a quick hug. “You guys back?”

              “No, we got one more day off, so we decided to get a hotel room,” said my wife.

              I’m standing there like I’m fucking invisible until my wife looks at me and ask me if I’m coming in as they are all walking to the front door.

              The atmosphere was festive as we all hung out in the kitchen. And my wife looked hot, she moved with a lighthearted confident air and joked. She looked happy. When she saw me, she gave me a hug and said “Are you okay” with a knowing smile.

              “Oh, you don’t want to kiss me on the lips!?” She looked amused. Then Looking around to make sure no one was looking she slid her hand over my swollen dick and said, “Don’t even try to act mad.”

              I watched then leave together, I was a bit embarrassed that this all-happed right in front of my 17-year-old daughter, but it seems that I was the only one embarrassed because my daughter didn’t bat an eye over it. The only thing she wanted to know was what Hotel there were staying at, and only for the sake of conversation. I mean say what you will about Gen-Z, but I do appreciate that fact that she doesn’t judge me.

            • Cuckboye
                Post count: 11

                Thats beautiful! I’m glad everyone, including the family is accepting of your lifestyle. I want that for our family too. Our kids love my wife’s boyfriend and enjoy his visits. He plays with them and brings them gifts on occasion. We have been open and honest about their relationship and he is pretty much their second dad. They have asked if my wife was gonna have another baby and said they would be excited. (assuming they meant with Michael and not me). When I put them to bed, they always ask if Michael will be here in the morning. LOL
                It’s clear your daughter knows and is accepting of you and her family. The next generation is way more accepting and tolerant and this is a good thing. Its nice to not have to hide your family dynamic.

                • Anonymous
                    Post count: 120

                    Always good when one person does not try to force their beliefs on someone else.

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