Marriage Evolved discussion Looking For Someone Couples Seeking Men Young Newbie Couple in Houston seeking teachers

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    • jem
        Post count: 5

        Hi we are a youngish (she's late 20s hes early 30s)  couple who want to explore this lifestyle.  We have already decided to go for it, and are just looking for the right person/situation.  We would like to find  a man who is experienced with couples and can both talk intellectually about it and make her feel amazing.  We would also be interested in finding a local couple who participates in the lifestyle and might enjoy guiding us into it.  At this point we would be looking for a pretty soft experience not much hardcore or humiliation or anything.  Please write if this could be you. 🙂

      • npdom2012
          Post count: 2

          Not in the area, but would li e to talk and visit once or so. I recently was recruiterd into being a Dom for a couple. Never thought I would be in this position, but I have come to enjoy it gratly. If you want to know more about me I am on gchat most afternoons.

        • casey
            Post count: 11


            I am in Houston, but to be perfectly honest don’t know whether I can help or not, but if I can that would be great, even if it is just for intellectual talk about the subject and nothing more. I am a cuckold wannabe, and have read and studied and talked a lot about the subject. I don’t pretend to be an expert, but if I can help, great!

          • jem
              Post count: 5

              Oh thought a pic might be helpful too.


            • casey
                Post count: 11

                Very nice !!!

              • jem
                  Post count: 5

                  Casey, I actually pmed you after your first post but it may have been eaten by the forum change. Are there still pm’s?

                • casey
                    Post count: 11

                    I don’t see the private messages anymore since the forum has been updated. I suppose we could email, or send a yahoo IM if you have Yahoo. I do like the posted picture!

                  • casey
                      Post count: 11

                      By the way, the email address is

                    • casey
                        Post count: 11

                        Were you ever successful in your search?

                      • jem
                          Post count: 5

                          Yes we were, although not through here.  

                        • casey
                            Post count: 11

                            Would love to discuss with you

                          • dyalaglc
                              Post count: 1

                              I would be happy to ease you in.  I live in Houston.  I am a black male.

                            • jem
                                Post count: 5

                                Dyalagic, we would be interested in chatting. You have an email address you can give us?

                              • Anonymous
                                  Post count: 1

                                  business man (Bull) that travels to Houston a 4-6x per year.  I’d love to chat with you about what your looking for.  Send me a pm if interested.  I am a little older than the two of you at 43, but would love to chat if interested.  I’d love to help bring a new couple into the lifestyle.  Slowly is ok with me.  🙂

                                • Aggie
                                    Post count: 2

                                    what part of Houston are yall in?


                                    oops, just realized this is an old post.

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