Ericka and her husband
The dynamic inside of any deep relationship is often unknown to the pedestrian observer. Look inside of our relationship and what you find is assuredly not a typical marriage.
We are a couple that has opened our marriage to include other men as lovers for my wife. Arriving here has been a journey across a landscape of honesty, sexual discovery and, compromise; and the acceptance of certain realities.
Principal among those realities is Ericka’s incredible attractiveness. Throughout our seventeen years of marriage Ericka has garnered attention that would strain most relationships. Couple that with her flirtatious nature and the strain multiplies. Indeed we were initially strained by it until I noticed a change in my reaction to it. I became rather turned on by both the attention and the flirting.
Like many men who discover their hidden desires, I began to encourage her to dress more provocatively and did not discourage her flirting.
After a time I confessed my desire to see her explore further – She balked and our relationship suffered.
When she eventually broke out and took a one-night lover we examined and then reorganized our marriage. Following that we entered into a field of honesty that brought us much closer and strengthened our bond.
Turns out my lovely wife really has a thing for tall well endowed men! Seems I like to watch that! We have been traveling down the hotwife path for two and a half years now and the ride has been thrilling and frightening. She has now assumed much more control of the game and has become quite dominant with me sexually.
Our evolution continues and neither knows where exactly it will lead – but we know we will arrive there together – and that’s what matters.