MiauMiau’s Cuckold Restrained

The ever-delicious Miau Miau, or M2 as I may refer to her, continues to cuckold her husband in grand style.

Her cuckold sent me this recent update to let us all know that he’s now a restrained cuckold, having acquired a device during his last trip to France to see his still geographically separated wife. During his visit, they visited a local sex shop and got him something to help him focus his energy. Also while there, like any good cuckold would, he took his hottie hotwife to a venue where multiple males could and did fuck his wife all while he remained restrained.

IMG_5026We went to the Château Des Lys, which is our favorite club in La Ville Des Rêves, and my wife could have sex with at least 5 different guys, with the last one being an amazing black lover whom she enjoyed quite much —i was obviously and proudly waring my cage and got the chance to show it off while she was having this black dude inside, it was a total turn on—.

Yes, that’s right, she was fucked by five others while his restrained penis and cuckold status was fully exhibited. Well done.

In just a couple months, M2 will be joining her cuckold in Mexico City for good instead of just visiting. This, of course, will mean for opportunity for her to control her husband’s penis. I want them both to know, however, that expressing control of her cuckold’s penis isn’t only done through restraining it in a device. I want this beautiful girl to know that NOT having his penis restrained and being free to tease it, edge it, make it cry cuckold tears for hours, only to leave it frustrated, is perhaps more controlling than simply locking it away. Of course she’ll have to lock it away when he’s not supervised or we all know what he’ll be doing.

Keep up the excellent work, you two. Your example encourages many more couples to embrace this lifestyle as you have.