Re-introducing: jeanynjeff
Welcome Back!
Long-time CMINFO residents jeany and jeff, formerly known here as jerseyhottie and jerseyboy – are back and more active than ever!
As sometimes happens, they took a break for a bit to sort out real-life issues not directly related with this lifestyle and now that those issues are resolved along with having retired early, game on!
Jeff tells me that jeany is eager to ramp up again and find herself a steady, reliable source of cock to cuckold her husband with! To that end she met a new guy (pic above) and though the evening was enjoyable, I’m told he’s not the right guy to become her next boyfriend.
That’s good news for all the bulls in north Jersey, eh?
Hard to argue with that, right? Let me take you back to some classics from jeany and her boy (2014):
It doesn’t get much more iconic and real than this.
This is the ideal that active cuckold couples – and their bulls should aspire to.