Social Features Disabled

Update 12/21/21

I re-enabled most of the previous features as they were and have only kept a few things disabled still:

  • private messages (abused too much)
  • media uploads on profile (can still load avatar and profile header)
  • groups

I couldn’t really find a better option and decided to just limit what’s enabled rather than find new solutions.

Several social features have been disabled.

  • private messages
  • extended profiles
  • member uploads
  • member searches
  • interest groups

Between the added storage costs and more importantly, the added management required to review new members to prevent spam and inappropriate use of the features, continuing these features wasn’t appropriate. Some of these features could have been continued, but were bundled functionally with what had to go…so I may look for ways to add additional features without the cost and management requirements I’ve had to this point.