False Monogomy

Sexual Sanctimony

I’ve long held that our natural social order, which includes polyamory and D/s expressed as social ranking, was perverted by western religion, mainly christianity, to suit its selfish needs rather than any greater good.

A brief history of celibacy in the Church. It all started in 305 CE at The Council of Elvira:

(Canon 33): It is decided that marriage be altogether prohibited to bishops, priests, and deacons, or to all clerics placed in the ministry, and that they keep away from their wives and not beget children; whoever does this, shall be deprived of the honor of the clerical office.

You see, before then it was allowable for Catholic priests to have multiple wives and concubines. To protect the Church’s wealth Pope Pelagius I (556 to 561 CE) made new priests agree that any children they had would not be eligible to inherit Church property, however the practice of plural wives and mistresses was still practiced.

Pope Gregory I (590 – 604 CE) later declared all son’s of priests “illegitimate” to further protect Church property (daughters were not a concern since women could not legally hold property anyway). Still the practice of multiple wives and mistresses continued.

via A brief history of polygamy, monogamy and celibacy in Christianity | Bigger Love.

Not much of a surprise to me. I’ve always said the prohibition against birth control has far less to do with the protection of life and for more to do with forcing the growth of the Church. Religion, in my opinion, has always had far more to do with control than with faith.

I would invite everyone to consider the difference between ‘faith’ and ‘religion’ and live your lives according to your own values and needs.