Her bull never actually said you would be part of the threesome he was planning for your wife, did he?
Having your wife’s sexual favors gifted to another male is one of the more humbling experiences for a cuckold, but also one of the most erotic and empowering for a Dom.
Want to find a woman to use me as her cuckold. I am new, but need this lifestyle! Want to satisfy! Her pleasure is whats important to me!
Being a woman’s cuckold without their first being a relationship and a mutual appreciation for each other leads to the male largely being taken advantage of and that’s not what cuckolding or D/s is about. What you feel is a desire to express your submission as a male – I suggest you start there and consider cuckolding when you have a loving relationship on which to base it.
As I feel being a cuckold is a gift and an honor, I can’t agree with you that a woman should give any man a blow job. I am so against the thought and the act of any woman giving any man a blow job. If women are going to be our leaders and train cuckolds to be better men, how can she commit such a submissive act as giving a blow job? That shows weakness and real confusion of her own dominate role. I do however agree that her lovers deserve a BJ at times, but that is the role of her cuckold. The cuckold is there to aid and support her through out her dominate journey and hopefully question her when she is stepping outside of her important role. Her lovers must get everything they desire to keep him spoiled to keep coming back for more. Please keep to your roles and protect your honor. Nothing written or said will change my mind on this act. I would feel ashamed for my woman if she did this. I would question her on this issue and ask her to view what that stands for, not just maybe the pleasure she feels. Sometimes everyone must give up something to prove something or to better your own life. Women must teach younger girls to give up or never experience this submissive act. Teach them that self respect is far more important than any sex act. Thank you, Glenn