Home discussion Group Discussions Enforced Chastity Always Locked During

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    • #39881

        Hello. I’m fairly new to being cucked, and for the most part I’m really enjoying it. A huge mix of excitement, and humiliation.

        The one thing I’m really struggling with though, is being locked. Im required to be caged, and naked every time, and it’s so frustrating. I want to be able to edge, and cum while watching, but she says it’s distracting, and wants me locked.

        Anyone else in this situation? How do you deal with it?

      • #39897

          Not in that situation, I wish I was!
          I think being locked while being cucked is a good thing and being locked up is a sign of respect.

        • #39898

            Yes for some it can be a distraction. Even being in the same room can be a distraction. Be a good cuck and obey.

          • #39910

              I don’t have much choice lol. It’s just so frustrating

            • #40189

                I am required to be locked and to wear panties. I think it is the right thing for a cuckold to do. Like one of the guides says, it keeps the focus on your wife where it belongs!

              • #40764

                  Although I’m never present in the room to watch my wife with her lover, I can see the advantage of being caged and therefore unable to cum while she is with him. It would focus the mind and make the reconnection afterwards more exciting.

                • #40835

                    As some other cuckolds have responded, I am required to be caged and in panties whenever our Bull — more of a Dom really — is with my Goddess. That is true whether the play at our house, a hotel, or his. I think that is appropriate and rather enjoy it, not only because it keeps the focus on her and keeps me from getting any post nut clarity, but also because it has become a ritual and part of the experience for us all.

                    I guess if you can’t learn to enjoy it, perhaps consider being in another room within earshot where you can enjoy the way you prefer while not distracting your Cuckoldress?

                  • #40924

                      I am in chastity 99% of the time during my daily routine. When my wife’s lover visits I am allowed to watch if I ask. But most times, I listen at the bedroom door. But, I do have a powered prostate massager that I can use by myself after everyone has finished and gone to sleep. It relieves the achiness and releases pressure after constant arousal. It takes about 20 mins of constant pre-cum flow before I get relief. But I never get the cage off except for special occasions.

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