Marriage Evolved discussion Role Discussions Submissive Husbands Britney_NYC – update and new dilema

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    • Britney_nyc
        Post count: 12

        This is Britney’s cuck, this is us;

        We haven’t been active on the website in a couple of years, but wanted to give an update on this forum and provide a little update to the story introduced in the above link. The below is a quick overview, as a lot has happened.

        Britney and I met in 2013 soon after we both moved to NYC. She was a young 25 year old, a year into her career as a teacher. She was beautiful, with huge green eyes and the cutest smile, I quickly realised that she was a keeper (something in my gut just knew), we developed a serious relationship, both young and excited about doing all the things this great city was to offer, together. She grew up in the suburbs of NYC.

        At the time we started dating, she was also casually dating another guy and she was sexually active with us both. She was very open about this, and while the major driver of this was the fact that she is a moral and transparent person and we were only dating ourselves and not exclusive by any means, I knew that she had the potential for the the kink factor I need in a relationship. For example, clearly the cuckold in me was excited that she was having sex with another man. I’d often quiz her about their sex, she had no issue telling her he’d make her cum up to five times.

        She eventually ended things with him, as we got more serious. One drunken night, after several Jamison shots I told her how much I’d love to watch her fuck another guy. The next morning, she quizzed me on this detail and I didn’t back away from it and she seemed stunned but somewhat open to the idea.

        Over the next year or so, we explored different options. The most notable was what I would describe as our first real cuckold experience. We found a suave black lawyer who was very physically pleasing to Britney, ripped six pack and very tall and handsome. They went on their first date without me and kissed at the end of the night, she came home and when telling me about it and was very excited by the whole scenario. Let’s call him N. Britney and I agreed I should meet him before anything progressed further, so N and I grabbed a coffee after work. I was sort of nervous, here I was this supposedly alpha male, in most scenario’s including work and around my friends, never struggled to date multiple women at once if I wanted, about to meet a stranger who knows I’ve agreed to him potentially fucking my then girlfriend (now wife by the way). The conversation was limited, he seemed assured, polite but definitely in control of the interaction and very dominant in his demeanour. The next time we all met, I took Britney to his apartment, Britney had asked me to excuse myself and go to a bar for an hour as she would feel more comfortable with me not there the first time which I understood. It was such a painfully slow hour, I texted Britney after an hour but got no response. My heart was beating with excitement but also worry. After another 30mins I decided to go back. When I returned, the door man let me up without ringing up since he remembered me. I stood outside knocking for about 10mins, the neighbour even opened his door and we had to have an awkward interaction. Britney and N were at this point still having sex, and i wondered if the neighbour had heard him and realised I was a cuck. N opened the door in his boxer shorts. I asked where Britney was, he said she was getting changed. The next 5 mins or so were very awkward, she came out the room with her hair all messed up and clearly looking like she’d just had had a good workout. They hugged and we said our goodbyes. All the way home I could smell him on her and was hooked on what a slut she had just been, mixed emotions of love for her and a cuckold’s shame that was both arousing and torturing.

        I begun this story to tell you about Britney’s longterm bull, let’s call him J. He’s a doctor, lives out of town and they’ve now been having sex and you could say somewhat dating for about 3 years. They see each other only 1-3 times a year. Anyway, this is getting long so I’ll continue part 2 soon.

      • Hercuckslav
          Post count: 61

          welcome back and thank you sharing your journey so openly and sensitively

        • Britney_nyc
            Post count: 12

            Part 2

            I will finish the N story before we proceed to J. Britney wanted their second date to be alone as well, she felt like we wanted to get more comfortable with him before introducing me being present. That made sense, after all we were figuring this new landscape out together and it was about her needs as much as mine. For their second date, she went over to his apartment. I went out drinking with a friend, throughout the evening I got texts with pictures and video’s of what they were doing, I’d sneak away to the bathroom to watch them. Excited and aroused by this new dynamic we were creating that I couldn’t share with anyone. In one of the video’s he was fucking her doggy style, she looked a little sweaty like they were at it a while, she was moaning and screaming “yes”, “Oh my good, N”… let’s just say a part of me wanted to believe she was putting on a show but after seeing the way he was spanking her as well. I knew this was what I wanted and there would be no going back to how things were again. Things never really developed into anything longterm with N, he had a very busy career etc.

            Over the next couple of years, we moved in together and she found other guys to go on a few dates with. Most noteworthy events were when I went on a date with her and a potential bull. I stood around as they flirted and got to know each other, including sharing a kiss. She also went to a swingers club with another man, during which she said sucked his cock briefly in the presence of others. He came and picked her up from our apartment, and I met him briefly. They were mainly black, but this was not a prerequisite as she developed a long term sexual relationship with a white bull. This originated more organically (through Tinder) and he was happy sleeping with her but didn’t want any part of me being present etc. She really enjoyed the sex with him, she’d often say how he’d fuck her like a real man. He was apparently quite well endowed, aggressive in the bedroom (hair-pulling, spanking etc). He worked late nights, so often she’d go his apartment late and either sleep over or come back to me. Although he didn’t want me there, he knew I knew and we shared the occasional text. He once thanked me for sharing her, and was glad it worked out for all. He was the first guy she trusted enough to sleep with bareback, and he would cum in her often so I have tasted him inside her.

            During the above period, she also met J. J was black and a medical student but lived out of town. You could tell he was intelligent, physically her type (i.e. very athletic and hung). In the beginning, we didn’t know this would turn out to be her most significant bull in our journey thus far. After their first solo date, he came over to our apartment. The initial meeting was awkward (for me), I was still getting used to being openly comfortable as a cuckold and by extension a submissive. J is the quiet silent type, but definitely dominant. After ten minutes or polite talk, he assertively took control and asked how we foresee this playing out. Britney guided and said, let’s go into the bedroom and closed the door behind her. The next hour or so, was the most exhilarating I’d experienced so far. She was making sounds I’d never heard before, at times I was worried about her and considering storming in – I tried my best not to stand outside the room like a creep but it was just too difficult not to. I was hearing her scream and moan in ways I’d only heard in porn, switching between pleasure and borderline I’m being stretched too much by this huge cock. After they finished, he shook my hand, they hugged and kissed goodbye and he left.

            Over the next year or two, they met for sex when he was in town. This ranged from 1-4 times per year. They recorded most of their sexual encounters, so I can see their sexual chemistry and amazing. He fucks her in many positions, picks her up and basically treats her like his slut but in a way that isn’t disrespectful. He’s very hung and in her own words, “his cock is perfect”. I think with him she really developed a taste of big cock, before that she was more interested in good sex.

            She even planned a weekend visit for us to his city (in the South). We all went for a lovely dinner, followed by several bars. As the evening progressed, they transitioned into being very touchy, kissing etc in my presence. It was very safe to say, she was his for the night and there wasn’t anything changing that. I think in the last bar we were in, a few people even switched onto what was happening. I saw a few stares, including one couple who were whispering and pointing. The evening ended with us all back at our hotel, and me watching them have sex for a coupe of hours. I felt like a voyeur, just in the room while they have passionate sex. Ranged from her sucking him, to being on top, to below and then them just laying there hugging before round 2.

            In part 3, I’ll get into how this turned into her flying down to see him solo and then delve into the dilemma I need advice about.

          • Britney_nyc
              Post count: 12

              Part 3

              Funnily enough, even though Britney had had a few bulls at this stage (albeit sporadically) I didn’t fully identify as a cuckold. Yes, of course my wife was sleeping with other men but it felt more like we were living out fantasies for an evening and then we’d return to our regular life which was more “normal”. This all changed the first time she flew down south to spend a weekend with J alone.

              She kept me updated with texts, but for the most part I didn’t hear much from her all weekend. J sent me a few pictures and short videos of them. One of my deepest fears is anyone (aside from me) having face pictures/videos of Britney. This all changed that weekend, he has videos of her telling him how much bigger his cock is than mine, and then laughing. It’s in equal measure the hottest thing ever, and the most crushing to my validity as a man (and historically an alpha in most settings). Also of her riding him on top, and her facial expression of pure pleasure. He now officially was an important part of our lives. When she returned, I picked her up from the airport. We argued on the way back, I think my insecurities got the better of me and I couldn’t control the feelings and I lashed out. This was quickly addressed when we returned home, and she told me all about their weekend and let me lick her out. She hadn’t showered since they had sex in the morning and she showed me a final video of him fuckin’ her doggy style and pulling her hair back so her face was directly at the camera. Another man had now taken my place as the primary provider of her sexual needs and pleasure and I certainly cannot (and also perhaps do not want to) compete with that.

            • ahealthyguy4u
                Post count: 43

                “I picked her up…We argued on the way…my insecurities got the better of me and I couldn’t control the feelings and I lashed out…
                This was quickly addressed when we returned home, and she told me all about their weekend and let me lick her out. She hadn’t showered since they had sex in the morning and she showed me a final video of him fuckin’ her doggy style and pulling her hair back so her face was directly at the camera.”
                You went back on your word, you challenged Her with angry words and She countered with a creampie in Her unwashed pussy. You capitulated, “and [She] let [you] lick her out.”
                Seems to me that you are not in competition with Her bull but, the three of you have defined your roles. He will fuck and dominate Her sexually. She will dominate you and allow you to serve and service Her orally. You will worship, serve, and submit to Her. You have gotten what you wanted all along. How is this not a win, win, win for the three of you? Did you thank Her for not showering and for saving that creampie for you?

              • ahealthyguy4u
                  Post count: 43

                  I forgot to say, thank you for sharing this intimate story with us.

                • philoucocu
                    Post count: 4

                    Me too, i thank you for your story.

                  • Britney_nyc
                      Post count: 12

                      You’re welcome. I will have to update a new post soon, as her bull came to visit recently and spend the night at our place.

                    • Britney_nyc
                        Post count: 12

                        Part 4

                        Since the visit described in part 3, she’s been down to visit him again and he has been to visit us in our home once. He came over, we all caught up over a drink at the dinner table, he filled us in on his next life moves now he was finishing up his residency. He eventually took Britney onto the sofa, they started kissing and undressing each other. Britney begun to suck his cock as he lay back. After a short while, she made things really awkward. While telling me how big and lovely his cock was, she asked me to come and hold it so I could feel for myself. She asked his permission, he said it was fine but didn’t seem overly pleased. It’s important to state here, that I am completely straight and have never had any desire to touch another man. I however did as she asked, and in that moment the feeling of sexual inferiority slapped me in the face. It was like the humiliation had my heart beating with adrenaline but also almost hard from the embarrassment. After that, they continued to fuck in a few positions. He enjoyed her as he wanted, they didn’t really pay much attention to me. Once they finished, they decided to out for dinner. I was super exhausted so passed. When they returned, I was already passed out on the sofa and they both slept in our bed.

                      • Luvr
                          Post count: 288

                          Seems like the sort of role definition you all needed to have happen and the fact that she chose the method of it – handling the cock that fucks her – was chosen by her for its effectiveness.

                          • Britney_nyc
                              Post count: 12

                              Thanks for sharing your perspective Luvr. Let me know if you have any ideas on how we go forward from here.

                              • Luvr
                                  Post count: 288

                                  Seems your wife and her boyfriend have found the way forward already – what’s left to do perhaps is to formalize the arrangement with an open dialogue about roles. This would include the open recognition of his promotion from boyfriend to Dom since clearly, your wife seeks a leadership role for you both from him. This would allow everyone to start enjoying their role and working together to expand the experience each of you has within the given role (hotwife, cuckold, Dom).

                                  PS: you’re not limited to posting in the forum, you know – you can create and post full articles since you are enabled as an Author.

                                • Britney_nyc
                                    Post count: 12

                                    Thanks Luvr. Sorry forgot you gave me author status. I have so many videos/pics one day (after I receive permission from them both) I’ll have to post on this site.

                              • william
                                  Post count: 5

                                  Thank you so much for sharing. I really admire you for being so honest and open about your relationship.

                                  • Britney_nyc
                                      Post count: 12

                                      Thanks – just telling the truth, part of me wishes it wasn’t true, but it is and I enjoy it in some fucked up way.

                                  • Britney_nyc
                                      Post count: 12

                                      Since i last updated this story, she’s met her bull twice. I will update soon with the full stories.

                                      • Luvr
                                          Post count: 288

                                          I’m at least glad to hear you two are still on the path even if she’s not been cuckolding you full-time.

                                          • Britney_nyc
                                              Post count: 12

                                              Thanks Luvr. Yeah still going strong with the bull that leaves out of town. We’ve had some very intense encounters recently but not sure I’m ready to live this 24/7 (there might be an opportunity to do so). I’d love to get your perspective on it.

                                            • Luvr
                                                Post count: 288

                                                I think of all the couples not more fully engaged who could be, you two are probably best suited to it given what I know about you both. I’d be curious why you feel reluctant about embracing this full-time if available.

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