Marriage Evolved discussion Lifestyle Discussions Getting Started Finding answers and sharing views …… of wife pimping

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    • ShaunaLance
        Post count: 9

        Hi all bros and sis, Lance here. We are a chinese married couple in our 40s. Been sharing my wife to a few trusted friends, and lately, particularly more to Kevin.

        Kevin dominates her pretty well and she seems to be very willing with him. I had this weird idea of allowing Kevin to pimp her off (not because we needed the money, but just for that adrenaline rush, for that weird fetish perhaps)

        Do you guys deem this as appropriate? or totally unacceptable?

      • TransStar
          Post count: 140

          Ask Kevin of he would like to turn her out. Let it be his idea and he can lead her. If and when she mentions it to you just let her know you will love her and support her decision if she choose to become more slutty.

        • ShaunaLance
            Post count: 1

            Kevin love the suggestion and is very keen to help us out on that. My wife is rather hesitant about it and worried much about safety.

          • TransStar
              Post count: 140

              It is very understandable for her to be concerned about her safety. Maybe Kevin can be present when he offers your wife to others. STDs are a concern, too.
              But it is a fantastic fantasy. I hope you’re able to make it pick him a safe reality.

              Does she enjoy being dominated by Kevin? Does she feel safe with him?
              How did that relationship start?

              • ShaunaLance
                  Post count: 9

                  Yes, Kevin will be present throughout the sessions (if i’m not around). He promised to watch over her safety. He actually has a few buddies in mind, and they dont mind to go for regular check ups prior to the meetups.

              • OaklandM4RT
                  Post count: 10

                  If Kevin hand selects her clients she will be safe, since the clients will know Kevin will exact revenge for any damage to her. He can control the location where she meets and services them too. It’s not like streetwalking and going with anonymous clients. He can collect the money ahead of time too so she doesn’t have to handle that.

                  • ShaunaLance
                      Post count: 9

                      Yes, we’ve discussed on this topic for quite a long time, as we are really unsure of the way ahead, should we proceed to try, or should we just forget about the idea totally? Would it damage/ruin our marriage etc?

                      He offered to guide her and arrange for all the meetups, with introductions and chats and meals perhaps. It is definitely not streetwalking, as she doesnt feel comfortable with random guys off the streets.

                  • OaklandM4RT
                      Post count: 10

                      With her safety assured, the rest is a matter of her desire and willingness. Only you two can decide if it will damage your marriage; I have known marriages that were much enhanced by the wife going pro. She already has the experience of being shared with several men and that seems not to have stressed your marriage at all; no reason why going pro should either.

                      • ShaunaLance
                          Post count: 9

                          Perhaps keeping it minimal and slow. See how things go along. Sounds like not too bad since you’ve known some couples that didnt effect their marriage.

                      • TransStar
                          Post count: 140

                          Sounds like you are keen on her becoming a sex worker. What is her level of interest? Reluctant? Interested but wants her safety assured? Eager w safety concerns? I’d think an eager sex worker could command a premium.

                          • ShaunaLance
                              Post count: 9

                              We are just exploring other possibilities to spice things up for a decade long marriage. Always looking out for new ideas, and this came along when Kevin proposed to us to try. She is just concerned about safety.

                          • MatureMUK
                              Post count: 77

                              meeting strangers is the risky part. if he is arranging and will be near ? then safety ought to be assured. Assuming we trust Kevin? it can add a touch of nortiness and erotic side to a relationship. Not all men want wives pimped but there are others whom not only seek this but having a wife bred too! no real rights or wrongs when agreeing adults have gaols or desires they want to explore. we might want to try in a limited way first. one off ? sounds as though she will be in effect an ‘escort’. so gets benefits they do and of course a bit of pay too! though pimps do often get lions share of course.

                              • ShaunaLance
                                  Post count: 9

                                  Thank you so much for your views and advice. Indeed the arrangement is naughty and erotic.

                              • MatureMUK
                                  Post count: 77

                                  staying safe is main thing. being erotic .norty etc is part of the attraction. as long as all parties are comfortable with arrangements then it is a win win situation. good luck.

                                • AlphaKala
                                    Post count: 9

                                    My wife an I did a role play for a while where I would line men up and charge them a dollar to fuck her, so she could fantasize about being a whore, but this was fun for us both and not really serious. I suggested a quarter so she could be a two bit whore. 🙂

                                    • ShaunaLance
                                        Post count: 9

                                        Yes its all for fun sake. Just checking if its acceptable or totally unforgiveable. Lol..

                                    • stonemtncouple
                                        Post count: 80

                                        What did you decide to do? Very interesting fantasy to pursue!

                                        • ShaunaLance
                                            Post count: 9

                                            Just toying the idea of pimping her out.

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