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    • Anonymous
        Post count: 8

        We’ve never set out on a date with pregnancy in mind but there’s one experience that stood out as being extra arousing, I wonder if anyone else has had similar experiences?

        At the time, J wasn’t on the pill and so for a particular session we knew she was fertile so we of course insisted on condoms. But then during sex, the bulls condom broke and he paused, not sure what to do when J pulled him out and had him just remove what was left and then continue. I could see she was really in the zone and just didn’t want to stop.

        Well all of a sudden there was extra sexual tension, I think everyone felt it. She was extra turned on, he was very extra turned on and so was I. He came hard inside and she just held him there as they kissed.

        Afterwards, all in bed, we talked about it and decided to just leave it and see. She didn’t get pregnant that time but it did elevate the whole evening to a new level.

      • Hansito
          Post count: 18

          Facing a similar situation in 2010 to 2013.

          My wife had a Lover in the beginning of 2010. For about 6 Month he turned up every weekend and my wife had the first night exclusively Sex with him in our Bedroom and in the second night we both fucked my wife. I did notice during the MMF that my wife was deeply emotionally involved – she was in Love with him.

          Shortly afterwards he moved in to our house and we arranged ourselves accordingly. Meaning my wife had every night another of “her two Husbands” in the Bedroom.

          One night, it was my turn with her, she was riding me slowly, she suggest that she wants to stop taking the pill. She wanted to get pregnant from her “second Husband” Just by talking about a possible pregnancy from her Lover, she got extremely aroused.

          Both, myself and her “second Husband” had been against it. But the wish to be impregnated by her second Hubby came many times again and again into her mind.
          Many times during MMF watching when both had been passionately making Love and my wife in her sexual arousal whispered to him Oh my love, fertilize me, make me a baby!

        • WillieStroker
            Post count: 1

            My wife has been seeing her boyfriend for 18 months now and they are both very much in llove with eaach other.
            My wife is not on conreception as it doesnt agree with her system and condoms cause a reaction so she uses the rythum method for pregnancy prevention.
            My wifes boyfriend, and my friend…now is going to overseas for 2 years.
            In the last week he was here my wife was ovulating but she really wanted her boyfriend to cum inside her as they both feel much closer when he does.
            I agreed to this and we find out in 10 days the result of this.
            I much say we are both quite excited by this and even though there is no conflict with my wife I am.
            The things we do for those we love 🙂

            • Anonymous
                Post count: 8

                Well either way it will be a relief knowing and good news

            • Cathy & Jerry
                Post count: 206

                Cathy has told me many times that she wishes she had cuckolded me on our wedding night and became pregnant with her lover’s baby and I agreed with her that I too wish that had happened. She told me several months ago that she wishes she was still fertile because she’s very much in love with her lover of three years, again I wish she was still fertile as well! Oh well, at least he’s the only one inseminating her several times a week, practice practice practice! lol

              • Tom
                  Post count: 12

                  When my wife starting seeing a bf regularly she went on birth control but even the remote chance she might become pregnant was exciting and scary. We had a few close calls but it never happened

                  • Anonymous
                      Post count: 8

                      It definitely adds an extra element of excitement, knowing it could happen.

                  • sussex_couple
                      Post count: 12

                      my wife and her bf have 2 beautiful boys together and it was the best choice we ever made, it does work

                      • Anonymous
                          Post count: 8

                          I’m sure it can, it’s really down to the people involved and the dynamic. No one right or wrong.

                      • sussex_couple
                          Post count: 12

                          very true

                          • Anonymous
                              Post count: 19

                              I agree. Yet hot.

                          • Anonymous
                              Post count: 216

                              Pregnancy should never be taken for granted, something to be done on a whim. Yes there are unplanned pregnancy that happen all the time, the primal instinct to have intercourse is so strong that both the man and the woman forget to be careful and use protection, mainly as young super charged horny teens and young adults. But after the sexual thrill and orgasm, there is the baby, another life.

                              As a cuckold, the thought of the Alpha fucking and putting his fertile seed in your fertile wife is such a sexual high (nothing else compares0 but also it is the ultimate emotional rollercoaster you will ever experience.

                              So as much as the cuckold fantaizes about it, it can not be like those horny teenagers who act without thinking of the consequences.

                              As I have learned, it should take a very long time before the possibility of a pregnancy with the Alpha could become a reality. Lots of discussions, thoughts about the future, desires of all parties, with no real doubts about what may happen. as boring as it may sound, there should be a long planning process if the decision is to move forward. A date should be set sometime in the future, long enough that everyone really has time to truly think about it and before the deed occurs, one last discussion to make sure it is what all three want. I would say it is the one time the cuckold has an equal right to the decision and really the only time.

                              The actual day of insemination should be such a special day, maybe all three go away together (which is what we did). Make it more then wham bam thank you mam. But it is important for the cuckold to know he is just an observer. This is their day.

                              It should be more than just fucking for the Alpha and your wife. They are going to make love, create something beautiful out of their love. We as cuckolds have been given the chance to live through their bliss. It is a gift we really are not entitled to and if we are so lucky to witness it (as I was fortunate to do), we should be forever grateful to the Alpha.

                              If all are on board, fully understand the consequences, I can tell you the experience is so much more than you could ever imagine.

                              • Robert
                                  Post count: 40

                                  Dan C – This is all very true and well stated. It is a beautiful process and not to be taken lightly at all. It’s a moment/process in life that one will never forget. He recorded the actual insemination and I’ve been told they watch it on occasion and get emotional which melts my heart.

                              • Robert
                                  Post count: 40

                                  My current couple are amazing people and hubby/cuck is coming into his own and opening up to his true nature and desires. A few months ago, they decided they wanted to get pregnant with my baby. So I dedicated one weekend per month for insemination. Her and I are completely in love and have been talking about this for awhile. Anyways, cuck wanted to be as close and intimate as possible during the process, which is totally understandable. So, he would do a few things that allowed him to experience through me of impregnating his wife. We are unapologetic in expressing our love for each other and how much his wife and I are deeply in love. So, during love making he sits or lays on the bed to feel the rhythm from the mattress and listens to us mate. He knows my sounds and can tell what stage my body is at. He can also, like many of you can; see my scrotum draw up tight and know its time. He would kiss my taint (shaven for him) and feel the quiver of my PC muscles. Then move underneath and put one hand on my ass and with his middle finger of the other hand enter me to the second knuckle. He can feel my contractions from inside my body as my semen lets down and moves to enter my penis. He also does the from behind me and rests is head and face on my back. Then with is right hand, enters his wife with the middle and ring fingers on either side of my very hard and pulsating urethra. Hubby rides the motion of the ocean and can feel my contractions start. Once I’m in full delivery mode and can feel it approach, I stop. With one hand inside his wife and under my urethra and the other hands finger inside my anus… he closes his eyes, rests his head on my back and listens for my orgasm…. at that moment, we are all ONE! … He feels the pressure and rush of semen through my penis. He feels the goosebumps and sweat erupt on my flexing back muscles. He feels the contractions of my prostate from inside my body. He feels the strong and hard pumping of my pronounced PC muscles filling his wife’s womb. He feels every grunt and growl from inside my chest. This activated her orgasm and her husband can feel her contractions too and the amazing experience of feeling both connected human beings enter the euphoria of human reproduction. Her and I vibrated together, buzzed hard, felt our lips go numb all the while I continued pump after pump and he felt every one of them We all held that position, all three of us connected, for what seemed like forever. Hubby withdrew his fingers and we both fell to our sides, still connected. I threw my leg over her hips to expose our connection and her amazing husband began his clean up ritual which he says is his favorite part of the process. He kissed and sniffed our attached genitals, occasionally checking my taint and cock with his lips to see if I was still ejaculating. He would pause and watch as his wife and I, still holding hands, fall into a deep sleep… savoring every last unconscious contraction of our baby making.

                                • Robert
                                    Post count: 40

                                    My baby girl

                                  • Robert
                                      Post count: 40

                                      So, over the last 20+ years, I’ve sired 11 children with many beautiful couples. Its a beautiful process with amazing people for all kinds of reasons which are not just kink. Many don’t want a random donor. IVF is very expensive. But most of all, they want to meet and share the most memorable night/week/month of their lives by adding to their family with a trusted male and friend with whom they know and have seen/met his offspring. It is way more common than one would think…just not talked about.

                                    • Anonymous
                                        Post count: 2

                                        It is amazing and Dan C you are right…all parties need to be on board…maybe even more so for the cuckold. I haven’t yet gotten a wife pregnant as that opportunity hasn’t presented itself but I would love to.

                                      • opencouples
                                          Post count: 3

                                          Hi, we don’t want our kids to have small penis like I do, so we want to have daughters and let my wife breed other men for sons. To actually set it up is not an easy thing, our friends basically say no, so a friend of friend could work; if not, sperm bank then. My wife fucks friends that we know healthy bareback on safe days, and only a few times (actually, twice) they actually cum inside my wife, and I clean it up with my tongue. So we are basically safe. You should always use a condom for Tinder guys coming over.
                                          If pregnancy does happen to us, we’ll most likely keep the children. But I don’t really know — when we ask our friends to breed my wife, they refuse for good reasons since they don’t want things to get complicated. One of our friend jokingly said I needs to be castrated just to be safe, but my wife and I don’t like body modifications just to raise children. We understand his joke/advice, that he’s worried me angry at sons not biologically related to me. But I don’t think/my wife also doesn’t think that will be an issue.
                                          We’ll have to see — me enjoying the sex in the cage with other men taking the man role is one story, actually raising up a child is another story. I understand that, but we honestly think it’s a natural part of our open marriage.

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