Marriage Evolved discussion Lifestyle Discussions True Experiences The next step in my journey as a cuckold

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    • Anonymous
        Post count: 216

        As I have documented in my prior posts, I have come a long way in my journey as a cuckold. First being cuckolded without even knowing I was being cuckolded, until my first wife came home pregnant by her lover. That ultimately set in motion my cuckold journey, where I put myself in the role of a cuckold with my second and current wife. Some may say I was or I am fucked up to pursue this lifestyle, and sometimes I think I am fucked up, but I am okay it I am. I have accepted what I am, what I need to be. It has not always been easy, but there has been lots of pleasure, satisfaction. Making myself be submissive in my marriage and to another man, has brought me feelings of fulfilment. I accept I am a cuckold. I love being a cuckold. So I know it is time to go further in this lifestyle.
        As some of you may have read, there has been discussions about my wife becoming pregnant. By her lover who happens to be her ex husband. My wife wants a baby, he wants a baby and I do not want another child that is biologically mine.
        I was not sure I wanted to go down this path, but after lots of soul-searching, letting go for good my male ego in a sense, I knew it was the right decision. Several people on this site, including Luvr, have been a great sounding board for me, helped me to make this decision.
        So the process of impregnation of my wife by her ex has been placed into motion. Several steps need to occur before the ultimate act occurs. My wife is on the pill so that has to stop and based on my experience with my first wife and my current wife’s experience, it can take a few months before my wife’s cycle and her ability to become pregnant returns to normal.
        MY wife also wants to stay off the pill, so sex after pregnancy will require condoms or her ex and I have to get a vasectomy. Vasectomies is the agreed upon option. And as requested by her ex, I am scheduled to have my vasectomy in a week. The initial plan for having it done now was to avoid my accidentally knocking up my wife as I do occasionally have intercourse with my wife.
        In requesting advice on this entire situation, Luvr thought it was more appropriate for me to wait on the vasectomy and be denied sex until my wife was pregnant. Since I value Luvr’s input, I suggested this to my wife and her ex.
        I have to admit I was hurt when her ex still wanted me to get the vasectomy and still be denied sex and my wife agreed. That was not expected but it definitely makes me a typical cuckold.
        So my vasectomy appt has been made, her ex is taking me to the appt. Once that is done and I have to masturbate to expel any remaining fertile see, my wife will stop taking the pill. He is going to use a condom until the time my wife believes she is truly ovulating and is fertile.
        I will document everything that happens.

      • robert
          Post count: 23

          In many ways this sounds like that happen to a cuckold couple many years ago where I had the cuckhold get his vasectomy . He had no choice. . I took him to a urologist I knew and had it done to him. His wife was all fore it. After the procedure it was her duty to milk every day dry for 1one month. One touch she add to his milking, his fluid was collected and saved and refrigerated and she would made a smoothie for him to consume upon testing showed that he was sterilized. From that point I breed his wife successful 3 times over a 4 year period. The all have his last name . The cuckold has never regretted this action .

          • Anonymous
              Post count: 216

              Wow, thanks for sharing that. It is always good to know that other cucks have experienced where we are heading in this lifestyle. I wonder about regret, as I know it can be human nature. But I have no regrets becoming a cuckold so I hope I feel the same way your cuck does. I have read it can take awhile before there is no more fertile seed present after a vasectomy. That a need to ejaculate a few times to clear it all out. My wife is going to masturbate me to help me get rid of the fertile seed.

              You are quite the stud, breeding her 3 times.

          • Anonymous
              Post count: 21

              cuckDanC. See my message to you today regarding this decision and upcoming procedure.

            • Voyeurcuck
                Post count: 131

                This sounds like an appropriate arrangement Dan
                I had my vasectomy right before my wife was with her first Bull. They used condoms, so no risk but still made me feel a bit more cuck knowing I was only shooting salt water.
                We are not so regular, but she has been with 4 men now. The first 3 all with condoms, but the last one always bareback, and he is fertile. Puts just a bit more thrill into the game

                • Anonymous
                    Post count: 216

                    I want to honor my bull and make sure I give my wife what she wants, a baby, his baby.

                    I do wonder if the bull in our relationship was not her ex and the father of her two kids, would she want that bull’s baby. I think I would have a much harder time with this decision if that were the case. Even though I do not want any more biological children, not sure how happy I would be if another bull impregnated her and she had his baby. In our case, I am already helping to raise his two kids, so adding a third does seem like too much of a stretch.

                    I am excited about the time when he will pump his fertile load in my fertile wife but I am also a realist and I know I will have to deal with certain emotions but I am okay with it.

                    I am glad this is somewhat of a long process as it will still give me some time to evaluate this decision and make sure it is right for all of us. I do not suspect their will be any deviation, but nice to know there are still options up to the moment of conception.

                    Thanks for writing to me.

                    • Voyeurcuck
                        Post count: 131

                        I think your relationship is very special, with her ex being her Bull too. In a way it’s not too “abnormal” if he gives her another child, a kind of “been there, done that” thing. And a lot of men live with women and the women’s ex kids in the house already. So you could even say you are quite normal, except the small leap in time when the kid were conceived. I think that will make another kid a lot easier to accept for all of you.

                        On the other hand, having his ex still around puts a lot more into your cuckold relationship. I think all cucks fear if their wife will leave them and choose the Bull instead of the cuck. How will (another) kid tie them together? in fact I think you may derail your own position as husband even more with the ex being the father than just a regular stranger without history with her?

                        And how about the Bull and the new kid, will he request time alone with his kid or will the new kid be yours, so the Bull only have weekends with the older siblings? A lot of practical stuff to clarify too.

                        There’s no patented answer to how this should be handled, only time will tell how you 3 work it out

                      • Anonymous
                          Post count: 216

                          You ask good questions and yes, I have some trepidation about going down this. After all my first wife got pregnant by her bull and left me. So I know it is a risk, but I guess any marriage can be a risk. There are plenty of men who have wives that have or are fucking other men and have no idea. And I am sure some got pregnant by other men and the husband has no idea.

                          My wife’s ex is part of our family, even before the cuckoldling. When there are kids involved is can be inevitable and we all had a great relationship before sex came into the picture.

                          There will be times when he is alone with his child as he will have all three at times. Just like when I am with my own kids, their kid usually comes with us. I never want him to feel excluded so I would want this new baby to part of his or har brothers lives.

                    • Ricky Joiner
                        Post count: 21

                        Sounds like interesting times ahead for you Dan.

                        Some things to consider carefully though. Outside of the excitement that comes from your fertile wife and her fertile ex, creating another child, it will mean another child for you to bring up. Another of your wife’s ex’s children to be responsible for. Are you really prepared for this?

                        Another question – who’s name will be on the child’s birth certificate as father? Will it be your name or his?

                        Voyercuck has already mentioned a few other good considerations as well, one being the bond between biological father and child. From previous posts he doesn’t sound as though he was a good father when married to their mum. Will this change I wonder? Will his paternal instincts change for the better.

                        Finally, there is the relationship between him and your wife. Not only will they share the fact that he is the father of all her children but he is also her lover. They are getting older together in their intimacy; growing closer together; raising three children together, albeit with your help. One day their will be weddings, grandchildren – things of the future to consider. Lots to consider.

                        • Anonymous
                            Post count: 216

                            In response to your questions and comments, I have no idea how it all will play out. I certainly understand the risks and I may come to regret it all. Stepping back and not stopping a man from penetrating my wife’s cunt and fucking her was and is a huge risk.

                            As for this baby, he has agreed I will be listed as the father on the birth certificate. But he will play a big role in this child’s life, just as he does with his first two sons.

                            One thing I wish to correct is that he is a great father. That was never an issue, he was just not a great husband. Sometimes I think he is a much better father then me.

                        • TransStar
                            Post count: 140

                            My urologist required my wife to attend the initial visit to confirm she was aware I was going to have a vasectomy. It was embarrassing but I also enjoyed needing her permission.

                            It’s interesting to have her ex- take you. Will he be going into the room with you and the Dr to explain why you need the procedure.

                            Please do choose a female urologist.

                            So what do you think about just having those two pesky gonads completely removed? I have read there are side effects. But it would make you an even more docile, submissive Mr Mom.

                            Nice of your wife to offer to milk out your remaining seed. It should be a relief to her and her ex- to know that’s resolved.

                            • Anonymous
                                Post count: 216

                                He did not witness the procedure but he did take me and waited for me and took me back to his place for awhile. The urologist was a man, so my balls where in the hands of another man. Kind of symbolic I would say.

                                I love being a man, with balls, so no I would not want them removed.

                            • Anonymous
                                Post count: 216

                                Well I am on my way to soon shooting blanks, I had my vasectomy this past Friday but I understand it can take anywhere from 20 to 50 ejaculations before I have no more fertile seed coming from my cock.

                                My wife and I had a special night on Thursday. We went out to a nice dinner, had some drinks and came home and had passionate sex. My wife sucked my cock, I licked her clit until she came and we fucked. I got to pump two fertile loads in her, my last time to do so. It was very emotional for me. But my wife was very loving.

                                Hee ex picked me up in the morning to take me to my appointment. We did some looks and I wonder if they thought we were gay, but then again why would a gay guy get a vascetomy.

                                Wow, nothing like totally naked from the waist down, legs up in stirups. I do not know if it is normal, but before he numbed the area, I had a semi erection. Nothing like a needle in your ball sack. I did have a moment of doubt and I think if I was not naked on the table, leg up, I would have left. The procedure did not take to long. I could not feel him touch my balls, make the incision and snip the sperm ducts.

                                But it was soon done, suctured and I was on my way. My wife’s ex was so kind to me, make sure I could get in the car okay. At that time my balls were numb so it was okay though I know i walked funny. The vasectomy walk I supposed.

                                It was kind of hot laying in his bed recoverying, him taking care of me.

                                He asked me all about the procedure, how I was feeling, but the best part was he thanked me for going through with it.

                                Before he took me home, I asked him if I could suck him. He asked if I was really up for that, and honestly, I was not, but I wanted to thank him for being so nice to me.

                                Sitting on the side of bed I took him in my mouth and sucked him until he came in my mouth.

                                At home, my wife then made sure I was comfortable as possible. The overall experience was not too bad. When the numbness worn off it was slightly painful, but tylenol helped and by Sunday, I felt pretty good.

                                Step one of this phase of this journey is not behind me.

                              • Anonymous
                                  Post count: 216

                                  Just a quick update. After a week of recuperating from my vasectomy and no playtime with my cock, I had my first milking on Saturday to begin the final step of eliminating any fertile seed I may still have. As promised my wife jerked me off.
                                  I have to admit it was pleasurable and difficult. My wife and I stripped naked and I pleasured her orally. As she was cumming I so wanted to fuck her, which we all agreed I would not do. BUt it made me rock hard, maybe even harder than normal because the pussy was right there but I was denied. But my wife made love to my cock. She kissed the cock head (0h how I wanted her to go down on me but oral is also out of the question) and then stroked me. Gentle loving, up and down, my lubed cock was so hard and it felt so good. Then she intensifed the movement, stroking me all kinds of ways and since I had not cum in over a week, I swear I shot one of my bigger load.
                                  It was hot and also sad as I knew my load was full of fertile seed, just laying there useless, but overtime it my fertility would diminish and then there would be blanks.

                                  She gave me a handjob on Sunday, another load closer to infertility. Her ex came over to be with their kids since it was Easter and they found time to fuck, I stayed with the kids to give them their privacy.

                                • Anonymous
                                    Post count: 216

                                    I have had daily milkings by my wife. Even though the pursose is to rid my cock from shooting fertile seed, I have to say it has been hot and definitely the most sex I have ever had in a row. Yes I masturbated every day as soon as I learned what my cock could do and how it felt as a kid, but to have my wife play with my cock and get me off every day has been awesome. Interestingly, my urge to fuck my wife has been deminishing. I do not know if it is because I enjoy the attention to my cock and it is becoming a norm for me or I am accepting that my days of fucking my wife are over for some time.

                                    Once I am infertile, I know I will not get that same attention every day.

                                    But the positive thing about all this occured last night. As my wife was stroking my cock, she told me she loved me for going through with this. She knows how difficult it has been for me to come to where we are in the baby decisions and she loves me for being so unselfish.

                                    I asked her if this is what she truly wants and to told her to be honest, that I did not want her to spare my feelings. She finally admitted that she wants his baby and that she is glad I did not want a baby. Yes my male ego was stung but I could see she was very happy. She did say it was not that a baby with me would not have been great, but she really wanted all of her kids to have the same biological father. I certainly understand that as I find it hard to accept that my two kids have a half brother with their mother and it is one of the reason I did not want another child, another half brother for my kids. Yes they will think that is what this baby will be, but at some point they will learn the truth. Maybe my logic is fucked up and having my wife inseminated by her ex is fucked up.

                                    Anyway, my wife has three days of the pill left to take and then she starts the process of her body going back to regular cycles and the ability to conceive.

                                  • Cathy & Jerry
                                      Post count: 207

                                      Congratulations Matt, I’m looking forward to hearing more about her impregnation you lucky cuck! 🙂

                                      • Anonymous
                                          Post count: 216

                                          Thanks, will post updates as things happen


                                          • Cathy & Jerry
                                              Post count: 207

                                              Just saw my goof-up with the name lol. Sorry Dan!

                                        • Anonymous
                                            Post count: 216

                                            My wife took her last birth control pill yesterday, finishing up the cycle. Now we wait for her body to adjust and her natural cycle to resume.

                                            Her ex will fuck her with a condom until it is time for him to fuck and impregnate her.

                                            Exciting to think about but also makes me anguish if I am being honest.

                                            As for me it has been two weeks of milking and over three weeks of no intercourse with my wife. That has been hard as we have never gone this long without fucking. And having my cock stroked by her to rid any fertile seed has made me so horny to fuck.

                                            But I need to honor my commitment to my wife and her ex. No intercourse for me until after she is pregnant.

                                          • Cathy & Jerry
                                              Post count: 207

                                              That’s terrific, soon she’ll be carrying her ex’s baby as she should be. I’m excited for you and even jealous. You’re living the life so many cuckolds wish they could have, lucky cuck!

                                              • Anonymous
                                                  Post count: 216

                                                  THanks, I just tried to be the best cuckold I can be. Some may think I am making a major mistake going through with this, but it is something I feel I need to do, not only for my wife and her ex, but for me.

                                                  • Cathy & Jerry
                                                      Post count: 207

                                                      You are her husband but you know in your heart that her ex is the Alpha male who is meant to be the one to breed her, to sire her/your children, and you are the good man who will support and raise them to be good people. If I could shake your hand I would! Maybe when she is ovulating and they are ready to try for conception you could ask them to allow you the honor of guiding his cock into her vagina then leave the room to allow them to mate. You are going to be the father so it would be nice if you had at least a small part in the act of the child’s conception 🙂

                                                    • Anonymous
                                                        Post count: 216

                                                        You speak the truth that he is the Alpha male and I am the husband. One would think, as I did, that the husband would always be the Alpha male, but I have learned that is not the case. His fertile seed is superior to mine and deserves to be used to impregnate my wife. Not always an easy realization but accepted. I appreciate your support and it helps me in my journey.

                                                        I like the term mating, that my wife and her ex will mate to produce a child. It will be more than just fucking and even though it will be hard, is hard, to know that they have a love for each other and this baby will be a product of love, not just love, it feels special.

                                                        I want to be part of this in whatever way I can and I want to watch them mate through to the moment he ejaculate in her womb.

                                                  • Anonymous
                                                      Post count: 216

                                                      I know what the end result of this phase of my cuckold journey will be, my wife pregnant with his fertile seed, which I willingly accept, but getting to that goal has definitely been incredible from a sexual and intimacy perspective. Every day my wife plays with my cock (we never had daily sex even when we first got married). I lick or finger her to make her cum as well.
                                                      And we recently had a wonderful time with her ex and I do say we. He came over to fuck my wife and now that she is fully off the pill, he uses a condom. As we undressed in our bedroom and I took my usual seat in the room to watch, he told me to get on the bed. But first he handed me his condom and told me to take it out and put it on his already rock hard cock. I was surprised and it was awkward, never put a condom on another guy’s cock, only my own. To steady his cock, I took it in my hand and placed the open end of his condom on his cock head (of course it was a magnum condom, wow, those are big) and then unrolled it over his cock. I thought that would be it, back to my chair, but he told me to lay on the bed and surprisely, he told my wife to get on her knees and put my cock in her mouth. Oh my cock got so hard. Once in position, my cock in my wife’s mouth, he got in position behind her and I knew when he penetrated her cunt as she gasped even with my cock in her mouth. He fucked her as she sucked me. I was afraid I would come quick but I guess the daily milkings, which I noticed lasted longer each time, made me last. But unlike him who can totally control his orgasm, the sensation was overwhelming and I let them know I was about to cum. As my wife started sliding my cock out of her mouth, I say him push her head down. I tried to hold back, not sure she wanted this, but I soon came, filling her mouth with my cum. She swallowed me, it was incredible and then he came, filling the condom.

                                                      I know he shoots a big load, but seeing it in the condom, fuck man, it had to fill at least a couple of inches. White creamy cum. He handed it to me and I just looked at it. As they laid naked together on the bed, I got up to discard it.

                                                      But I could not stop looking at it, the volume, knowing it was full of fertile seed. I hesitated, but I wanted it and soon I put the open end of the condom in my mouth, lifted it up and that big glub of cum slid into my mouth, which I swallowed.

                                                      I flushed the toilet as if I had dumped his load in it and threw the used condom, wrapped in kleenex in the trash can.

                                                      My wife got fucked by him but I got the reward.

                                                    • Ricky Joiner
                                                        Post count: 21

                                                        Has your wife given you any indication yet Dan, when she will be letting her ex dispense with the condoms?

                                                        • Anonymous
                                                            Post count: 216

                                                            Not yet. She wants to make sure the effects of the pill are out of her system and they say that can take a couple of months. She is waiting for regular periods and then once that happens, the seeding process will be timed around the time she thinks she is ovulating.

                                                        • Anonymous
                                                            Post count: 120

                                                            When your wife thinks the seeding process should begin, will her and her lover have a special night, or maybe a small vacation to make the happy occasion become fruitful? Mark the occasion. cuckold dany

                                                            • Anonymous
                                                                Post count: 216

                                                                The plan is for me to be there to witness the fucking and the breeding. We have not worked out all the details yet

                                                                • Ricky Joiner
                                                                    Post count: 21

                                                                    May I suggest taking CRCouple’s suggestion on board. As much, as exciting it is, to be able watch their first time together having unprotected sex, it is a special occasion for them too. They are attempting to conceive. I think it would add to the occasion for them to have a short break alone. You stay at home and look after the children while they go off and enjoy themselves, on what they may see as a second honeymoon. I am sure your wife would gratefully accept this kind offer from you. After all, leaving your wife to have a child free break with her lover, might prove very fruitful in the end!

                                                                    However, the reality is that it may take a while for her to get pregnant and they will probably come away from their break without any conceiving, so there will be lots of opportunities later to witness this event.

                                                                  • Anonymous
                                                                      Post count: 120

                                                                      I agree with Ricky. It’s their moment An uninhibited moment.

                                                                    • onthesidekines
                                                                        Post count: 24

                                                                        I think you should be there for any and all breeding times.

                                                                        However the none breeding times or practice play times you may want to give them some private time.

                                                                  • Voyeurcuck
                                                                      Post count: 131

                                                                      I certainly relate to your excitement about the vasectomy, I had the same arousal when I was snipped 6yrs back, all though we didn’t play with others back then.

                                                                      She has been with fertile men since, even some who came in her, but far no breeding, and the time she was fucked at her ovulation day, she took a morning after bill afterwards. But still very kinky for a cuck to know there’s a risk and if it happens, you are 100% sure you’re not the father

                                                                    • Robert
                                                                        Post count: 40

                                                                        What a beautiful story! My second couple that I had kids with made it really special. She loves being a mom and always wanted another. We fell in love and dated for a long time. Cuck husband took their kids to grandmas and cleared the house for us. Set candles and made their bedroom very romantic. I spent three weekends with them with at least four ejaculations during each visit during her ovulation. He would vid or feel me during a few of them, but most he would press his lips against my taint at the moment I began to pump and stay there until I was empty. One time, his finger entered me and he said he felt it the strongest inside me. That was his thing. We were in love and I miss them dearly.

                                                                      • Anonymous
                                                                          Post count: 216

                                                                          An update

                                                                          Many of you suggested that my wife and her ex (her lover) have privacy as they try to conceive a baby. That I should not be there. I really did not like the idea, as I wanted to be there each and every time he fucked her, when they made love, for the purpose of planting his seed in her fertile womb. But I so listen to others (I think that is what a cuckold obedient cuckold should do.) So I suggested it to them. I have to say neither wanted me to be absent (now my wife did not, but I think he liked the idea even though he never said it)

                                                                          Anyway, my wife really wants to wait for a couple of months after stoppimg the pill, which she did on April 29th, but I think the thought of him fucking her bare enticed her to agree to a private fucking, at least one, sooner than later.

                                                                          So on Father’s Day I suggested it be the time for their private moment. It certainly seemed appropriate since he is the father of their two children.

                                                                          Even though everyone was at our house, my kids, their kids, her ex on Father’s day, I came up with a plan to take all of the kids out to the park. Leaving them back at the house where they could be naked and fuck. It is amazing the lies you can tell to convince kids to do things so that sex can take place (just not sex for me).

                                                                          My wife was excited but I think she also knew the likelihood of a pregnancy was remote, her period not that far off. But one never knows what could happen.

                                                                          So off the kids and I went to the park and to the bedroom my wife and her lover went to get naked, fuck and try for a baby.

                                                                          I have to admit it was a very hard decision not to be there to witness and I do not think I was ready yet for this to actually happen, him fucking and fertilzing my wife’s egg.

                                                                          When we returned a few hours later, everything looked normal, we ate, had fun and the whole time all I could think about is his fertile cum in her cunt. Was she knocked up or was his fertile see still working its magic trying to get into the egg.

                                                                          I decided I did not want any details of their lovemaking, their fucking. It was their time and none of my business.

                                                                          Waiting to see if my wife got her period was fucking hard, she could be pregnant (which I really wanted to be part of but would have missed.) It also made me realize the reality of what we were doing (whether the deed was now already done or what we would be doing soon enough).

                                                                          But also, on June 29th my wife informed me she had her period. I was relieved but I think my wife was disappointed, even though this was really not the timing she wanted.

                                                                          Since my wife wants to wait out this cycle before becoming pregnant, sometime mid August (oh my) fantasy will become a reality. Her lover back using the condom.

                                                                          As for me, I got confirmed I am not longer shooting any fertile seed, all blanks. The doctor said it was too soon to test (he did not know that I had been ejaculating every day since the vasectomy) but I insisted (I guess he thought I was just a fucking horny guy who wanted to be fucking my wife bare without worrying about a pregnancy). The test came back showing no sperm in my semen. Leaving the doctor’s office, I sat in my car and, don’t judge me, cried.

                                                                          • MrDoB
                                                                              Post count: 1

                                                                              Hello Dan,

                                                                              thanks for update! I’m not a cuckold but I’m also considering a vasectomy although my semen count is very low and slow.
                                                                              How do you felt right after the vasectomy and now a few days after you got confirmation that your sterile?
                                                                              I’m asking because I have a strong desire to breed and nevertheless I am de facto sterile. Therefore I hope this desire will gone after a possible vasectomy. Maybe you can understand what I mean and hope you can give me an advice what’s the best option in my case.

                                                                              • Anonymous
                                                                                  Post count: 216

                                                                                  as for the procedure itself, there was a little discomfort for a few days. Ball sack was slightly swollen, but it did not last too long.
                                                                                  Having the procedure done is an experience for sure. Exposing your cock and balls to the doctor. He did have me hold my cock away from my balls with one of those paper covers. Where he was making the incision was numb but I could still feel him touching my balls. It was pretty quick procedure, but I felt vulnerable during it and yes some doubts about it. Not sure it would have been as traumatic overall if I was, just getting it done to prevent a pregnancy, but since I was doing this so I could not impregnate my wife so it would ensure he would be impregnating her, it was tough I have to admit
                                                                                  Finding out I no longer shot sperm, now infertile, as a man it was a little upsetting.
                                                                                  If you want to breed, then you should not get a vasectomy, or you will never have the opportunity, regardless of whether your current state of sperm prodcution is low.

                                                                            • Londonstartercouple
                                                                                Post count: 13

                                                                                Please don’t think we would judge you. We don’t. We know it must be hard for you. Take care.

                                                                                • Anonymous
                                                                                    Post count: 120

                                                                                    No judging at all, as us cucks come (not cum) in all varieties.

                                                                                  • Anonymous
                                                                                      Post count: 216

                                                                                      Thank you for saying that. I means a lot to me and helps me feel that I am not alone

                                                                                  • Cucofreitas
                                                                                      Post count: 5

                                                                                      Dan, I must confess I was relieved when you said that she wasn’t pregnant. It wouldn’t be right. You must take part in it. Also, it’s pretty understandable that you cried, after all, you have just lost something important permanently, the power to inseminate a woman. I’m glad for you that you will have the opportunity to have an active role in the process of getting your wife pregnant. Here is my suggestion: after he ejaculastes inside your wife’s pussy and withdraws his cock from her, you could hold her legs up in order to help his seed on its way to her egg. Doing this, there will be a chance that you are the cause of a possible pregnancy. It’s not your seed, but it could be your action that made the pregnancy happen. What do you think?

                                                                                      • Anonymous
                                                                                          Post count: 216

                                                                                          I have to admit I was very relieved when she told me got her period. I want and need to be there, which I know as a cuck, my needs and desires do not matter. I like your suggestion as I want to be a part of if in as many ways as possible, just not the the actual seed the inseminates her

                                                                                      • Cathy & Jerry
                                                                                          Post count: 207

                                                                                          One other thing that you could do is ask him to stay inside of her until he’s fully flaccid because a hard cock will pull out sperm much like a syringe does of drawing up fluid when the plunger is pulled out. This way all of his sperm will stay pooled up at the entrance of her cervix and have a better chance to enter her uterus. Good luck you lucky cucky.

                                                                                          • Anonymous
                                                                                              Post count: 216

                                                                                              I never thought of that but it makes sense that his hard cock could pull out some of the sperm. He has a big cock head. I will make that suggestion to him. I am sure he will do whatever helps to guarantee a pregnancy. Thanks

                                                                                              • Cathy & Jerry
                                                                                                  Post count: 207

                                                                                                  When he finally pulls his cock out of your wife put a cushion under her hips to raise her up a bit, it’ll allow his sperm to pool better. Don’t forget to thank him for mating with her and tell him you look forward to seeing the pregnancy test showing positive. Hopefully he hasn’t ejaculated for many days to ensure that his big balls are as full as they can get to ensure impregnation. Good luck again!

                                                                                                • Anonymous
                                                                                                    Post count: 216

                                                                                                    I know about the pillow under the hips to keep the sperm inside to do it job. When I thought I was a man and a masculine husband, that is what we did when I fucked my first wife to make her pregnant. I will never forgot how special and sexually exciting those times were when we fucked for a baby.
                                                                                                    (okay, I need to not think about any of that. I am infertile now, my choice)

                                                                                                    I will thank him for doing my job as the husband.

                                                                                                    The use of the word “sperm” definitely puts this into perspective, makes it more real

                                                                                              • Anonymous
                                                                                                  Post count: 21

                                                                                                  If she and you were my couple, not only would I allow you to be there, I would REQUIRE YOU TO BE 😉

                                                                                                  • Anonymous
                                                                                                      Post count: 216

                                                                                                      Thank you Sir for your guidance. I want to be there. I need to be part of it since it affects the rest of our lives

                                                                                                  • Anonymous
                                                                                                      Post count: 21

                                                                                                      Yes you do. I’m surprised at your lack of followup lately. Surprised, but mostly concerned. You may PM me.

                                                                                                    • Anonymous
                                                                                                        Post count: 216

                                                                                                        My wife got her period last night. Normally she is not a happy person when she gets her period, and I know it is not a pleasant experience for her. But I noticed that she was actually excited that this period arrived. As I mentioned previously, she was waiting for this period before there would be any attempt at conception. I know she called her ex to let him know. THe fact that she was happy and that she called him to let him know he would be fucking her soon for him to put a baby in her, really upset me. Not sure what I expected, after all, I know she wants him to put a baby in her. I fucking got a vasectomy to prevent me impregnating her (of course since there has been no intercourse between my wife and me since the vasectony, I wonder why I needed to get clipped).
                                                                                                        I have not changed my mind about what will be happening soon, looking forward to it, but it still hurts to know that your wife craves another man’s fertile seed, wants his baby.
                                                                                                        As a cuckold, I need to accept what my wife wants and needs and to honor the bull.

                                                                                                      • Anonymous
                                                                                                          Post count: 21

                                                                                                          Yes, it hurts, but does that specific kind of hurt feel good? (remember to look down at your body’s reaction). I sense that your vacillating on this is due, in part at least, to either your wife, her ex, or both of them, not providing you the level of discipline you need. I’m sure they try and you may get more from them than most, but we both know you need a firmer hand now don’t you? You know what I’m saying dan c. Were you under the foot of a stronger Dom, I sense that, while you would still might have reservations, you would feel much less stress over this. That discipline from a firm hand is one of the duties I feel a Bull has to his subs. But you hand in there. You will get through this rough patch. Deep down, you have already made the case better than any of us could for why this is an important step for both you and the wife. You know full well that I want you to be ok. You have permission to PM me.

                                                                                                          • Anonymous
                                                                                                              Post count: 216

                                                                                                              Hello Sir, you are always are looking out for me and I really appreciate it. It has helped me progress and grow as a cuckold and I believe I am where I am in part because of you.
                                                                                                              Yes it hurts and yes I get turned on by it. I thought sex was all about getting my cock sucked, eating out a pussy, fucking, being naked with a woman. But I have learned it is so much more than that, even more then just watching porn and masturbating. Yes I want and need to cum, but the psychological aspects of being a cuckold are so intense, that I find it is the ultimate sex for me. Even if I do not get to cum.

                                                                                                              I have accepted where we are heading, my cock is so hard thinking about it, my entire body is so turned on by it. But I agree that if my wife’s bull would properly discipline me, take full control, not just over my wife, her body, her cunt, but take full control of me, whether tying me up while they fuck, or locking me out of the bedroom, or just demanding whatever role he wants me to play (with condsequences if I am disobedient) I believe this all would be so much easier for me. But as a cuckold, should it be easy for me? Feeling insecurity, anquish, inferior, less of a man, jealousy, isn’t that really part of being a cuckold? I know part is providing what the bull needs, what my wife needs, and that part I am more than happy and proud to provide.

                                                                                                          • Shel
                                                                                                              Post count: 21

                                                                                                              I am quite new to this platform and have been on a fast track to read as much and learn as much as possible. This thread is just one example. My cucking has two phases. Phase one with my ex. Phase two with my current wife. My ex suggested I get the Big V. Then she insisted. so I did. She was there when it took place. We had not started a family yet, but that was of great interest to her. She had been dating off and on and then met a man that really charmed her. After close to a year of dating him, she told me she wanted her boyfriend’s seed in her. I really thought I had no choice but to agree. So the deed was done and I was allowed to be there. Then the next month (I believe) she had her period. Long story short, she had an unknown health issue and was not able to get pregnant. So actually the breeding process may have saved her life. And it didn’t stop her from fucking. But that situation caused mental anguish which led to other health issues and we eventually divorced.

                                                                                                              Before getting married a second time, I had to disclose all about my previous relationship and that I had been snipped. She took no issues with that. And she rather likes the cuckold lifestyle as she felt it allowed her to keep the relationship with a close friend who was also her former bf. He very much became a part of our life for several years. I continued to be a cuck, and she introduced even more scenarios into our cuckold lifestyle.
                                                                                                              She insisted I get to know her lover better and spend some guy time with him. Go to a sporting event. Have a chat over a burger and a beer. So I did. It actually helped me get over the angst. Her long-time friend has since passed and we both miss him. We still have photos of him around our home. Just after the heart of Covid wained, she met a new man who is now very much a part of her life. And life is good for us. Thank you for this platform. It helps me get things off my chest when I know I am communicating with the choir, so to speak.

                                                                                                            • Anonymous
                                                                                                                Post count: 120

                                                                                                                A big cuckold family

                                                                                                              • Shel
                                                                                                                  Post count: 21

                                                                                                                  Indeed we are. And again, thank you.

                                                                                                                • TransStar
                                                                                                                    Post count: 140

                                                                                                                    Thx for sharing Shel. Good to learn that getting to know your wife’s bf helps easy the angst. Sorry to hear of his passing.

                                                                                                                    Hopefully you are able to have a burger and beer with her new bf as well.

                                                                                                                    Thx for sharing your success stories.

                                                                                                                  • Shel
                                                                                                                      Post count: 21

                                                                                                                      My pleasure. Thank you for your interest.

                                                                                                                    • Anonymous
                                                                                                                        Post count: 216

                                                                                                                        Planting the Seed

                                                                                                                        Everything has led to this moment, whether unconsciously from the beginning of my cuckold journey to being fully aware of the decisions I have made that have led to this day.
                                                                                                                        Asking my wife to cuckold me with another man, accepting her ex as her lover, watching my wife suck his cock and watching him fuck my wife, discussing with my wife a possible pregnancy, agreeing that he would be the seed bearer, getting a vasectomy, being milked every day until any of my fertile seed was eliminated, agreeing to abstain from intercourse with my wife until she is pregnant, my wife coming off the pill, waiting four months until my wife’s periods were regular and then making the reservations for the three of us to stay at a very nice hotel, a suite, for the weekend.
                                                                                                                        Friday, the 12th, my wife and I both took off from work, packed a small suitcase. I helped my wife pick out a sexy pair of pink panties and a very sheer short nightie. I know they were only a formality since she would not be wearing them very long. My wife shaved her pussy, her legs, prepped herself. I could tell she was very excited, especially when she told me she knew she was close to ovulating.
                                                                                                                        Hearing that and knowing it would not be me fucking and impregnating her, being honest with myself, it hurt. My wife wanted his baby. Yes I had a choice, I could have been the father, even though I suspected it was his seed, his baby she wanted, to add to the two they had together when they were married. But I did not want any more children, my two with my first wife were enough.
                                                                                                                        Arrangements all made, we waited until the appointed hour when her ex was going to pick us up at our house and drive us to the hotel. I was anxious, time seemed to go so slow. But 5 o’clock came, I heard him pull his car into the driveway. Everyone ready he said as he came into the house, definitely a man on a mission. As ready as we will ever be, I said, trying to be calm, but not sure I was successful in hiding my trepidation. He kissed my wife, and taking her hand, lead her outside to his waiting car. I followed carrying our small suitcase. My wife in the front with him, me in the back seat.
                                                                                                                        The tension, the body language between the two of them, it was evident that they both were focused on what was to come. Like watching two kids on a first date, knowing they would be fucking later. I am positive my presence in the car was totally forgotten.
                                                                                                                        Checking into the hotel, riding the elevator up to our room, each a step closer to the moment of now return. As a surprise for them, I had ordered champagne and chocolate covered strawberries. I was trying to be as involved as I could be, to show them I was in acceptance. The suite was very nice, great view and I could glimpse a part of the bed where they would be laying naked, fucking, making love, making a baby. I found I could not go into the bedroom to check it out.
                                                                                                                        He popped the champagne, poured us all a glass, they took the two champagne glasses (why would anyone think to give us three) and I found a regular glass in the room.
                                                                                                                        He toasted how beautiful my wife is, how excited he was to be there and looking at me, thanked me for agreeing to letting them create a baby. There is was, the word baby, the anticipated outcome of this night. I felt lightheaded, but stayed composed. Yes I knew this was all going to happen, but now that we are here, it was like reality suddenly hit me. Should I stop this, tell them it was a mistake, I did not agree. Oh how I wanted to, if I am being honest with myself. But then I looked at my wife, saw how happy and excited she was. She wanted this. I could not give her a baby since I had the vasectomy. Yes I could try to have it reversed, but I knew I did not want another kid of my own.
                                                                                                                        I love my wife, would give her anything she wanted and this is what she wanted. I could not take that away from her.
                                                                                                                        So I said, cheers and that I was happy and thanked him for letting me be a part of this special night.
                                                                                                                        He suggested that my wife and I go into the bedroom, to get everything ready. Another way of saying to get my wife naked and ready for his cock. Entering the bedroom, there was the bed, the place where it was all going to happen. But I needed to stop obsessing over every detail. I took my wife in my arms, kissed her and asked her if she was happy. She looked at me, said she loved me and that yes she was very happy. With that I undressed her, almost like I did on our wedding night. Yes we had fucked before we were married, but something about our wedding night, the consummation of our marriage, it was all so surreal and erotic.
                                                                                                                        Standing before me, just her bra and panties, I kissed her, turned her around to undo the bra, letting it fall to the floor. Oh how I wanted to fondle her tits, but I knew it was not what I should do. Turning around she looked at me, her breasts so firm, her nipples erect. I would have ripped off her panties and fucked her right there if it had been any other night. Instead I just smiled at her, said I loved her, seeing her with her sexy pink panties, otherwise naked. I opened the suitcase, pulled out the sheer nightie she had purchased for this occasion. The new panties and nightie were for him (not me).
                                                                                                                        I took her in my arms, feeling her breasts pressed against my chest, her skin so warm. I had an erection, something she would have normally commented on in a teasing manner, but not this night. Letting go, I led her to the bed where she sat while I turned back to the door to open it for him.
                                                                                                                        He was naked, erect, sitting on the couch. I could not deny how sexual, how masculine he is. Muscular, tall, tan. Almost perfect. Like I was seeing him for the first time. Handsome, defined chest, dark round nipples, hint of abs, and of course the package, big thick long cock, balls that hang down, laying against the cushion of the couch, his containers of fertile seed. As he stood, I watched his balls slip down, slightly swinging. Big balls, have they always been so fucking big??
                                                                                                                        He smiled, walked past me into the bedroom, where my wife waited naked except for the sheer nightie and panties. I stood at the door. I could see my wife eye up his body, his erect cock, that seductive smile she can get when horny. He gently pulled her to her feet, held her face as he kissed her. Took her into his arms, my wife’s hands feeling up his body. He removed the nightie, slow, pulling it over her head, fully exposing her breasts. He took them into his hands, bent over to kiss one and then the other, going back to give them a quick suck. I swear his cock was harder than I have ever seen it, it had to be my imagination. He gently sat her on the bed, grabbed the rim of her panties and slid them off, exposing her beautiful pussy, shaved, pink. I watched as he pushed her legs apart and had her lay on her back, her legs over the edge of the bed, her pussy fully exposed. I knew he was going to penetrate her, but instead he turned to me, and asked me to lick her pussy, make her ready for him. I was taken aback, slightly hesitating, but quickly I stripped naked, got on my knees and there between my wife’s legs I licked and sucked her clit. She was fucking wet. She started moaning and before I knew it, she was cumming. I didn’t stop sucking her clit until she placed her hands on my head to stop.
                                                                                                                        I got up off the floor and watched as he helped her slid back on the bed. I was dripping precum. I could taste her on my lips. I watched as he climbed on top of her, his naked body practically covering her naked body. They kissed, as hard as he was, he had self-control, taking his time, even though I could see my wife’s hips moving under him, feeling that hard cock. I knew she wanted it in her.
                                                                                                                        When he lifted up to penetrate her, I suddenly sked if I could help guide it in. He is a strong man and he just held himself up while I walked over to the bed. He said nothing but I could tell he wanted me to guide it in. I sat on the bed, took his erect cock in my hand, positioned it at the entrance to her cunt as he slowly lowered himself. Placing that big cock head between her pussy lips, I knew he would soon be inside of her. Slowly his cock head slid inside, my hand still on his shaft and as the shaft started sliding in, as my wife’s body bucked under him, I let go and watched as it completely disappeared inside her cunt.
                                                                                                                        This was their time, their moment, so I slid off the bed, sat in a nearby chair, naked, hard, and watched as they fucked. As many times as I have watched them fuck, I knew this was different. I have been there and heard him cum inside of her, but it was just cumming. The seed eventually sliding out of her pussy, nothing more. But this time, his seed had a purpose. My wife was fertile, off the pill for four months, she would be ovulating soon, if not this very night.
                                                                                                                        As I have commented before, he has stamina when he fucks. Slow and steady, quick and intense. I heard my wife cum and seeing his pace, I knew he would make her cum again before he came. Normally during long fuck sessions he would change positions, fuck her doggy, but not tonight. Missionary, face to face, making love. Yes they were making love, making love to make a baby. (I remember that feeling, the intensity of the sex during those times.)
                                                                                                                        My wife came again, I could see that she was worn out after. And then his fucking became intense, more animalistic, his body tense, every muscle straining. I knew this was going to be it. His breathing heavy, the bed shaking and then and then, he was cumming. I knew he was pumping his fertile seed into my wife’s fertile cunt. Thrust after thrust, ropes of cum were shooting out of his cock. Fuck, was he ever going to stop pumping his load in her.
                                                                                                                        But like all sex, the orgasm ceases, semen stops coming out. Holding himself up and over my wife, his cock still in her cunt, he leaned down and kissed her. Normally he would withdraw and roll on his side next to her. But he was savoring it, keeping his cock, still hard, inside of her. When he did pull out, he was still hard, covered in his own cum, wet from her cunt.
                                                                                                                        I quickly got up, grabbed a pillow, helped my wife lift her legs and placed the pillow under her hips. We needed to keep his fertile seed in her. There she laid, naked, fucked, seeded, hips elevated. He laid naked next to her, his cock starting to lose the erection.
                                                                                                                        As for me, I had masturbated and came while he was cumming. I was aware of it, but my focus was on them, him pumping his seed in her, that I almost did not realize it.
                                                                                                                        Now we wait to see if he impregnated my wife. (Of course, they fucked another 4 times that weekend, but it was this first time that I will always remember.)

                                                                                                                      • Shel
                                                                                                                          Post count: 21

                                                                                                                          Thank you for sharing your story. I can’t imagine how you really felt being there. Guiding. Watching. Masturbating. Yes, you told us. But being so close during his insemination of your wife and knowing the eventual outcome. Breathtaking, I am sure.

                                                                                                                          • Anonymous
                                                                                                                              Post count: 216

                                                                                                                              Honestly, it was and is still hard to process. One thing to watch another man fuck your wife, watch your wife enjoying herself getting fucked, another to know that the end result of his fucking is to pump his fertile seed into my wife for the purpose of impregnating her.

                                                                                                                          • Anonymous
                                                                                                                              Post count: 216

                                                                                                                              As the photo shows he was successful

                                                                                                                            • Cathy & Jerry
                                                                                                                                Post count: 207

                                                                                                                                That’s fantastic! Congratulations! I’m jealous 😊 Please let us all know how her pregnancy is going and show us photos of her growing baby bump 🙂

                                                                                                                                • Anonymous
                                                                                                                                    Post count: 216

                                                                                                                                    Thank you. Had no idea I would be where we are and no idea where this all will head, but at the moment I am happy

                                                                                                                                • Don and Renee
                                                                                                                                    Post count: 7


                                                                                                                                    • Anonymous
                                                                                                                                        Post count: 216

                                                                                                                                        Thank you.

                                                                                                                                    • Anonymous
                                                                                                                                        Post count: 21

                                                                                                                                        I’m very, VERY happy for you boi. The only thing that would please me more is if it had been my impregnation that allowed the expansion of your family.

                                                                                                                                        • Anonymous
                                                                                                                                            Post count: 216

                                                                                                                                            Had circumstances been different Sir, I would have been honored to raise your baby, to watch it grow in my wife, to remember how you fucked and seeded my wife

                                                                                                                                        • lovingcuckold
                                                                                                                                            Post count: 1

                                                                                                                                            Wow. You are living out our dream. Very jealous of you especially reading through how involved and excited your wife and bull are to sterilize you.

                                                                                                                                            I’ve always believed that women should have the final say on which men pass on their genes and which have the honor to be called dad and raise those kids.

                                                                                                                                            You are a true inspiration to wannabe cuckolds like me. I’m not married yet, but I’ve always fantasized about getting snipped. I think it would prevent any accidental pregnancies before I could convince my future wife to take the choice away from me as to whether I am worthy of passing on my genes over her boyfriend(s)

                                                                                                                                            I’m considering finding a doctor who would agree to having me snipped on only one side for now to at least impact my fertility. Do you think I should do it or just go all the way and get a traditional vasectomy

                                                                                                                                            • Anonymous
                                                                                                                                                Post count: 216

                                                                                                                                                My advice to you for what it is worth, is to do nothing about your fertility. If you want to be married to a woman one day, you never know what you may want at that time. Yes the fantasy of being circumsized in advance of being a cuckold one day is hot. But you may actually want a child of your own. Until you are married, find yourself in a truly cuckold role, you should do nothing about your fertility.

                                                                                                                                                Being a cuckold was never on my radar. I wanted a wife, I wanted kids, I wanted a hetersexual life. I had those things and I was happy (or content). My cuckold journey was thrust upon me like it is for some other guys (and some guys who never find out that they were or are being cuckold). My first wife took a lover, took another man’s cock in her cunt. When he knocked her up she could have chosen to tell me I was the father, but since we had not had sex in about 8 months she could not use that option and she did not want to anyway as she wanted a divorce to marry him.

                                                                                                                                                That experience led to where I am in my second marriage. A well informed happy submission cuckold who has discovered his bisexuality.

                                                                                                                                            • Cathy & Jerry
                                                                                                                                                Post count: 207

                                                                                                                                                Dan, I think you meant “vasectomy” not circumcision. I wish I was in your position for sure, I would love to see my wife pregnant with her lover’s child. You’re a lucky man!

                                                                                                                                              • Dafydd
                                                                                                                                                  Post count: 12

                                                                                                                                                  What a fantastic saga! Beautifully written in loving detail.
                                                                                                                                                  Are you looking forward to watching them make love through your wife’s pregnancy?
                                                                                                                                                  I assume no more condoms will be needed.
                                                                                                                                                  Curious, do you ever clean her lover’s cock after he withdraws? Or fluff him beforehand? I only ask because you mentioned you sucked him off after your V.
                                                                                                                                                  Best of luck to the three of you. Hope she has a wonderful and successful pregnancy. Milky tits await!

                                                                                                                                                  • Anonymous
                                                                                                                                                      Post count: 216

                                                                                                                                                      Oh I watched them make love while my wife was pregnant with his baby. He fucked her up to the night before she went into labor and gave him (us) a baby boy.

                                                                                                                                                      I have sucked him before and after. Not as a often as I would like but he perfers pussy and my wife’s mouth.

                                                                                                                                                      As for my wife’s tits post labor, oh yes they are quite full of milk

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