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    • ukhub_tim
        Post count: 6

        Around a year ago, after many years as a secret fantasy, I told my wife that it would turn me on if she slept with another man. She was in a jealous mood so I nervously explained to her that, far from wanting to sleep with another woman, I wanted her to sleep with another man. When we made love, I never pretended she was someone else … I pretended I was someone else. About two weeks went by with no more discussion. Then one night she told me she liked the idea, and that it turned her on. She asked if I had anyone, or any type, in mind, such as (and she said this unprompted) “a big black man”. I told her I would love it to be a black man, but that any man she was attracted to would be fine.

        There followed a period of a few months that were incredibly erotic for us, and our sex life caught fire. She would tell me about black men she had seen in the gym, how she had taken to smiling at them and saying hi. There were two in particular she said were very attentive to her. She would cum like I had never seen when she was talking about these men. We started to watch interracial porn together (at her request) and bought a huge black dildo for her … she came into the shop with me to buy it.

        I often asked her if she wanted to do it for real, and she said she did. We set up a profile on a swingers site looking for a black man to fulfill our fantasies, with some discreet pictures of my wife. Again, it was my wife who suggested I take these pictures. It was almost as though she was leading me. Naturally we got a lot of interest from black men on the site.

        Then we got invited to a private party for white women and black men via the site. I wanted to go. My wife got cold feet, and eventually said to me that she did not want to make it a reality, that she loved me too much to cuckold me for real.

        Since then our sex life has cooled again. I more or less begged her once or twice. She seems to have gone off the porn, which originally she had asked me to get. She now says that she is turned off by men who are on swinger sites, and that a proper natural seduction would be more of a turn-on.

        There have been a few positive steps. She agreed that it would be exciting to go to a club, and maybe dance with a black man in front of me. We went to a very ‘black’ club, but the crowd was too young and it didn’t feel right so we left. I would still love to find a suitable club in London with a more mixed and mature crowd.

        I feel as though we went too fast and burned out. My wife got scared. I am worried I may never be a cuckold, as I long to be. I would like to try and encourage steps but I have no idea what to do. Any tips, advice, or comments greatly appreciated!

      • matmagic99
          Post count: 142

          Seems to me that you should just back off to a comfortable level (for her) and let her relax and have fun like she was.  Don’t be in a hurry.  Enjoy the ride. Who knows where it may lead.

        • ukhub_tim
            Post count: 6

            Thank you matmagic99, that sounds like good advice …

          • Junior
              Post count: 2

              I have a similar problem, read my post, I do not know what the answer is, but do not force it.  Do not let it drop completely either, I think the desire is still.  We have spooked them so how.Frown

            • matmagic99
                Post count: 142

                Shem, I like that you desire the cuckold life, but are still tied to the conventional as a couple.  I can relate fully.  We are progressing along this route.  I find it very exciting, even though the actual event hasn’t happened yet.  The fantasy itself is exciting for both of us.  Maybe you and I should communicate by email?  Or not, doesn’t matter.

              • southwestcple
                  Post count: 18

                  Have you considered a BMFC party? The website is good and the people there will give you lots of encouragement. I’ve never been personally but the atmosphere and vibe seems a good one.

                • ukhub_tim
                    Post count: 6

                    Matmagic .. I would love to chat by email, not sure how to exchange emails here?

                  • ukhub_tim
                      Post count: 6

                      southwestcple .. thanks for the tip, the BMFC parties look very exciting and I would love for us to go one day. At the moment I think they sound a bit too close to what made my wife get scared, so I think I have to go slower than that for now. Any other advice gratefully received! x

                    • southwestcple
                        Post count: 18

                        You’re probably right. Could be a good idea to register on the site and have a look at it together. Maybe get your wife to post some questions she might have. They all assure me there that if you go to a party you are under no pressure to play and there is one venue in particular that if you choose to remain downstairs it’s just like any other house party (except there’s more black men than usual of course).

                        We started by joining a swingers website and posting some pics. Also went in the chat room and showed off on cam. Jayne was very nervous at first but loved getting lots of nice comments from guys enjoying the pics and webcam show. You only show what you’re happy showing show no face shots if you want to keep things private.

                        But there are loads of ways to get started. As I said in my blog. Edge in slowly. Get used to it. If you both like then edge in a bit further. Oh. And stepping back isn’t necessarily bad or the end of it. Can be to just give time to think.

                      • ukhub_tim
                          Post count: 6

                          southwestcpl .. thanks so much for the advice. I will try registering on BMFC site.

                        • ukhub_tim
                            Post count: 6

                            Junior – thanks for the reply .. can’t find the post you referred to .. can you post a link?

                          • matmagic99
                              Post count: 142

                              Shem, if you tell me an email address, I’ll send you an email with my address, but I don’t really want to put my address out there publicly.  Perhaps you don’t either.

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