Home discussion Lifestyle Discussions Getting Started What do you call your bull?

  • This topic has 16 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by ncbbccuckcpl.
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    • #36623

        Off the internet I have not heard anyone use the term bull, but I am new to this. My wife calls him “Daddy.” I thought that was a bit odd. What to you call your bull? What do bulls like to be called?

      • #36640


          This is a touchy subject. Names are important.

          I for one have not / will not call ☎️ a guy a stud, bull, or any other animal name. It’s just wrong.
          If a title has to be used I use ones like FRIEND, BUDDY Etc.

        • #36665

            I only use the term bull when I am talking about cuckolding dynamics on internet…
            When I talk about with my wife I just refer to him by his name. When I am speaking to him I just add the title “Mr” as submission is part of our dynamic.

          • #37019

              When i am speaking to him directly i call him Sir.

            • #37125

                It’s a mixed bag for me. I call him her Boyfriend mostly, and address him as Sir when they invite me to participate. At this point in our joint relationship, the term Bull just doesn’t feel right. But…every couple is different, so who knows?

                • #37138

                    I think the wife can call him what ever she and hi likes. ie by name, or darling, or lover, etc. Hubby on the other hand should call him Sir.. ie May I suck your cock sir.

                • #38173

                    He is my BF and we call him by his name. We think the term bull is degrading and never use it. Even when we were looking online for someone we stayed away from it. Just doesn’t seem right to me.

                    • #38423

                        Just so everyone knows the real truth, Luvr is a fraud. He hides his real name and covers his eyes. He has never changed his disgusting chest photo since he began this web site.
                        Luvr is extremely paranoid so he bans innocent, decent couples from the chat room because he is afraid of constructive criticism and he is a control freak. He was dishonorably discharged from the U.S. Army, but he will deny this fact. Carla & john

                        • #38442

                            how old are you 12?

                      • #38174
                        Cathy & Jerry

                          I hate the term “Bull”, that would imply that I am a “cow”! Both my hubby and I refer to him as my boyfriend or lover and we both call him by his name as he does with us. Ok, if he was with us for the main purpose of impregnating me then he could be considered a “stud”, but that’s not the case here, he’s just my loving boyfriend! 🙂

                          • #38434

                              It’s important to understand the context of the term ‘bull’ and it has nothing to do with the wife being a cow or the male being invited into the marriage being less than human.

                              Bull 101

                              • #38440
                                Cathy & Jerry

                                  We understand the terminology but I still don’t care for it lol. I’ll stick with calling him by name or “boyfriend” or “Lover” 🙂

                            • #38195

                                Cathy, you said what I was thinking. I’m not a cow.

                              • #38196

                                  When we are together, my Wife calls him by his name, and i call Him Sir. He calls her by her name and they both call me cuck.

                                  Sir does sometimes self-apply the term “The Bull” in the third person when speaking with us, like a caricature of a Third-World Dictator, but all in good fun, right?

                                  When it’s just Her and me, we either call Him Her Boyfriend or our Third because that’s how we think of Him.

                                • #38330

                                    Yes. Please call us by our names. Except husbands sir is appropriate for them to be using. We’re people too!

                                  • #38333

                                      I agree with alexxsmith on this.

                                    • #38441

                                        why don’t you ask your bull?

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