I Dated A Cuckold
A good find by socalguy19: it’s an article by a single woman who briefly dated a guy wanting the cuckold role. This young woman gets a lot of things right about her own motivations for this and correctly self-diagnoses herself as a modern slut. By that, I mean a woman who is empowered to enjoy her own sexuality. Around here, the term slut is never used as a weapon of sexual repression.
I have cheated on every single boyfriend I have ever had. I used to think it was because I never truly loved any of them, but now I realize it was more about the reality of my ego and confidence. I am a flirt by nature. I seek attention from both sexes.
This aspiring cuckold was actually fortunate in that she enjoyed the experience without taking advantage of him – a common scenario for unmarried cuckold couples. Taking a submissive role shouldn’t mean the cuckold is denied what they need to be happy in their role and many younger/unmarried women lack the emotional maturity to recognize that or care if they do.
Read the article and then reflect on how important the emotional bond between cuckoldress and cuckold is and how that and that alone is what enables such experiences to transcend the sexual and feed the greater needs of hotwife and cuckold. All the negative aspects she experienced with him could have easily been resolved if they had more of a bond.