Shocker: Mom breastfeeds

“Next in shocking news; mother uses her lungs to breathe.”

Really? This is shocking? Grow the fuck up, people.

It was a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment, but a snippet of a mother breastfeeding her young boy behind the scenes on “The Voice Australia” didn’t escape viewers last night.

As contestant Dallas James from Byron Bay wowed the judges on the stage with his rendition of Sam Cooke’s “Bring It On Home to Me,” his partner Ingrid was waiting backstage with their son Tashi.

As the 34-year-old musician made his way backstage to greet his family, the camera flashed to his partner breastfeeding her toddler on the couch in the Green Room.

Dallas James told that he was comfortable with the show’s edit. “It was Ingrid’s decision to do that in the moment and I support her, and I support all women who want to breast feed in public. It’s their choice,” said James.

via ‘The Voice Australia’ shows mother breastfeeding child on air | Fox News.

I can appreciate that some might be critical of the age of the child, but suckling a toddler is still quite common in many cultures (outside prudish ones).

The less we, as a society, shame women for being women, the better off we all are. Good for her and good for her boyfriend/partner for supporting her.