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    • Anonymous
        Post count: 17

        I love being able to see my fiancé naked. Especially now, more than ever. This lifestyle has really taught me to love and appreciate her even more. Without the added mental/physical distraction, I get to better appreciate her nakedness and beauty more for who she is, rather than the added piece of her being “something” for me to have sex and get-off with. My appreciation for her nakedness is purer and more innocent in a sense—with more gratitude.

      • Anonymous
          Post count: 17

          I don’t think I would have been able to fully understand or appreciate her nakedness, or love, unless we had engaged in this lifestyle. Yes, her and I did have connections when we had sex, but not like she deserved. Sex was great, yes. However, because of my lack of appreciation there was a limit as to how far our passion, emotional bond, and love making could go, and “getting off” seemed to be more the priority. Which in turn caused it to be empty.

        • Anonymous
            Post count: 17

            With her bf though, it is completely different. He more intuitively and more naturally appreciates her love, her nakedness and her for who she. He doesn’t need cuckolding in order to appreciate those things, because that added portion of having sex with her doesn’t blind him, like it did for me. He has that ability to appreciate her just as much outside of sex, as he engaged in sex. And because of that, he gets to fully experience her in all that she truly is. Their mental, emotional and physical bond is much deeper and more natural. And because of all these things, when they engage in sex, it is love making – deep, pure, authentic and passionate love making – and not just sex.

          • Anonymous
              Post count: 17

              I feel very blessed to have witnessed what I have so far in our journey— her deep emotional love for him, and their engaging of pure love making. It has been eye-opening and amazing. And it has only been short of a year. I look forward to the days, weeks, months and years to come. I truly hope to see her love for him blossom far more than it already has. And to be able to see and witness her glow with true radiant joy as her love and passion reaches its highest heights with him. I imagine that her love for him is boundless.

            • Anonymous
                Post count: 17

                And even though they do have that unbounded emotional bond, he is still not someone who she would consider marrying. And he has even admitted that he is not the marrying, or husband type. And that’s where I come into play. I offer that stability and husband reliability. I am her friend and someone who she can turn to someone who is there for her, supports her, and accomplishes those mundane tasks that are found only in marital relationships. In a marriage, there are those stressors, and I think those stressors are what cause that emotional blockade between husband and wife sometimes. And when that happens, cuckolding is a great way to go around those barricades. The woman is able to have that complete fulfillment emotionally with another man. While still being able to have the fulfillment of a marriage.

              • Anonymous
                  Post count: 17

                  There are men who are meant to be husband’s, but not meant to be lovers. And then there are men who are meant to be lovers but not husband’s. And then, there are men who can and do accomplish both. And the men who can accomplish both, or the men who have a normal marriage. But for those of us who do not have a normal marriage, our wives seek that emotional bond somewhere else.

                • Anonymous
                    Post count: 17

                    The last 3 weeks, my fiancé has been spending longer weekend with her bf. It used to be that she would go to his house after work on Friday and stay until Late Saturday, or early Sunday. She is now staying until Monday, and then leaves for work from his place, and then comes back home after work. And if you have read any of my other posts, you know that her bf comes over on Monday’s and stays the night with her at our place. And I do love the time they are spending together, but I have recently learned that that may not be the best thing to continue practicing, in regard to her spending so much time away during the weekend with him. So, we all three will certainly have to talk more about it, on Monday.

                  • Anonymous
                      Post count: 17
                    • Anonymous
                        Post count: 2

                        I think your journey so far with your fiance has been beautiful. And your perspective of everything and your understanding of it all is absolutely amazing.

                        Not too many cuckold accept the facts of what all is involved in a cuckold relationship. But you not only accept them, but your view and expression of them is quite impressive.

                        I admire your use of the word “blessed”. I think it is so great of you to consider yourself blessed being able to watch your fiance Express herself and ways with her boyfriend that she is never expressed with you. And, I’m sure that was probably hard for you to admit. Which is understandable. However, because you have admitted it, it has allowed you to see things differently, just as you have described.

                        And, I think you are right. I think a lot of cuckold husband’s took their wife, or significant other for granted and oftentimes the beauty of a cuckold relationship is the fact that the husband does get to see his wife open up mentally, emotionally and physically with another man, in ways that she never did with her husband.

                        That’s the beauty of cuckolding

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