Home discussion Looking For Someone Couples Seeking Men Need a man to connect emotionally with my wife

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    • #41005

        My wife and I have been active in the Hotwife lifestyle but she hasn’t had any interest in sometime. She has told me that she only would consider exploring this lifestyle again if she had an emotional connection with man and that it could lead to a sexual relationship with a new man. I so want her to have this and I’m hoping for a more cuckold style then the Hotwife lifestyle we had before. If you’re interested in this please reply

      • #41006

          Good evening Eric. I have been open to meaningful emotional connections with every married woman I’ve ever had, and in my experience that deepens the sex too. When we are real people to each other, not just body parts, it’s so much more for me, and I believe for her too.
          Your profile says you’re in California, and that familiar picture of harbor cranes gives me hope that you are in Oakland as I am.

          • #41018

              Thank you for commenting we don’t live to far from there. It’s exciting to think about her have a lover so close

              • #41019

                  It will be even more exciting when it happens. Get in touch directly and we shall pursue it.

            • #41008
              Sonny Alleyes

                Have shared my wife for 18 years now working on her 5th long-term relationship. He has to be happily married with insufficient sex at home. It always develops into a close intimate relationship as they enjoy each other.

                • #41016

                    I hope that someday I can say the same. The thought of my wife having a deep connection is so exciting yet scary at the same time.

                • #41015

                    I at least once or twice a month. I join married couples. I’m fucking his married wife. Her Husband is watching us. (if). If the husband is bisexual . I’m fucking her husband. his wife is watching us.

                    where do you live.

                    • #41017

                        That would be my ultimate fantasy.

                      • #41031
                        Cathy & Jerry

                          “Makelove074” One of my wife’s previous lovers was much like you. He made love to her quite often but was also doing the same with me at least twice a week, we moved away several years ago, I sure miss him.

                      • #41021

                          You can contact me. My mail address. makelovetolga@gmail.com

                        • #41111

                            I don’t check here that often but you look to be in my area. All my connections have been emotional and I really enjoy those.
                            Feel free to reach out if you think we are a match – more details in my profile

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