Truth Detector: Repurposed
Under the hood, so to speak, cuckolding is a process that returns us to our core instincts and needs by letting go of the false paradigm that religion (mostly) forces on us as a society.
A pillar of that process is the repurposing of the Truth Detector.
This article is an extension of my original post, Truth Detector.
The role and purpose of a cuckold’s penis is to be erect.
It seems an obvious statement, but when I say its role is to be erect – that’s really the only active role it should have. It should be easily erect and frequently erect because if it’s not, then it’s being used in ways that undermine direct support of her dating.
Might it be sometimes used for intercourse? Perhaps, but even if still allowed that, such activity is not its true purpose and allowing its use undermines the cuckold’s retraining – especially when a wife is actively dating.
Am I advocating for cuckolds to be sex-free? I suppose I am.
Safe to say this wife gets far more mental and emotional pleasure from the use of his Truth Detector as a leash than she ever did letting him use it without having really earned a place inside her.
And does a husband really have any better option to prove to his wife that he has evolved beyond the jealous, self-centered mindset of the traditional, husband role than being erect for her knowing it will not be invited inside her? I think not.
In the image above, this husband isn’t just erect despite the inclusion of her boyfriend or because she’s handling his (smaller) erection – it’s erect because of the changed role of his penis and perhaps more importantly – the changed role his wife now has.
Her role – as girlfriend to her boyfriend – is only possible when her husband fully embraces an evolved role in the marriage and understands that his penis will only interfere if he puts his interests first.
For couples more casually involved in cuckolding who have yet to find that male they can commit to together, this my be a Rubicon they haven’t yet crossed but even then, focus on the role of the cuckold’s penis outside of intercourse should be a focus. Especially if he can’t properly fuck his wife to orgasm.
The process of retraining a cuckold’s penis is really about retraining the cuckold’s perceptions and assumptions that simply being a husband and just being erect should somehow entitle him to coupling.
Being invited inside her is meant to be earned, not taken for granted.
The appropriate and most meaningful purpose is supporting the wife and the second male invited into the marriage to be the third leg of the marital stool.
How does a cuckold’s penis support their relationship and their intimacy?
By being erect, of course.
- an erection cannot lie
- an erection physically communicates support
- an erection physically communicates enjoyment
- an erection ensures attentiveness
- an erection communicates a wife-first mentality
This retraining can’t happen while allowing the cuckold to use his penis as it was before she began dating, before she could appreciate what she was missing – what their marriage was missing.
Retraining the cuckold penis inevitably involves denial, outercourse, and chastity. These elements not only reinforce the retraining and enforce discipline when self-discipline is lacking but create a range of intimacy replacements for the evolved Truth Detector.
Enforced Chastity
Caging a cuckold when he lacks self-discipline can be valuable but the cuckold should always have opportunities for extended erections when closely managed. Extended periods of restraint should be specific to an event, like a weekend away with her boyfriend. Or when a cuckold is caught red-handed failing his self-discipline or caught indirectly because her handling doesn’t result in the erection she should expect.
Empowerment is such an important factor for most women who have been denied it and few things do that as well as full control of her husband’s Truth Detector.