Get Your Gear!
JT’s Stockroom Comes To Cuckold Marriage
As long-time members know, I never want this site – or our community – to be about money. When a site is commercialized, all objectivity goes out the window and decisions become focused on what generates revenue instead of what’s real, what’s important and what we, in the community, are interested in. For this reason, the site will always remain free. I do, however, have costs to maintain this site and would be very pleased to recoup those at least partially.
To that end I have created an affiliate relationship with a very well known and respected online retailer of adult products & gear, JT’s Stockroom, to offer more direct access to the items that are an intimate part of the cuckolding / BDSM / Femdom lifestyle.
Over the next few months I will consider other resources as well, including affiliates for our overseas members (UK, in particular). Also expect to see new articles discussing gear and its uses within the lifestyle with direct links to items for consideration in your play.
Help support the community here by making your cuckold lifestyle gear purchases through Cuckold Marriage and help me help us all!
If you have concerns or problems ordering, please contact me.