Home discussion Lifestyle Discussions True Experiences EXPERIMENT: PT. 10

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    • #33429

        Wife has been staying with her bf since she got pregnant with him.
        I saw her in December at the end of the first trimester. Was supposed to see her again in March, but due to the stay at home order, she decided to wait until the the due date before I could see her again.

        However, some new things developed over the last couple of weeks, where she was thinking divorce, but decided against it.
        Instead, she is going to suggest that we remain married, but she would like to continue living with her bf, even after the virus is no longer in effect. And them every 2 months or so she will visit and I can watch them 1-2 times a year.

      • #33432

          Get a good lawyer. You have already lost her but she wants to keep a plan b. That is you. But you can’t spend your life waiting for her.

          • #33433

              I understand what you are saying. However, I do want to Wait this out just a little bit. Her boyfriend and I stay in contact regularly oh, and he is trying to rethink some things.

              Trying to see if she will go with staying with him for a month and then with me for a week. And then me watching 1-2 a month.

          • #33435

              My ex wife did the same!
              I was in the same case as you!
              Subsequently, she returned with me but after 3 years she started again with another man and so on.
              I suffered tremendously every time she left me again.
              At the end, I decided to stop this masquerade.

            • #33443

                That’s the number one rule with being a bull. Don’t fall in love with the hotwife! She will want to fall in love with you, especially if she got preg, but a real bull will never reciprocate. Its about being a alpha male. Steer your wives towards a bull you can vet and trust.

                • #33444

                    In my case, it was she alone who had chosen her bull…

                • #33445

                    Sad to say this is taking advantage of you and I hope things work out better for you.

                  • #33446

                      She’s using you. If that’s your kink then enjoy and have fun!

                      • #33448

                          I do not think that this situation amuses him much but rather that it saddens him

                      • #33523

                          I don’t think this is necessarily the whole story – e.g. if the cuck has a very small penis, he must accept and even support his wife in seeking men with a large cock to give her satisfaction sexually. Same with breeding – we cucks with small penises should make sure the wife is impregnated by bulls with a nice big cock, for if it is a boy, he will feel much more complete.

                          • #33525

                              That’s what my ex wife told me!
                              She wanted a bull for two things
                              – the first: for her to have fun and satisfaction sexually.
                              – the second in the case, if the child is a boy, that he is well endowed.

                          • #33617

                              yep, that is the concern with most couples that see me for sperm. They DO NOT want a small cock in their offspring.

                            • #33619

                                Robert – I wish we had thought of such a service years ago

                              • #33634

                                  LOL you still can. I’m not going anywhere… 😉

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