A Loving Violation

The willful and loving violation of traditional marital bonds.

I believe this is an accurate and concise definition of contemporary cuckolding. Like the lifestyle itself, the phrase is somewhat conflicting since we, as a community, promote the understanding that cuckolding is shared between a couple and therefore not cheating and therefore not a violation of marital bonds, but the deeper truth is that it’s the violation of what is traditionally defined as marital bonds that creates meaningful contrast in the experience. Just as a muscle becomes stronger through exercising it (putting it under stress), a cuckold couple builds their marital bonds through the willful and loving exercise of those bonds which outsiders would consider only as violations of their bonds.

x-art_kristen_girl_next_door-2-smlHere we witness, as does her fiance, what would be considered a violation of their emotional bond;
the submissive pleasuring of her boyfriend’s cock in a manner her fiance has never experienced.


Having brought her boyfriend to an erect and mating ready state with her mouth, she welcomes him inside her with their cuckold as witness. The cock is bare, the testicles beneath it heavy with the potential for procreation. This is certainly a violation of the couple’s traditional, physical bond which dictates only her fiance should know the snug grip of her sex.


In just a few weeks, he’ll be the Best Man at their wedding, but tonight, he’s the best man to be inside her.

Over the last couple of years, I’ve seen a pretty sharp increase in the number of early to mid-twenties couples already embracing this lifestyle well before marriage. I’ve always maintained it’s not the piece of paper which matters, but the maturity and commitment exhibited. A couple who can form this level of trust and commitment even before marriage is far more likely to create a sustainable relationship, in my opinion, than those taking a more traditional route.

If you enjoyed the images in this article, consider checking out X-Art.com. These images are part of a shoot entitled “Girl Next Door“. X-Art creates a lot of work which is very subject to interpretation – something I believe is a defining characteristic of any art.