The Urge To Merge
The research referred to was conducted with largely unmarried college women, but marital state isn’t going to change how their hormones and perceptions affect their sexuality. The following is just as true for a married woman as it would be for a single woman if not more so since women usually date the more sexually appealing males before deciding to play it safe and settle down with a reliable one.
Women who settle down with a stable guy instead of a sexy one might subconsciously struggle with that decision during their most fertile window of the month, a new study suggests.
Just before ovulating, women with a more reliable long-term partner are more likely to have negative feelings about their beau than those paired with more sexually desirable men, the researchers found.
“A woman evaluates her relationship differently at different times in her cycle, and her evaluation seems to be colored by how sexually attractive she perceives her partner to be,” researcher Martie Haselton, a professor of psychology and communication studies at UCLA, said in a statement.
Partner Plus Mate
This need for a woman to find a more sexually appealing mate during ovulation makes perfect sense when you consider that while in our natural sociological order, there is no expectation of monogamy – each male within a social group is on his own to try and impress a female to the point of being invited to mate with her. The higher his social rank in the group, the more likely he is to mate with his choice of females. The higher her sex appeal, the more choices she has with regard to mate choices.
The study — which will be detailed in the November issue of the journal Hormones and Behavior — is the latest of many that have found a woman’s fertile phase can cause subtle changes in her behavior. One suggested that ovulating women have more sexual fantasies
, and another found they are more likely to prefer masculine guys
when most fertile. A 2011 study even suggested that women are more likely to see Georgia O’Keeffe paintings
as erotic during this fertile window. Oh yeah, and fertile gals spot snakes faster
than women at other times of the menstrual cycle.
None of this should really be news to anyone who has been around here for any length of time and read my Biology of Cuckolding article. I’ve been explaining this human biological/sociological norm for many years now and helping couples to understand that her role as a hotwife and his as a cuckold is actually more normal for us, biologically, than what we’ve been told is normal all our lives.
The behavior of mating with more than one male within a social group is quite common among mammals and helps ensure all males will defend all offspring not knowing which they may have fathered. As much as we humans try to hold ourselves apart from the Animal Kingdom, we are nonetheless just as much a part of it as the lowest invertebrate.
Is it normal that I get hard when my wife tells me that she needs more than one sexual partner and when I read this on your website as well? Or am I nuts? It scares me but I think my body is telling me that I should be cuckolded.
I get hard when my wife tells me she is ‘popping out to visit Uncle Alan’……he’s an older man, living nearby, who uses her for sex. He has been poking her since her late teens (she is now 32), long before I knew her. She says she loves me and not him, and that although she enjoys the sex with me – making love; with him it’s more basic and dirty…..they FUCK. She doesn’t allow me to watch – if I’m home she visits him and if I’m at work she will take him into our bed. She says he has a big cock, long & thick, and that he can be quite forceful while he is up inside her, which results in her having several orgasms each session. When she is back with me she teases me about how good the sex was and although I know I should stop their meetings, I can’t help but get excited.
beautiful. Why stop it when all are enjoying it?
Thank you Luvr for sharing that article with us.
I think the more these type of articles funnel themselves into mainstream media, the more accepting and understanding cuckolding will become in society.
Ovulation alone, is a miracle of nature. To think that, on a monthly basis, a woman’s body creates an egg which is released and waits for fertilisation.
Our society has been indoctorinated that her womb is the property of the marriage.
Cuckoldry challenges that and empowers women allows her to satisfy those needs according to her cycle and also to choose who she will share her eggs with.
On a more practical basis, the couple can choose which male will produce the healthiest and strongest offspring without threatening the stability of their household and marriage.
Articles like this one helps us redefine marriage. Rather than defining marriage on the grounds of sexual monogamy, marriage is based around a the biological nature of building a close, loving and caring family unit, irrespective of which male provides their marriage with sperm.
Going hand in hand, the definition of a husband will change as well.
Rather than taking for granted that a husband will produce children with his wife, a cuckold husband can be redefined as non reproductive life partners raising children with his wife, whatever suits their marriage.
My wife Emma and I approach cuckoldry in a responsible fashion. She is currently on birth control but if her sexual activity outside of our marriage happens to produces children, then I will take care of them as if they were my own.
I am not saying that it won’t be challenging. I am saying that this lifestyle will have always have the risk of producing children that aren’t mine, especially when she becomes more active around her fertile periods. I am saying that I will raise any children my wife produces and will provide a loving and caring household for us. This is marriage to me.
This is such a sensible arrangement, if only it could be more openly appreciated. My wife has had a child by her lover within our marriage and this seems completely natural to me. She mated with her alpha male but I am the supportive husband.
Not only does this make good biological sense but it was and continues to be incredibly sexually and emotionally satisfying to all three of us which provides the loving stable base a family needs but so many lack.
In our case, there was a three month delay, between Ann’s first contact with the Bull to the time of their first date. The possibility of intercourse occurring on this date had to be addressed; she was 36 and still having regular enough periods, but at the Bull’s recommendation she had come off the pill and was insistent on my wearing a condom for our lovemaking. His reasoning for this being that the oral pill had adverse medical side effects, but obviously he was starting to have some influence and control on the marriage already.
It is interesting however that Ann quickly adapted to the interruption in our foreplay to illuminate the bedroom, remove the durex packet from her bedside lingerie drawer and deftly roll the rubber onto my rigid penis before she allowed me to penetrate her.
I have wondered since if her latent biological reproductive system was already responding to the prospect of an extramarital insemination?