This wife can easily feel the need both her males are feeling for her, but only one really measures up.
Size matters and so do words.
I teach wives and cuckolds to refer to a cuckold’s organ as a penis rather than a cock. I do this first to mentally reinforce the cuckold’s status, but second, to provide a simple contrast in terminology.
Can this wife ever hold these two erections in her hand and consider them to be more or less the same thing? I think not. So why would she refer to them using the same term?
Cuckold couples should take care to apply the correct term for male sex organs based on roles. A cuckold’s organ, even if larger in size, should still be referred to as a ‘penis’ so the term ‘cock’ can be reserved for those male sex organs belonging to men with full potential to pleasure the wife.
Once this becomes habit for a couple, phrases spoken by the wife such as “I really need some cock,” won’t be misunderstood by the cuckold as meaning his penis is in demand.
I totally agree. Also, ‘Cock’ just sounds like such a masculine word and a cuckold is clearly not ‘The Man’ in the relationship while ‘penis’ sounds like that of a little boy’s which is what many cucks’ penises look like.
I think this is very sexy. Its a simple way to let the cuck know he’s just not on the same level.
Words are so important to emphasise who is the real man and who is the loser, cock is an active description of the Lover’s tool , the retired dick of the cuck can be dismissed as a willie or boytoy. The Lover has a tool because he can do something with it, the cuckold can’t
I think it’s important to note that the cuckold is NOT a loser. The cuckold has offered his wife to me, he has offered me a role in his marriage and given up his place inside her to me. None of these are easy. Are they rewarding in other ways, sure, but to step aside for the woman they love does not make them a loser.
I stand corrected.I totally agree with Luvr, I meant to say that the cuck was a loser sexually, he is losing his wife to a superior male, gaining in other ways I’m sure.
My wife considers my penis my “little man.” Yet she considers her boyfriend’s cock a cock! His cock is black, very thick and very long. I would never consider my 4″ erect penis a cock. That would not be right. Considering a large cock just a penis would be just as wrong.
I appreciate other mens cocks. I admire them. I yearn to see them inside of my wife. A woman’s pussy deserves and was designed for cock, not penises. A penis is used for urination, not sex. And even if you are well sized, being a husband does not give you the right to have sex with your wife. It gives you the right to have a wife who enjoys other men, for pleasure’s sake.
If you are a husband and you are well sized, yet have no idea how to use what you have, then your big penis is just that . . . a big penis. A man who has a cock is strong, secure, aggressive and knows how to use what he has.
That is the kind of man a wife wants in her bed. And if a husband loves his wife, he will make sure she gets what she wants and needs. He will make sure she gets cock often and regularly. He will also make sure that his wife doesn’t have to endure sex with his penis that was never meant for sex in the first place.
I m in complete agreement with this logic. It will misleading if I claim that I have a COCK. what i have is only a 3″ penis, whicj i use it fot prring