Welcome Back!
Long-time CMINFO residents jeany and jeff, formerly known here as jerseyhottie and jerseyboy – are back and more active than ever!
As sometimes happens, they took a break for a bit to sort out real-life issues not directly related with this lifestyle and now that those issues are resolved along with having retired early, game on!
Jeff tells me that jeany is eager to ramp up again and find herself a steady, reliable source of cock to cuckold her husband with! To that end she met a new guy (pic above) and though the evening was enjoyable, I’m told he’s not the right guy to become her next boyfriend.
That’s good news for all the bulls in north Jersey, eh?

Hard to argue with that, right? Let me take you back to some classics from jeany and her boy (2014):
It doesn’t get much more iconic and real than this.
This is the ideal that active cuckold couples – and their bulls should aspire to.
so happy to see this couple back!
amazing, jeff and jeany seem a great couple with much love in their interaction, jeany looks very gorgeous and enjoying the moment , kudos to both of you! hope one day life paths could cross 😉 in the meantime enjoy !
If you could print out a real live hotwife from a 3D printer, Jeany would be the manufacturing specification. What a sexy lady!
This is awesome news!! Happy your back and looking forward to all her sexy escapes.
I suggest wearing panties to any cuck, the feeling is intense and reassuring for all the reasons stated by the Cuckoldress.
Just love that video ! Especially when she kisses hubby as she rides her bull and lays back to let her cuck eat her pussy as she is fucked. Incredible !!!!
she looks amazing
Thank you all for the nice comments! 🙂
Is that you in the article..
I’d certainly be happy to be invited! Gorgeous woman, and a lucky cuckold husband as well..
Just a stunning lady
Luvr is absolutely correct, this is indeed the “ideal situation.” Jeany is obviously a very attractive woman with a beautiful body and a tight bottom, but that moan is just purrrfect!! I think my favorite part of this video is when jeff came over to taste her eager little pussy as she was riding her lover. Their kiss was a true expression of love and I have no doubt that this couple is in it for the long haul. I am not sure I am close enough to be their longterm ideal boyfriend, but I do make it to the Jersey area every few months and wouldn’t mind taking this precious Lady for a ride. Well shared jeff and thanks for posting Luvr!!
wow…love the video and definitely would want to get to know Jeany. New to this site but not to the bull role. In central NJ but in NYC quite often for work. Where can we chat? meet up? Rick (randyw2223)
hope you load all her other videos back up as well.
I am wondering what happened with this couple. They were gone for some time and then announced their comeback here but seem to have gone again.
I hope they are alright and doing well.
An update would be great even if just to say they are fine just no longer active.